A new French record label called "Marble" headed by Bobmo, Para One and Surkin! Loving the door creaking sample.
It's going to very hard for me, I have to wait until June 1st to play it! I know the feeling to have something spoiled though, just before I finished Episode 2 the ending got spoiled for me. It completely ruined my day...
I ask for anyone that posts on these forums keep the spoilers contained...
I guess the most sensible thing would be to get a prepuciolplasty and if that doesnt work out move on to a circumcision. I don't like the idea of my penis getting sliced up the whole time but hopefully if the former surgery goes alright then I won't need to. I'd also like to thank for all the...
I can retract about halfway down when non-erect, barely at all when it is erect. When I actually tried to have sex it was hard to put in and when I did my foreskin rolled right back which was quite painful. She was wet, but I wasn't wearing a condom. Also I'm willing to give stretching a go, if...