For my incredible strength, equivalent to the strength of ten men, each with the strength of 1/10th of a man
Is that plague story really true, Stigmata?
Holy mother of balls Jverne, this is the first thing that you've posted that I can agree with or relate to.
It drives me nuts. I get the why, but it's still infuriating. IT IS NOT REFINED
Hm, of course the console builds will look less impressive, but that's a hardware problem. There's not a lot to suggest Crytek haven't improved Cry2 for high-end hardware. 'Course that's kindof irrelevant because there's still not a lot out there that touches their tech
Yeah I get that, but you also said it was gonna be a bad game - it not being 'horror' or whatever has nothing much to do with it sucking
They shouldn't, not anymore ;(
schnarf schnarf
You were all up in Alan Wake's grill a while ago. I never really understood why. The 'bullet time =/ horror game' thing doesn't really add up (F.E.A.R), Remedy have a fine record, and we haven't seen a massive amount of gameplay or even much of the story.
But it's cool...
Yeah, definitely this. Gabe went out of his way in interviews to explain - the only way to make DRM palatable is to provide a better service than pirated software. Regrettably Ubisoft hasn't been listening