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  1. F

    HL2 to linux petition

    Yes, a few major and minor games, mac does get games but they get them on an average of a year later and sometimes with features missing. That's why I said barely there, the mac does have games, but they get them much later then the PC gamers do, and usually by then the game's lost all its flare...
  2. F

    Alien Versus predator mod on HL2 [REQ]

    Where can you download that? I remember talking to a guy who wanted to make one.
  3. F

    Stupid question - Please help!

    Most often .bin's are raw ISO data for the CD and come with a .cue file with the track information. Linux binaries usually have no extension at all.
  4. F

    HL2 to linux petition

    WineX is the best you'll get, I imagine a native Linux port will not exist for a long time if ever. If you use Linux then you should've known full well before you decided to use it that its game support is non existent, even worse then the barely there Mac's game support. If you want to play...
  5. F

    Any word on other platforms?

    there was a mouse and keyboard addon for the dreamcast I think.
  6. F

    our post counts are gone

    That's exactly my point, removing post counts and rank will not stop spam, they will probably not even decrease it, just change it. Instead of "Ah I got x more posts than you, I am teh r0xx0r!!!11oneoneone" it'll be "Ah I got x title, I am teh r0xx0r!!!11oneoneone" or "Ah I've been registered x...
  7. F

    our post counts are gone

    As long as the "fancy name's" remain, then post counts still are around. So that wouldn't solve that at all, just make things a tad more confusing for a newbie to this board.
  8. F

    our post counts are gone

    If the admins want to remain concistent, ranks should be removed too, since they're an indicator of post count.
  9. F

    our post counts are gone

    If you think this place is bad you should see some of the places I've been to and even one or two I've adminned at. Removing post counts also does not cut down on spam, it only changes the type of spam posted.
  10. F

    Thanks Munro

    Getting rid of post counts is really just a quick-fix solution to any spam related problems, and won't get to the heart of things. Oh, and you admins need to ban Gorgon again his newest account is found here.
  11. F

    9900 Pro?

    The Radeon 9900 is the R360, not RV360. R(number) is the preformance series, RV(number) is the budget series.
  12. F

    I am back

    Wait a minute, wasn't this guy banned? If so then isn't announcing your return a big mistake? You're just asking to be banned again if that's the case. If not then why the new nickname?
  13. F

    Religion Revisited

    There's also government, small tribal communities have now become gigantic nations, spanning much land mass. Unlike these tribes, they do not enforce their laws by using the intangible future, instead by fear of punishment and/or violence government enforces its rules. Of course government is...
  14. F

    L34N TEH C++ Lesson 2

    Haha, at this rate it'll take a month or two for you to get to classes :p
  15. F

    L34N TEH C++ Lesson 2

    Next, you should do a bit of a lesson on proper code formatting. :p Coding to at least some form of style is a necessity if you want to make readily readable code.
  16. F

    Jave = C++

    C++ is more then C with classes. Dynamic Memory allocation (using the new and delete operators versus standard library or third party malloc/calloc/realloc/free implimentations) and the template language construct are just two examples of other changes made.
  17. F


    set painters, grips and the like, have more to fear from CGI then piracy quite honestly. First thing that needs to be realized is that piracy is not theft. Piracy is copyright infringement. Theft is where you deprive another of an object of physical value. When you steal you deprive someone...
  18. F

    Weapon Samples

    normal maps are also much larger then bumpmaps and harder to compress since they use the full color spectrum versus black and white with bumpmaps. So I'd reccomend not making too many unless you only intend to use what you make on systems with 256 MB of Vram on your video card.
  19. F

    narrative and story info

    Yes, but not after answering umpteen questions so they can sell my identity to marketers, that's a source of revenue.
  20. F

    narrative and story info

    *shrugs* yeah, you're right, I was just bored as hell so figured it'd be something to do. If the mods don't like it then I can edit/delete/whatever my posts or they can. I can still read the article on the website so I don't care :p