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  1. A

    Finish those old games while you still can

    I almost never finish games. Most become so dull and repetetive that I can't stand to keep going. Games I have played awhile, but didn't beat! Full spectrum warrior. Most of the Mega man games. Countless, nes, snes, sega games. Just counltess platform games. Splinter Cell. Far cry...
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    So, What do you guys really think happened?

    They thought they could produce more content faster then they actually could. They probably looked at the time it took to produce HL1 content and planned that the game would take about the same time, since they most likely thought having more artists then they had for Hl1 would even out the...
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    Post your best Sprays

    Cool dude. I got so many sprays now it's insane.
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    Is it illegal to *PLAY* on custom maps?

    I want some mapping tools. We got modeling tools. I wanna make a map. But I want an official one not some beta warez stuff.
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    The Alyx-hating is mystifying

    Someones got some issues.
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    A word of warning...

    I wouldn't wanna run cs source on your system right now too. Gj saving some money. Maybe it could go toward getting a system that plays it silky smooth.
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    That shadow bug from the crane picture still isn't fixed...

    Would it save resources if it only displayed on the first surface it encountered. Instead of projecting on multiple surfaces. I think doing it once and then having some code check to make sure it was only on the first surface it encountered would free up even more time.
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    steam prices are great for us brits

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    Wonder if the flying stuff is network friendly. I really wanna see how vehicles behave online. Tribes Vengance that uses Havok Physics just like hl2 has some of the most sketchy vehicles that are horribly laggy even with pings down in the 50s. Half life has some pretty nifty online prediction so...
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    Anything with wheels should be a cake walk to make. More complex flying, 1-2 wheel vehicles, Floating boat vehicles, might take some new code to provide the basic tools. I haven't seen any player controlled vehicles except for one with 3-4 wheels. Those one flying things that saw you do look...
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    Expectations of HL3 engine

    Unreal 3 engine will be outdated by the time it comes out. Every game usually stays within the effects the current release of direct x has at the begining of the development cycle. Hl2 has dx7-8 features. Doom3 also has dx7-8 features with more optimized versions using dx9 code and paths. Unreal...
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    Vampire Slayer and Natural Selection

    To bad NS will most likely be one of the later mods to come out for HL2. Normal or Parallax mapping and some per pixel lighting would do wonders for the mod. I think there was like 1,000,000 lines of code on top of hl to get that mod working. Also a one of a kind game that is just fun.
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    When it goes gold. Will it become available on steam?

    So Vivendi gets nothing from steam sales?
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    Your love of shadows

    The overlaping shadow bug is one thats in those early hl1 beta shots to. LOL I think thats the reason they left them out to. It made them ugly as hell.
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    When it goes gold. Will it become available on steam?

    Dang to bad they have to wait till it's in stores.
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    Your love of shadows

    Half life should have had shadows. If you look at beta pictures half life has shadows and they looked beautiful at the time. Cs betas used to have a command to do stencil shadows but they were flat and did not project onto surfraces. They do make models look more attached to the world. Which is...
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    Physics add all sorts of fun puzzle options. Although since not everything is interactable some people might get confused. I hope jumping puzzles are dead. Freaking mario obstacle courses. Also being able to control a squad might be a key to some puzzles who knows.
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    Will there be Multiple Endings?

    Games with multiple endings can have sequels. Although almost no game designer in thier right mind, atleast those doing FPS shooters, want to waste resources making maps and content to support multiple endings or branching stories. Could use those resources to just make the game longer, instead...
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    Please, Americans flame me, but....

    If thats him in his avatar plz spare the sheep.
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    When it goes gold. Will it become available on steam?

    I wonder if they only get royalties off of vivendi sales and 100% off of steam sales???