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  1. G

    mini me spray

    Thanks for your kind remarks :P I just use .tga cause gif only has 256 colors …
  2. G

    mini me spray

    Ok then post it without the glow and I'll make it for u :)
  3. G

    mini me spray

    Thats not a good choise of spray for alpha... The red glow would look very ugly cause it would fade to white. It needs to fade to alpha. If u have the image without the red glow I could fix that for you -- Xcuse my english
  4. G

    CS:S updating...

    Oh man this sux ... cant join servers even now ... Is there anyway to rollback cs:s ? I think I'm gonna download the warez to play :( Edit: Btw whats the update ? That flashlight hack ? what was that ?
  5. G

    Damm cheats

    I saw a sppedhack cheater too on one day … But I’ve been playing since release and that’s the only one I saw
  6. G

    Thugs dressed in CS garb Murder fruit guy in Aust

    I wonder, if they had the uniforms that Australian troops have on Iraq, would they ban the war ? … Yeah right …
  7. G Machinima

    Very nice idea. Unfortunately I cant help you in anyway. But I’ll be a big supporter if that counts
  8. G

    Strange Lag prob.

    Actually I found out the prob. It was a stupid auto buy script I installed (Burstmodus Command Extender) :( . It’s a little bit scary though that a script from a client can lag the server so much ... The pings of all players when I joined where 250 at least ...
  9. G

    Strange Lag prob.

    Ok. First of all I am from Greece and my pings are never very good but usually I play on some servers with pings 70-90. But today whenever I try to connect to a server my pings go rocket high and strangely, that happens to the rest of the ppl that are in the server I join. :x I’ve heard...
  10. G

    T H E P L A N

    Most likely Valve signed a contractual agreement with Vivendi not to unlock the game until November 16. I highly doubt they will risk another lawsuit just to let some of their customers play HL2 a bit early. Not to unlock it till November 16 ? Or not to unlock it till the first commercial...
  11. G

    T H E P L A N

    If I remember correctly Valve said that the activation of HL2 will start as soon as the first copy is sold, even if that’s before 16nth. That actually makes sense to me. I mean I think that the deal they have with vivendi is to start activation as soon as stores starts selling the game. And...
  12. G

    Steam Forum thread.

    Big deal over forums I say … If I don’t like someone’s response to a post of mine I just ignore them and go on :P you should do the same
  13. G

    Lists Warez Users Here

    I think we should start our own witch hand ! Get their IPs find out where they live and burn everyone of them. Don’t you think your reactions over this is a little bit too much ? Seriously ppl I bought the gold package from Steam (cause I think stem is a company I should support). And I...
  14. G

    Golden Joystick Awards nomination

    I allready voted HL2 as the most wanted game of 2003 a year ago :P What I really wanna do is vote for the best game 2004 if u get me :)
  15. G

    faecal end of the stick for uk and europe

    Why don’t you buy the game from steam and back it up on a dvd (I see there is also a DVD BOX cover made by someone and its really kewl :)) u also wont have to give vivendi a dime.
  16. G

    Kinda sad and funny

    LOL ! Haven’t laughed like that for a long time Best post today