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  1. Andy

    Graphics In Hl2 Suck!

    meh, who cares what other people think and say
  2. Andy

    Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

    I'm going to stay here - and wait for my collegues.
  3. Andy

    New Half-Life 2 Screenshots

    that lambda symbol srayed onto the arm of the first one is the greatest touch to any game ever. I think that calls for a funny caption competition:
  4. Andy

    Half-Life 2 Scores Best Ever PC Zone (UK) Review

    /me looks at last screenie /me goes off to change pants
  5. Andy

    Source Engine Licensed for Massive Multiplayer Roleplaying Game

    Hmm. Does the world really need another MMORPG game? These things take years to turn a profit even charging you a fee to play a game you've bought (FFXI) or go under (World of Warhammer) or just plain suck. I'm sure with Source it'll look neato, but whats the deal with everyone making...
  6. Andy

    Trouble in Paradise

    So basically, after all Valve's hard work, VU think they can just go: "Yoink!", and HL2 intellectual property will belong to them? How the hell could they get away with that?! EDIT: and yes, if VU got hier grubby little hands on it, god help us all, they'd probably finish the third one...
  7. Andy

    rate the PC above you thread

    Rateing m3ta1head's: 5/10 (Sorry :( ) Unfortunately I know about the GeFORCE FX 5600XT 256mb I had it on my last computer and it blew chunks. Though I would say if you where gonna upgrade, start with the proccessor. Specs: P4 3.06Ghz (1MB L2 cache) IC7 Max3 Mobo 1.25Gig Kingston Ram...
  8. Andy

    Police luck wears out

    Thank you, I rest my case
  9. Andy

    Thieves rob bus full of policemen

    :laugh: :laugh:
  10. Andy

    Police luck wears out

    tailgaters suck, if I get tailgated I just drive slower Wrong, nobody can say that when they drive fast they are "speeding safely". To do so is just pure arrogance. Even if you where a flawless driver you still have to take into consideration that other drivers can do something crazy or...
  11. Andy

    Do you put your ketchup in the fridge?

    everything like that must be served cold, ketchup, mayonaise, salad cream and most importantly baked beans, all ice cold.
  12. Andy

    True ignorance is war, true knowledge is peace

    I honestly don't know what the answer is to this one. I only know its about oil (again), so we interfere. We arm one side and then are suprised when the Arabs hate and distrust us and the Isrealis throw their wieght around. I am at a loss.
  13. Andy

    How could it be worse than his acting?

    I just love the Steven Segal look: :hmph: "Idontwannahavtakillya.."
  14. Andy

    Presidential candidates ability to speak

    However, a candiates ability to speak is not the sole reasons that he or she could be unsuitable for the job. The problem with mass media is that the candidates are now selected on thier personal image and style, rather than their experience to the job or even (horror of horrors) thier politcal...
  15. Andy

    Nazi Teletubbies

  16. Andy

    A Thread to wack those sites in for everyone to enjoy, No Discussion!

    Great idead Rupe! At the moment I'm Particularly taken by the one, the only, the fabulous STAR WARS KID! Also the big bad BOOK OF RATINGS. Everything from Crayon Colours to Aspects of Pirates gets a grade...
  17. Andy

    What if we had a king?

    Sorry to bring back a dead topic but I missed this the first time round. Feel free to ignore me :) 1. I agree that, in principal, the UK has not become a republic, however it is certainly not the monarchy (with capital M) that it once was. The Prime minister now exercises most of the...
  18. Andy

    Release Candidate Sent to Vivendi

    I hear that. Looks like I'll be getting a 2:1 in Combine Pwning Studies. :sniper: Thats a BA btw, not a Bsc.
  19. Andy

    Is it technically impossible to be unbiased?

    I firmly beleive that there is no such thing as unbiased, because: 1. There is no such thing as perfect knowledge. 2. All information (including methodology for forming our own opinions) we gather comes from biased sources. 3. All things are eventually connected.
  20. Andy

    What if we had a king?

    Basically the Queen of Britain is representative of a system of government that prevents any one "pleb" from holding all the power. Essentially it is a benevolent (or otherwise) dictatorship where the Primeminister is the royal's representative (Prime as in first, minister as in servant). It is...