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  1. ChareltonHest

    Gunshots disrupt Superdome evacuation

    IT's not the guns, it's the hand that weilds it. People like Cpt. Stern would like everybody but the criminals disarmed(because that's what "Gun banning" does). I find it sickening, that in a time when people must depend onthemselves for protection, people like Stern would like them to not...
  2. ChareltonHest

    Gunshots disrupt Superdome evacuation

    Cpt. Stern, you are scum. The 2nd Amd is doing its job down there while people are defending their homes! The criminal scum down there are looting left and right, and people with guns are dettering it. Oh, and BTW, the...
  3. ChareltonHest

    Absolute proof GTA is not causing a rise in violence in teens

    Ahhh, typical. Media-manufactured "crisis" and hysteria, so they can push to clamp down on video-games, music, guns, boards-with-a-nail-in-it..._______(fill in the blank, ect.) There's is always a "crisis" and a knee-jerk agenda that follows to "solve" the "problem". C.H.
  4. ChareltonHest


    I realy love the ATF one man! :D The diversity one is neat to. Here's a pic of a shirt I have on right now. It is pro-gun, and very "quiet". Not to mention stylish. ;) (It's not the first set of T-shirts, but the 2nd ones..the ones that remind you...
  5. ChareltonHest

    oh boy here we go again: murderer blames video games

    Don't you just hate it when polititions blame inanimate objects for crime, and try to pass laws punishing everybody for one person's abuse, CptStern?? I know I do. C.H.
  6. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Guys, I'd like to come to a close here; I don't want to go on posting forever. I posted some links, you can check them out if you are curious. I had my say. My $.02. C.H.
  7. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    BS. 150million gun owners, many with military backgrounds, against the terroristic ATF thugs? The ATF would not stand a chance. There are many factors to consider. 150million gun owners is a force to be recond with. Even if only 1million resisted. It's not like they are going to stand in the...
  8. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Who are you to tell me I can't defend myself? I am not harming you. First of all, there should be no restriction at all on concealed carry(I should not have to ask for something I have a right to already). Where they have banned guns(where only criminals have them), there is better chance...
  9. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    I know that. It would be for learning in writing only. If you don't know what you are doing concearning firearms, you should learn from somebody who is experienced with them -as I said in my post. C.H.
  10. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    There is no way that somebody, unless they are ignorant or lying through their teath, can say that Registration doesn't lead to confiscation. Registration, always, always leads to confiscation. It has been proven time and time again that this is the case. That's why registration is set up! It...
  11. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Best of luck to you in that, you hope you never have to use it, but you never know... You know, I've shot quite few guns, but I am not fully aware of the exact functions on a semi-auto pistol. I have only shot a semi-pistol a couple of times. Once at the range I saw someone shoot a Desert...
  12. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Absolutely. Yeah, I like how it is now. Like with cars, keep it simple. I like my old 74 Chevy because it is simple; no overcomplication by computers, ect.. The more simple and independent it is, in function, the better. A revolver I shot had no safety, and that was fine with depends...
  13. ChareltonHest

    Great radio show

    Good choice. C.H.
  14. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Yeah, I was thinking of that...they are small shoe-box sized safes that you can keep near your bead. Or you could get the gunboxes that look like a beadside alarm clock. lol. Biggest dilemma I can think of is if you have small children that are at the age where they are into everything, and...
  15. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    A gun that is locked up or unloaded will be hard to use for defence when seconds count. But it all depends on the person how they feal it nessesary to store thier weapons. Personaly, if their are no small children around, I recomend locking away all but one weapon; since you can only use...
  16. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    I get what you are saying: No one can defy the law because they say God told them to. That is not what I am saying. This country's supreme law of land is the ideals our founders wrote up in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. That means this Gov't must obey them as well...especialy the...
  17. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    MilkMan12, Đynast... What realy gets me is that people think it is the law that allows us our rights. That's simply not the case. Our rights come from God, not men -or laws/Gov'ts set up by men. And if you don't beleive in a God, then call our rights "natural human rights". Our(US) founders...
  18. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Yes, please do. Go stay in a gun-free utopia like NYC, Wash-DC, or other totaly-safe, no-crime liberal wounderlands. Here in Idaho, it is safe. C.H.
  19. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    Thanks Gia. Good luck in the Marines sir. C.H.
  20. ChareltonHest

    Ban the guns

    What the heck are you blabering about? A pistol won't defend against a knife(K-Bar)? That sounds insane to me. Aslo, the term "Saturday-Night-Special" is an anti-gun propaganda term to describe cheap handguns. It is another catagory they set up of certain weapons they want to ban. The poor...