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  1. C

    importing models from sketchup

    shit, all our stuff is in metric at the moment. thanks for the info, possibly screen shots coming soon.
  2. C

    importing models from sketchup

    hey, quick question. Me and a few friends have been making some pretty complex city models in sketchup, just for fun really, and we want to walk around in them/interract with them in a game environment. can the models be imported into the hammer editor and used there?
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    Ninja Balde mod seeks concept artist.

    actual, honest samauri-ninja combat? because that involves almost NO combat if its done correctly. think more along the lines of the splinter cell: pandora tomorrow multiplayer mode: very intense, but very little shooting going on (at least in the games i've played).
  4. C

    Do you think this guy is hacking? (Demo Inside)

    see, this is the kind of shit that kept me from playing cs. that and the fact that the guns are unrealistic in every way (they're left-hand versions when held in the right hand, etc... wtf!)
  5. C

    What to do about a crack.

    i wasn't kidding with my suggestion. give me his address, i'll.... convince... him.
  6. C

    So, what are your guys hobbies?

    breaking things then putting them back together (i've redone the electronics for our home sprinkler several times now, it works but i think we'd be sued if we had a guy in to repair it), theoretical firearms design, shooting, combat training (going to iraq! woo hoo!), computer games...
  7. C

    What to do about a crack.

    how about "i'll send choscura after you if you don't fix this right now". i'm a somewhat loony gun nut, against cracking, and incidentally i've seen the cracking rate drop among my friends. :)
  8. C

    manadtory boot camp

    for my two cents, i think this would be a very god idea: it would give people psychological stability from knowing that they've done stuff infinitely more challenging than what they're doing right now. also, firearms are something that i'll always be in favor of people knowing how to use, or...
  9. C

    blue shift 2?

    what if i got it right and was doing the same thing they were doing? i honestly don't care enough to seriously consider it any more, but i think the speculation is interesting.
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    What's with all of this recent Far Cry ressurected VS HL2?

    oh god. please spare us all the fanboy vs fanboy shit. we DON'T NEED IT. just for my two cents, i think the cryengine does a much better job of rendering distances than the source engine does: that alone is a major accomplishment. it also seems like there are physical rules to the water...
  11. C

    utf new assault rifle/pistol critique

    all i'm trying to do is help a bit. i can only speak for myself on this, but i prefer realism and plausability to the 'duh duh duh, its the future, nobody uses that anymore, duh duh duh' explanation. if you've got a way of explaining it (magnets instead of springs on the pistol, for example: i...
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    Moral Values Debate

    when you stop and think about this, it makes quite a bit of sense. we athiests have no reason nor any desire to see religion as anything but a tool. practitioners and believers of religion, however, often bristle at this notion because they tend to idealize everything. at the extremes of these...
  13. C

    The U.S must stop suporting Israel

    i think this discussion doesn't bear much weight: israel is a country now, like it or not. they're also the ONLY middle eastern country loyal to the west in any way shape or form. also, they've proven their ability to do what they want in spite of everyone else, simply through sheer...
  14. C

    How far away are we from "squeeze" physics?

    this isn't that far away. i'd give it about five years before we start to see any of it, however.
  15. C

    utf new assault rifle/pistol critique

    as something of a gun nut, i couldn't help but kind of chuckle as i looked at the new utf assault rifle: don't get me wrong, it looks damn sexy (in the same way that i find a barett m-82 a fine looking lady), but theres several stupid mistakes on it (hopefully whoever modelled this gun will read...
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    Community Service

    in an ideal world, community service would be something involving finding an educational faculty thats not completely full of shit. you'd be doing a service to the community by keeping their kids from going to school to get dumber.
  17. C

    Jack Daniels

    i can attest to the fact that its possible to drain that much VOLUME all at once. alcohol? thats another story. ask her if she was drunk when she started, and if she was, ask her how sure she is that someobdy didn't piss in the bottle and give it to her?
  18. C

    99% proof of extraterrestrial life.

    i'd like to take the liberty of pointing out a glaring error in the logic that spawned this thread. if this conference was in may of 2001, why would it get little coverage because of something that was going to happen four months later?
  19. C

    Making solid colored paint texture?

    two things: one, if it looks ugly in real life (burgandy, for example) it will stand out more in game. two, get some good pictures of the area you want to texture from with as high quality of a camera as you can get your hands on, bring it in to photoshop on a computer with a color-calibrated...
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    as much as we hate hackers and alike, they are our only hope for...

    there is one key feature that you're forgetting: these systems are only as good as the people monitoring them. as long as you fly under their radar, you should be fine: announcing conspiracy theories about hacking being our salvation is NOT flying under that radar. accusing them of trying to...