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  1. Mellish

  2. Mellish

    It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released

    So is Treyarch developing this or what?
  3. Mellish

    Half Life Twig Found

    This is ridiculous. You are all ridiculous.
  4. Mellish


    I don't want to milk it, but have a really great birthday!
  5. Mellish

    Music: Rate and Discuss

    A new French record label called "Marble" headed by Bobmo, Para One and Surkin! Loving the door creaking sample.
  6. Mellish

  7. Mellish

    Which year did you join the forums?

    Been here since I was 13 as well, very nearly 17
  8. Mellish

    Mt Eden Dubstep

    wubwubwubwubwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubwubwub but i was taking the piss comrade, i don't really like dubstep.
  9. Mellish

    Mt Eden Dubstep

    skrillex invented dubstep
  10. Mellish

    Hyperbole and a Half

  11. Mellish

    Buying Cardboard Boxes?!

    Hehe, immediately thought of that episode while reading this.
  12. Mellish

    stay away from the internet (PORTAL 2)

    It's going to very hard for me, I have to wait until June 1st to play it! I know the feeling to have something spoiled though, just before I finished Episode 2 the ending got spoiled for me. It completely ruined my day... I ask for anyone that posts on these forums keep the spoilers contained...
  13. Mellish

    Aperture Labs Collaborative Disposition Test Recovered

    I got Glados!
  14. Mellish

    She's Gone :(

    yo u got to stik it strong she ur baby
  15. Mellish

    Well I am faced with quite a decision.

    I guess the most sensible thing would be to get a prepuciolplasty and if that doesnt work out move on to a circumcision. I don't like the idea of my penis getting sliced up the whole time but hopefully if the former surgery goes alright then I won't need to. I'd also like to thank for all the...
  16. Mellish

    Well I am faced with quite a decision.

    Go **** yourself.
  17. Mellish

    Well I am faced with quite a decision.

    I know there shouldn't be, but there naturally is. I'm the only one I know out of all my friends whos a virgin!
  18. Mellish

    Well I am faced with quite a decision.

    I can retract about halfway down when non-erect, barely at all when it is erect. When I actually tried to have sex it was hard to put in and when I did my foreskin rolled right back which was quite painful. She was wet, but I wasn't wearing a condom. Also I'm willing to give stretching a go, if...