It's that time of year again... Modern Warfare 3 teaser released


Space Core
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
I depise CoD and what it's done to multiplayer fps, but you're probably not alone in being excited. I suspect there's a few million people in the same boat!
I depise CoD and what it's done to multiplayer fps, but you're probably not alone in being excited. I suspect there's a few million people in the same boat!

Just to make my stance clear, I actually don't play Call of Duty online, mostly because I refuse to join the 'COD' community, it's so lame and a terrible representative for first person shooters as a whole. That said though I ****in' love it for the singleplayer, spec ops and local multiplayer. Have had so much fun with MW1 and MW2.
I like playing through the singleplayer (2-3 times ever). I don't give a half c*** about multiplayer.
"It's that time of year again." Yeah, for Activision to force us to collectively pass another kidney stone.
Can't believe it; I'm excited for this. After all my swearing to never giving Activision another cent... I will be buying this. Call of Duty sucks, but they're still incredibly fun games.

Good one.
Oh you know me.


Already peeing my pants.
So for someone who's only played CoD1 and just got a PS3 a month ago, should I get this or Battlefield 3?
We know barely anything about either game. How could anyone answer that question?
Well what was the difference between MW2 and something like Bad Company 2? They're both modern shooters, which would you recommend?
You just put 4 different games on the table. 2 of which we know little about. Between MW2 and BC2, I'd go with BC2.
Well what was the difference between MW2 and something like Bad Company 2? They're both modern shooters, which would you recommend?

Both have similarities in the way they play - slightly arcady iron sight driven combat. BC has larger maps and vehicles and CoD is a bit more twitchy (although it pains me to say this as CoD has almost single handedly killed the pc 'twitch' fps). If you're more into large scale encounters with on foot and vehicle combat, and enjoy the spectacle of shit blowing up everywhere, go for BF. If you prefer more intense and hectic face to face shootouts, CoD's a better bet.
Can't believe it; I'm excited for this. After all my swearing to never giving Activision another cent... I will be buying this. Call of Duty sucks, but they're still incredibly fun games.
Probably no need to ask, but is anyone feeling the same or am I on my own here?

No i am too but iwill remain vigilant and not buy it, i will rent it.

IF MW3 does prove me wrong on the multiplayer side tho then fine i will gladly buy it but i doubt that.
(although it pains me to say this as CoD has almost single handedly killed the pc 'twitch' fps).

Oh, please.

Epic went on to make Gears of Lol and Id now makes shitty cell phone games and some desert thing. How is this the fault of Call of Duty? The makers of your beloved old-school twitch shooters now crank out console mediocrity willingly. Hell, they started the fad.

Play fair and talk about the consoles taking a firm grip onto the FPS market. They're (consoles) cheaper, more widely circulated, and vastly more profit winning.

Call of Duty sucks, but they're still incredibly fun...

Hahahaha - this epitomizes so many member's take on the MW series SO well. Literally laughed out loud. Don't pretend to hate a series of games to avoid flames from .net aspies who cry at the lack of "depth" in a ****ing game. I hate to single you out when this thread is, and will continue to crawl with people making similar statements - but the hypocrisy is getting outright comical.
as for quality in games I agree GoW is much worse then any CoD game.
Epic went on to make Gears of Lol and Id now makes shitty cell phone games and some desert thing. How is this the fault of Call of Duty? The makers of your beloved old-school twitch shooters now crank out console mediocrity willingly. Hell, they started the fad.

Nearly every fps these days emulates CoD in single and/or multiplayer to some degree. The bastardised Wolfenstein sequel. Bad Company. Brink. And why blame developers for cashing in on what's so obviously a succesful model? It's not only arena shooters that are gone either - we get hardly anything that's remotely twitchy. RTCW/ET, CS, SoF, TFC ... thank **** for Valve, TF2 and L4D as otherwise I would have hung up my mouse years ago. Sure, it's not CoD's fault - it's just an easy target - but the great multiplayer PC shooters of old aren't getting much of a look in these days. I'm not alone alone in this - PC forums all over the place are filled with disgruntled fans who miss shooters that were about reactions, speed, and twitch aim.

Fair point about consoles taking a grip on the fps market, though. That's why we get iron sights in every bloody fps as they encourage and suit sloooow gameplay that works well with pads.
at least the setting in Brink is semi refreshing too bad they ****ed up the game itself.
at least the setting in Brink is semi refreshing too bad they ****ed up the game itself.

A white-washed metropolis with a tough security force and a rebellion of some kind?

very refreshing

also, CoD sucks and the last fun one came out four years ago
I can't think of another AAA title in the last few years with that setting.
So who has the reigns now that Infinity Ward is down the tube?

And yes, the number of military shooters has skyrocketed since 2007. At least there's Duke Nukem and Serious Sam 3 to look forward to...
At least there's Duke Nukem and Serious Sam 3 to look forward to...

Yeah but Duke also has consolitis, with the whole you can carry only 2 weapons thing. So that leaves Serious Sam 3 as the only upcoming oldschool/arcade/twitch FPS on the market. Sad times.
So who has the reigns now that Infinity Ward is down the tube?

And yes, the number of military shooters has skyrocketed since 2007. At least there's Duke Nukem and Serious Sam 3 to look forward to...

it's still IW but just differnt people working there now,except for like 2- guys lol
Raven used to be so cool, what the **** happened to them?
Raven still is cool. Buy Singularity. Support my home state, Raven is in Madison, Wisconsin.

Singularity proves that Raven can still make ****ing awesome games. It's too bad about the layoffs but I'm elated that they've played a part in MW3.
Hahahaha - this epitomizes so many member's take on the MW series SO well. Literally laughed out loud. Don't pretend to hate a series of games to avoid flames from .net aspies who cry at the lack of "depth" in a ****ing game. I hate to single you out when this thread is, and will continue to crawl with people making similar statements - but the hypocrisy is getting outright comical.

Did you read the post a few below that one? I tried to clarify my point. But, fair call on hypocrisy.
So they are playing the Russia vs The World card again? That's just as ridiculous as the story in Homefront.
Honestly, after BO I have a hard time feeling enthusiastic about new CoDs even if from different developers.

I'll still keep an eye on this to see how it pans out, might pick it up if it turns out better than Black Ops.
To be uh.. fair.. Treyarch didn't touch this one. They're working on it's successor.


"One (objective?)"

"Destroy the enemy's hope for the Vanquished"


also some other iterations

The per-language breakdown is pretty awesome.
Didn't recognise the location in the Germany trailer. Seemed random.

Also, Russia is attacking the US and atleast 3 major European cities. Must have a huge force.