My brother is working on being a Los Angeles sheriff, and used to work for the LAPD, and he told me that most cops here nowadays don't care much for weed crimes because frankly they have bigger, more serious crimes to deal with. And from my experiences, the most they will do is take away your...
Today me and my girlfriend broke up...
Today I visited my Grandma, and she is slowly deteriorating, it is painful to watch...
Today one of my close relatives in Mexico died of heart failure...
Yep, today sucked...But hey, thats life, this will pass, and in time the roots will heal...
I can be considered a Catholic, i come from a Catholic family, however, never really followed what the Vatican says, though i would like to visit someday...Flame away!
Good luck man. You can do it, persistence is key.
I used to weigh 220 lbs. (typical fat ass) and over the course of about a year, i'm down to 158 lbs. through rigorous diet, and daily exercise.
I have an acoustic guitar, and all i can say is practice practice practice. I go to for tabs and chords. Some easy chord progression songs are "Marley Medley" from sublime. "Redemption song" is pretty easy as well, plus its a classic song.
poo poo head
Age: 19
Occupation: full-time college student. Also hobo on the side
Major: Zoology
I'm in my second year of college, had a job but left because it was horrible. I'm the son of a recovering drug addict and a mexican immigrant, its awesome!
Aspirations: Become a zoologist and study...
I'm also looking to do the same, i have some piano training, and i'm looking for a good keyboard to play on as well. Any recommendations on the keyboards would be awesome as well, hopefully in the 200-300 dollar price range.
At my old high school, fights broke out almost everyday, so this nothing new, i've seen people get jumped with chains and bats. There was almost a riot once that started with just 2 people. We used to have a few campus police officers, then the number jumped up the ass. Then again, my school...