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  1. S

    Don't know about you, but the climate is getting fu...d up!

    Linking to an earlier post, we are due another ice age, anyone know what effect global warming would have on it if or when it came?
  2. S

    Stupidity Personified

    People like that don't deserve to have the rights to sue.
  3. S

    The flagship HL2 Expansion Poll

    Barney during the uprising while Gordon and Alyx are being teleported.
  4. S

    Japanese Moon base

    Well, anime has always been Japan's medium for portraying their future plans.
  5. S

    IQ Tests

    Bah I did the test then it has to e-mail you the results - I can't access my hotmail and that's the only one I'll use for stuff like this.
  6. S

    Weird death landings...

    Knocking myself through the ground of Overwatch and floating down is one of my more proud deaths.
  7. S

    Weird questions....

    People drive slow in the fast lane to annoy you, CptStern.
  8. S

    If you could invent anything what would it be?

    I'd invent a machine to turn a pot noodle into something edible and healthy. Like asbestos.
  9. S

    need help water damage

    Why would people ditch it though?
  10. S

    Not enuff ammo for striders- follow frman

    This at the museum thingie outside where the rebels are shooting striders (after the bit with the floor turrets you throw grenades down). You have to go through a little tunnel between 2 large blast holes to get to the street, they're by the wall where the rubble falls down when you first try to...
  11. S

    Why can't the grav gun grab a proper toilet?

    Argh I thought I'd seen the last of those on the continent! I killed someone with a sink today, it bounced off the floor and killed him but it counted as him committing suicide. Also, if you fire an object as close to vertical as you can then run forward and get hit and die, you sink through...
  12. S

    Half Life 2 Machinima (Red vs Blue type Movie)

    I can make random and pointless comments. ;)
  13. S

    HL2 difficulty mod

    Is it just me or does the game get harder the more times you complete it despite being on the same difficultly setting?
  14. S

    Why can't the grav gun grab a proper toilet?

    Not the urinals, proper sit-down toilets :P
  15. S

    Why can't the grav gun grab a proper toilet?

    The ones I've tried to grab wouldn't though... where are these grabbable ones?
  16. S

    Why can't the grav gun grab a proper toilet?

    It's driving me insane, the grav gun should be able to pick up proper toilets not just urinals, why can't it? Argh! Damn you VALVe!
  17. S

    Stuck In Dark Energy

    Just get to the top where the portal opens and gunships come out, then grab the energy balls up there and shoot the gunships, then shoot the bit at the bottom of the massive portal where metal shields will appear, break off when you hit them then you shoot where the were and your done.
  18. S

    What would be Your favourite Way to die?

    Working for a super-villain as an anonymous henchman.
  19. S

    whats your favourate quote/s?

    "I'm pissed of course I'm making toast"
  20. S

    How to start internet game instead of LAN game?

    Oh. It wasn't highlighted and I'm lazy, leave me alone!