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  1. G.Freeman

    Students took trip to Valve

    Rock our socks off! Oh yeah :cheers:
  2. G.Freeman

    Tribes and Tribes 2 Free!!!!!!!!!!111!!1eleven

    Was 30 mins then it went up to 45, then 59mins, cancelled, will dl in a few days when the hype has died down.
  3. G.Freeman

    Tribes and Tribes 2 Free!!!!!!!!!!111!!1eleven

    Tribes 2 looks a lot like the new Onslaught mode in UT2004, is it?
  4. G.Freeman

    Tribes and Tribes 2 Free!!!!!!!!!!111!!1eleven

    Tribes 1 Or Tribes 2????
  5. G.Freeman

    Tribes and Tribes 2 Free!!!!!!!!!!111!!1eleven

    Very nice on toast
  6. G.Freeman

    GSC listen to fans = ironsights in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    Never would have guessed. But you can't compare them anyway: Doom 3 - shoot till you drop HL2 - shoot some more with great adventure storyline STALKER - sneak about, shooting with role play elements
  7. G.Freeman

    GSC listen to fans = ironsights in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    They had iron sights in Call of Duty but I never used them as it cut off alot of peripheral vision and felt too cramped. Although it might work in STALKER due to the slower more sneaky gameplay. Also the proning postion was going to be left out, can you believe it, but they listened to the...
  8. G.Freeman

    I really need to get this out of my system, and I think I speak for a lot of us...

    I went out tonight and approached some hot chicks. My opening line was "Half-life 2! tell me you feel it baby!" Unfortunately all they could do was kick me in the face, so I had to come home. I've just finished biting my fist off. Need HL2 quite soon. BYE Disclaimer: Pissed out of my skull.
  9. G.Freeman

    Do 56k players really lag servers?

    Now thats just bad, you, YOU BIG BULLY!!!!!11 I'll used to be a regular 56ker on RTCW, ET and DOD and I was always in the 1/3 of the fraggers, sometimes, in the words of UT, DOMINATING!!1, so there :dork: Now I have Broadband and DOMINATE x 1000000
  10. G.Freeman

    PSU help - very much appreciated

    You might need a more powerful psu. Put your specs into this
  11. G.Freeman

    what the combine is shooting?

    Could this be an explanation behind that shot? Just a guess and judging by 2 of the latest screenshots POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING
  12. G.Freeman

    The name 'Gordon Freeman', hmmmm

    Just say no!
  13. G.Freeman

    Outdoor areas and atmosphere. And cheese on toast.

    Suspect it will be the same with HL2 - roadblocks and collapsed buildings.
  14. G.Freeman

    new zombie pic

    After reading that Pczone article last night I dreamt I was messing about on the playground in City17 and the combine started walking over but instead of giving me trouble two of them got on the seesaws and a few more got out a skipping rope and started skipping and singing. Surreal :laugh:
  15. G.Freeman

    S.t.a.l.k.e.r.:soc Information

    I think I'm looking forward to STALKER even more than HL2, if thats at all possible.
  16. G.Freeman

    Steam subscription service will be having things like levels showing off Alyx's backs

    I dont mind paying for the extra content but I just don't want to subscribe to steam. :(
  17. G.Freeman

    Magazine coverage of HL2

    They look like genuine game shots but without the lighting or any special effects. Maybe thats how it will look on the minimum specs?? :x
  18. G.Freeman

    HL2 Release on DVD?

    Thats insane. So the people who love HL2 the most ie the people who want all the goodies of the SE will have to wait??? That can't happen. Noooooooooooooooo!!!!
  19. G.Freeman

    Pcgameplay (Benelux magazine)

    Nice avatar faust :laugh:
  20. G.Freeman

    No More Room In Hell

    Nice, some more gun renders. Do any of these mods have anything more than gun renders to show?