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  1. Flyingdebris

    Rise of the LOLcats

    using the word lolcat instead of caturday makes all the (insert number here)chans angry as hell. especially 7chan's /invasion/ board. Do not provoke them.
  2. Flyingdebris

    So, what about Vortigaunt zombies?

    oh no doubt that even vorties can get swarmed and crabbed, only saying that it proably doesn't happen enough to have warrented a reoccuring enemy. perhaps if the combine shell a vortie village?
  3. Flyingdebris

    Fallout design docs

    get out of the fallout fan mindset for a few seconds and think from a developer's standpoint. it doesn't matter if most of it was written by interplay, legally its bethsdesa's now and they are making use of it. Releasing it severely limits their future possible options as it would give away...
  4. Flyingdebris

    So, what about Vortigaunt zombies?

    i mean there wasn't a large enough concentration of vorties in the game to justify putting zombiegaunts in. Vorties are spread out and relatively uncommon compared to humans or combine. Going by the number seen, you might have run into 1 or 2 in the whole game but since they wouldn't be...
  5. Flyingdebris

    Your favorite Half Life 2 Deathmatch moments

    hl2 dm slow? I don't want to know what you consider fast. sprint crouch juimping around corners at high speed, firing the shotgun while you ramp an incline, jumping over a railing while firing you magnum into someone's face before you hit the ground, grav gunning nades in full sprint...
  6. Flyingdebris

    What facets of the Combine do you want to see in future games?

    coordinates you are sending matter into another universe, you'd think they can choose the destination. Why send matter to point a and have it transported locally to point b when you can just send matter to both of the places in 1 go. Or at the minimum, send point a's stuff back to combine...
  7. Flyingdebris

    I hate emos...

    they are when they wear their tails
  8. Flyingdebris

    What facets of the Combine do you want to see in future games?

    the combine don't need space travel, space travel is hard work and takes a lot of time. However there are essentially all sorts of dimensions ripe for the picking.
  9. Flyingdebris

    I hate emos... a different emo song and yeah, emos are t3h suck. I had a roomate/friend who was emo in denial. "dude you're emo..." "F*ck you, i'm not emo!" Until one day, "f*ck i'm emo!" He was obsessed with the 80s, listened to whiney emo bands, wore a vintage...
  10. Flyingdebris

    Fallout design docs

    ehh, what? any company has the rights to keep their design docs private if they want to. you can ask nicely, you can encourage them to publish it, but to imply you have some sort of right to them by starting a petition is rather rude.
  11. Flyingdebris

    What monsters/enemies do you want to see in the future?

    don't laugh catfish can get pretty big anyway yeah, some megladon or whaleshark sized xen creature would be pretty badass. Especially if you had to swim in its habitat or only had a little dingy to drive across its territory. Having a xbox heug maw or mass of tentacles coming at you from...
  12. Flyingdebris

    What facets of the Combine do you want to see in future games?

    its easier for the combine to simply jump dimensions than muck about in space. Essentially "Why drive to the market for a carton of milk when i can steal it from the guy next door?" as far as combine forces, i agree, a more fleshed out airforce would be nice. Everything we've seen so far...
  13. Flyingdebris

    Elite Combine

    look up pogon on deviantart, he's the guy that did all those crazy 3d/2d composite images lots of his pics have elites in them
  14. Flyingdebris

    So, what about Vortigaunt zombies?

    well, there's not really enough vorties to justify zombiegaunts
  15. Flyingdebris

    The unfortunate enemies.

    I don't remember anything about the combine being neutered, just cybernetically enhanced. Which apparently doesn't count for much. Anyway my empathy for them doesn't come from what was done to them, remember, the soldiers and metros are all volunteers. My empathy for them comes from the...
  16. Flyingdebris

    What monsters/enemies do you want to see in the future?, moving on gargs, gargs, and did i forget to say gargs? I'd like to see the hydra reworked back into the game, too much potential there. Also medic combine would be cool. It could make firefights last longer and be more interesting if the soldiers could double back to get...
  17. Flyingdebris

    Bioshock PC specs ..WTF?

    do you want fancy graphics or not? if you do suck it up and upgrade, if not then scale down the graphics. Jesus Christ, this not a big deal.
  18. Flyingdebris


    sounds like a meritocracy in that case, and as long as you have to earn your rewards, i'm all for it. as for abolishing religion, eeeh, i disagree. I'm not particularly religious by any stretch of the imagination mind you, but if you are gonna have free people you can't have thought police...
  19. Flyingdebris

    cartoon halflife?

    the correct answer is battletoads, as battletoads is every game ever made, don't you people study your internets?
  20. Flyingdebris

    I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

    since i played doom 3 well before i played hl2, ravenholm just didn't seem all that scary to be honest, (i know doom 3 wasn't all that scary overall, but the beginning before you get loaded with weapons felt pretty scary to me the first time). Atmospheric and fun, yes, but not all that scary...