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  1. Morganhahaha

    Weekly Steam News (17/06/05)

    I highly doubt that out of the 200+ mods out there that not a single one is submitting news to the site :P Besides, theres likely some non-modification related shit going on. I won't know though, I'm here on this site to find out whats going on in the HL2 world, which brings us back to waiting...
  2. Morganhahaha

    Weekly Steam News (17/06/05)

    So much for their "delivering more news faster!" That lasted a whole what, 2 weeks? :hmph: Its not like there isn't any news either, theres always Mod news they could post about.... But its probably some sort of a technical problem on the forums (hopefully) I don't think they'd all stop...
  3. Morganhahaha


    Oh yeah, and if possible, write them out in some sort of document program like MS Works or MS Wordpad or something and save it in a .ZIP along with the cyrillic font please, THANKS!
  4. Morganhahaha


    Wow. Just wow. Anyways, cool. We're going to need a few basic things written out in Cyrillic, mainly military related phrases and words. In addition, a few common russian names would also be good. We're gonna need a few words such as these: Soldier Armor Piercing Anti Personel...
  5. Morganhahaha


    No one? damn
  6. Morganhahaha

    Weekly Steam News (17/06/05)

    new frontpage news plz :(
  7. Morganhahaha


    Anyone here read and write cyrillic very well? I need help with a few things for my mod, I'd like our soviets to have actual soviet writing on their equipment and such.
  8. Morganhahaha

    Eclipse Download

    Very nicely done, could use more spells abilities and monsters, but yeah, it was a project for a school, A ****ING PLUS! :D If they added more monsters, abilities, and maybe co-op they could probably go retail
  9. Morganhahaha

    Live Action City 17 Video Released

    Very nicely done, good work whoever you are :D
  10. Morganhahaha

    Told ya' so...!

    Oh wow, lets be overly critical of people devoting their time and hard work towards making a free game that you can at least wait til you've played to say you don't like it. I guess if you really have nothing else to do, go for it, no one can stop you. Thats power :P Go outside...
  11. Morganhahaha

    D.E.A.D. Mega Update

    Not bad, I like the blood trail leading into the toilet... when you gotta go, you gotta go! Good work on the props too. Poster could use a little work, I'll make you some fake movie posters if you want. I'm handy at parody stuff in photoshop :P
  12. Morganhahaha

    Old English Malt Liquor in 40 ounce bottle

    Its cool that we can all speak a semi-universal langauge here :P May out livers cry out in UNITY! So super strength lager is malt liquor? Here in the US theres all sorts, the popular ones are basically Colt 45, Old English 800, St. Ides (never had that but I hear its very strong, 8.0%)...
  13. Morganhahaha

    Old English Malt Liquor in 40 ounce bottle

    Well the most they could do since its a free mod is give me a cease and desist to stop using their logo and shit, and if that happens I'll do that and design my own, but in the meantime I'll use their logo :P Anyone got the label and cap? (Please no more posts about legality, but i appreciate...
  14. Morganhahaha

    Old English Malt Liquor in 40 ounce bottle

    Anyone here drink Old English malt liquor? If you could scan the label and the top of the cap of a 40 ounce bottle I'd appreciate it, need it for my mod. I'd go out and buy one but I've got noooo money and I gotta do a lot of driving later, so I'm stayin sober :P Thanks, hope someone else out...
  15. Morganhahaha

    Happy Birthday Cold War: Melting Point!

    Woot happy birthday Still no release though?
  16. Morganhahaha

    Boones End News

    Nice work, and jessica's hawttt :P Keep it up. Monster looks great, maps look detailed, but not over the top. Can't wait to play!
  17. Morganhahaha

    The Storm of Steel Update

    world wars :( make different mods :(
  18. Morganhahaha

    Troy: Divine Playground Update

    Coooooooool :D Keep it up!
  19. Morganhahaha

    Valandil Update

    yeah, damn shame :P
  20. Morganhahaha

    Dystopia Dev LAN Wrap Up, Wallpapers & Screenshot

    street samuri looks awesome, keep up the great work guys!