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  1. C

    Easter Eggs

    im not sure if its an easter egg or not, but... at one point in the game Barney Yells "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!!", when assaulted by a group of combine soldiers.... i swear they are paying homage to the Mac game "marathon", where you had generic allies called "bobs", that seem to be the...
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    Analyzing in game grafitti

    where did valve get the image that says "resist"? i have actually seen something VERY similar spraypainted around where i live.
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    i also JUST finished hl2.... all i can say about the game is.... WHAT A TEASE! it WAS too short...
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    stuck in "sand trap"

    yeah, but i wanted to bring the buggy....
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    stuck in "sand trap"

    i managed to build a very crude ramp and blasted my buggy over the gate. this game ROCKS.
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    stuck in "sand trap"

    i was wondering what those battery like things i catapulted into the distance where...
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    stuck in "sand trap"

    i am too dumb to figure out how to open the large gate, blocking the road to a tunnel. it looks like it is made from scap.
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    Some things from 'Raising the bar' to read (spoiler alert)

    the certainly did make the game somewhat more dull than it could have been.
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    Would you consider this piracy?

    nope, downloading a back up copy of software you own the rights to is not illegal.
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    The guy in the suit in HL1....originally meant to be the Administrator?

    i think the G-man was originally supposed to be the Admin, at least when the model was made. why does he have the Black mesa logo on his brief case? If he worked for the goverment, but wasnt actually employed at Black mesa, that wouldnt make sense. i think that Valve simply didnt plan...
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    *Bigass Spoiler* Super Soldier?

    that was supposed to be the Combine "Guard", actually.
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    Sniper Rifle

    they removed some really cool things from this game...
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    Holy shit! Gman is an alien! (PICS!!)

    They Live!
  14. C

    The truth about Biozeminades

    they certainly where in the leak. but we cant talk about that, now can we? :naughty:
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    Resistance Weapon Theory.

    can somebody direct me to a pic of the new crossbow?
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    What is, or whats happened to this guy?

    looks badly burned, or decomposed.
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    Half Life 2 multiplayer - Was it always CSS?

    i am dissapointed there is no hldm. i do think it has everything to do with the manipulator.
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    Favourite character model evolution?

    g-man model is awesome. what the HELL is up with his pupils?
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    Changes in Vampires. (trailer)

    wow, vampires have big titties. am i allowed to say titties?