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  1. lordbotulor

    The paradox that is lamarr

    C'mon, you're ruining the story. Disney cant make a movie about some gonarch!
  2. lordbotulor

    The paradox that is lamarr

    Well, when a boy headcrab-or what ever has the wiener-meets a girl headcrab...<insert bizarre mating ritual here> Eventually, the mating ritual ends in the female headcrab killing the male, in quite a gruesome exchange of fluids.
  3. lordbotulor

    The paradox that is lamarr

    Oh my god, this post made my day (especially the "third but not least" section). Sounds like the makings of a touching Disney movie, where Lamarr would fall in love, know what I'm getting at.
  4. lordbotulor

    What to do about a crack.

    Ask him if he wants to play online. While he's contemplating the validity of the arguement, defecate on his belongings.
  5. lordbotulor

    why do all the black characters look the same?

    African Americans really aren't minorities in this game...they make up like half the resistance.
  6. lordbotulor

    What the hell?

    You sound spiteful.
  7. lordbotulor

    What the hell?

    Well, now that VALVe's got the source engine down, it will take much less time than it took hl2 to make. So, im guessing ... 3 years.
  8. lordbotulor

    What the hell?

    What does it matter how long in months the game has been out? The point is that many people have already beaten the game (the game doesn't take a month to beat), and thirst for a resolution to the cliffhanger ending of the second installment of our beloved trilogy.
  9. lordbotulor

    HalfLife 2 on Windows XP X64 Edition RUNS GREAT!!!

    How does the game run better? Wouldn't it need to be optimized for 64 bit mode? When I read the Microsoft FAQ, it said that users would experience better game performance on the normal 32 bit OS, 'cause it hardly any games are optimized for 64bit yet.
  10. lordbotulor

    Steam Friends

    Thanks guys :)
  11. lordbotulor

    HL2 truly is

    "I guess a sweet payback would be to distribute future games over file sharing." Wow, you're cool. I respect your opinion regarding VALVe, but I disagree with your statement about the updates, as mine worked properly. Maybe you should stop blaming the guys who worked for six years on...
  12. lordbotulor


    oh...i see...maybe it is your graphics card
  13. lordbotulor

    Video Problems

    Have you overclocked your graphics card, 'cause that's kinda what a game looks like when a gpu has been overclocked too much.
  14. lordbotulor

    Stuck at the end of Sand Traps.

    run like crazy, avoid gunship fire
  15. lordbotulor


    if it doesnt play, it probably isnt your graphics card. Try reinstalling your game.
  16. lordbotulor


    ...effects crad? Im with Jesus on this one.
  17. lordbotulor

    Steam Friends

    Here's a broad question for you...has anyone gotten Steam Friends to work? (ie. buddylist works rather than reporting that all friends are offline)
  18. lordbotulor

    I need this settled!

    In contrast, I think there are some threads that talk about people setting their clocks to 2010, with Steam offline still working. For the time being however, offline mode should be fine for a while.
  19. lordbotulor

    The Gunships

  20. lordbotulor

    The Gunships

    Well it looks like they [crazy ass alien things] were just about to be rolled out into use, like they were preparing for deployment or something.