You can find ex-rally cars on the net like a 93 corolla WRC for around 16 grand, AND they come with parts! AND you can leave everyone in the dust!.... that my friend is a sweet deal.
in all seriousness, if you want something that feels like a social condom, get the civic.
Otherwise go with...
Your bickering of petty problems is quite annoying.
But, you are actually correct aswell.
So i'll let you be.
Just buy the damn thing. Respect your parents, but dont fear them.
at 19 i was already living on my own and engaged to a wonderfull woman. GROW UP.
Plus... you have it peachy, dont complain, its not like your homeless and 30+ grand in debt.
The environments are too repetetive.
Thats the downside of using normal maps for EVERYTHING.. it takes almost twice as long when they could have gotten away with simply using bump maps for 90% of the objects ingame.....
Simply get a grid, go to the rendering menu, go to texture, apply image.. select what you want on it, select the projection and freeze the grid.
it will look all weird, so wither scale the grid accordingly, or hit alt-7 and play with the texture editor until you get it right.
Dont forget...
HAHAHA... if the "xsi is shit" comments came from pro's, i'd be worried.
XSI is great, good price, excellent customer service (99% of you wouldnt know, since your using the cracked one..), and the client base is growing exponentially.
Not to mention that the Next generation XBOX 2 Titles...
poly modelling is best (box modelling if you will), as for moving points, all you have to do is hit "t" for point mode, "i" for edge mode, "u" for polygon modelling, use all of them as much as you need. Also, for adding points on edges you can use the key on top of the enter that has the...
im ALL for realism... kind of Raven Shield, imho one of the most accurate FPS multiplayer games out there, so much fun shooting foreheads when ppl are peeking... its awesome.
whats important is the quality of the physics... for example ut2004's vehicle physics are so basic its boooring, no tire flex, no real recoil\dampening, no chassis flex, no absorption of mass forces (example is a deflated tire, it will absorb the energy and not bounce)..... anyways, hopefully...
Havoks future is bleak.
I'll tell you why..... ODE (open dynamics engine), its free, and its open sourced so you can modify it to your hearts content.... and if you are a game dev. with a fraction of what a havok2 license costs, you can have your own physics engine, as complicated or as...