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  1. G

    How do i report a friend?

    Nice one ! Do you really compare someone warezing a game with someone killing ppl ? Or was it just a joke ? Well that would make sense if companies sold their products fixing their price accordingly to the cost of R&D, manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. But the price is fixed...
  2. G

    ADs in the post themselves???

    Well I don’t really like the “intelli text” (or what ever its name is), but I can understand that the site has maintenance costs that –considering the amount of users that daily log and post- I imagine are high. So I can live with it as I’m not paying anything for the site and I’m free to go...
  3. G

    Ironic Mod Idea

    You have it all wrong. Civilians should be Ts and Combine CTs (tactical forces) :P
  4. G

    Ravenholm Frights *minor spoiler*

    That’s it ! I’m sueing Valve for years taken off my life cause of Ravenholm lvl ! :flame: Oh and a liitle quote from the review of HL2 at THG (I hate that site but the review is ok) -- Xcuse my english
  5. G

    HL2 multiplayer???

    How many post about this must we read ? Enough already !
  6. G

    Why is no one talking about this?

    Define “ENOUGH” … Bah would be sweet to unlock it today and give us the weekend to play. What’s with releasing it Tuesday anyway. That’s lame imo.
  7. G

    Way to verify shipping details on Gold edition?

    Phone them ? That’s a very looooong distance call (I’m from Greece):P. Never mind that I just got a phone call from home saying my package has arrived and it waits for me :D
  8. G

    Forgive me please

    Wow ! Strangest post I’ve seen ever … Ehem, Ok child thou art forgiven… Say Hail Marry Mother of God 20 times and be gone :P
  9. G

    Way to verify shipping details on Gold edition?

    How did u cntact them ? By email ? At what address ?
  10. G

    Bots - CS Source

    Thats right ... U played on a server with the one and only E M P O R I O warrez version ... :O
  11. G

    Over the Counter Strike: new Machinima

    LOL Very nice dudes :) Keep up the good work
  12. G

    Spray Help...

    Hmmm and in this .tga the shadow fades from black to alpha ? or from black to white ? I cant test it right now (@ work) but by looking at alpha channel I see that the shadow is all white. That means full visible, right ? So the shadow would actually fade to white. I made one that I think...
  13. G

    Half Life 2 pole on g4techtv forums (reason to care inside)

    And why would advertising HL2 be a good thing for us/me ? I mean the game wont be any better if it gets more advertised (Look at Halo 2 for example). So what’s the point ?
  14. G

    Hi-Res Gold Package Screenies.

    ... meaning ????
  15. G

    Spray Help...

    Mmm had a friend make it and send it to me as psd (Photoshop format). But when I try to save it it gets screwed. Seems .gif doesn’t support alpha blending and .tga removes alpha all together. Help anyone ?
  16. G

    Need more skill … Need custom aim map

    Kz ... what mod r u talking about then ?
  17. G

    I just got my GOLD package Merchandise delivered...

    Photos plzzzz photooooos !!!!! (lucky u)
  18. G

    Need more skill … Need custom aim map

    I’ve been playing CS : S for about 3 weeks and though my skill isn’t what it was when I first started, I’m still a n00b :( So I was thinking of a map/mod thing to practice on it and improve, but I suck on making maps and mods so this is basically a request. What I have in mind is a map...
  19. G

    1 week

    Here is mine. It also has my favorite plant :bonce:
  20. G

    About FPS test

    Thank You Very Much For That Info. Lol. :farmer: