Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

Does anyone find the assassins memory speeches down right creepy?
So people have already beaten ME2? Jeez...

Just beat ME1, but I don't understand something.

If Sovereign was destroyed/killed then what is ME2 about? Actually war-ing it out with the other Reapers?
Yes, there are other reapers (as is explained in ME1) who are trying to destroy all galactic life. They must be dealt with.
So people have already beaten ME2? Jeez...

Just beat ME1, but I don't understand something.

If Sovereign was destroyed/killed then what is ME2 about? Actually war-ing it out with the other Reapers?

As shown by the above video, Mass Effect 2 is a musical. Reapers are reserved for ME3.

Christ, that tapdancing Collector sequence was sheer brilliance. Even better when it went into Reaperdance with Irish music.



nigga u ded mang
I can't help but feel that I make all the wrong choices. I mean **** Liara. I went to speak with her once in the medbay and then she and Ash comes and makes me pick one. In effort to try to get rid of them, I ask if I may have both. Ash leaves, and Liara thanks me for picking her. WTF?!? and now, in Mass Effect 2, Shephard kisses Liara when they meet. ffs I never wanted that.
I can't help but feel that I make all the wrong choices. I mean **** Liara. I went to speak with her once in the medbay and then she and Ash comes and makes me pick one. In effort to try to get rid of them, I ask if I may have both. Ash leaves, and Liara thanks me for picking her. WTF?!? and now, in Mass Effect 2, Shephard kisses Liara when they meet. ffs I never wanted that.
Yeah, f*cking stupid decision on Bioware's part. I stayed away from them both first time. Second playthrough I chose Ashley and let her get nuked on Virmire, that way I wouldn't have to deal with either one of them.
Finished the game, 4 people died

I lost Jack, Legion, Grunt, Thane...

**** off KagePrototype

Endgame Stuff

Legion = Vent
Zaeed = Leader of first team
Garrus = Leader of second team
Shield = Samara

I ran with Thane and Grunt both times because they worked together well in the trailer :].

Legion died trying to close the damn door, Harbinger caught him in the head at the last possible second... I almost cried.

Also, where the hell is my relationship with Dr. Chakwas?!
Trying to seduce Miranda atm but she keeps saying "Shephard I'm busy. Not now"

This thread makes me sad because I just picked up Mass Effect 2 (and its absolutely ****ing great) and want to discuss it so much, but I can't bring myself to click any of the spoilers here. :(
Good story, although the finale was a bit... cheesy? Here I am, wondering what great mystery will unfold and how this impacts the world and all I get is...

A ****ing man-reaper. I like the concept and how it affects the story, but really, it's a non-sequitur. There's absolutely no exposition done on the creature and, well, this sucks.

The game's brilliant otherwise, though. A few great points:

1. Garrus Vakarian. The writers surely had a field day writing his "pardners" antics, without making him fall into pathos. I'm even more of a Garrus fanboy now.
2. Tali'Zhorah, all the way. She's awesome, natural and, well, kinda similiar to my fiancee (character wise, before you start making health jokes).
3. Joker/Edi
4. Development of the Geth/Quarian conflict and much more ambiguity overall.
5. New light cast on the events of ME1.


It's like KOTOR2 - bigger, badder, more mature. Well, except for upgrades. I really miss making my sniper rifle a single shoot, high explosive boomstick.
Have you done her loyalty mission?

I did, and then she got all sensitive. But I lost her loyalty after a heated exchange between her and Jack.

In the end I lost 3 people; Mordon whilst trying to close some blast door, when I sent Grunt to be leader of the second team, and Miranda. I am actually emotional about the losses, especially Grunt after visiting Tuchunga and completing the Rites alongside him.
I've only lost a single man.

Mordin Solus. A tragic death, but he was at the end of his lifespan anyways. I'm curious, though, as to why people pick wrong people for the jobs.

Miranda is the obvious choice for fireteam leader, since she's an excellent tactician and strategist (says so in her bio when selecting!), Legion is the perfect hacking expert, while both Jack and Samara are fantastic biotics. Grunt, being a one-krogan powerhouse, is the perfect escort.

Why would gamers choose anyone else?
I'm think I'm closing in on the end, having just finished my last loyalty mission... I am nervous about one thing, though.

Tali was throwing a bitch-fit after Legion's loyalty mission (god I ****ing hate Tali), and both the charm/intimidate options were grayed out (even though I have up to the last block filled in renegade and a couple in paragon) so I had to pick a side. Sided with Legion of course! Does that mean Tali is no longer loyal, though? ****, that'll ruin my clean sweep! Stupid whore!
I'm think I'm closing in on the end, having just finished my last loyalty mission... I am nervous about one thing, though.

Tali was throwing a bitch-fit after Legion's loyalty mission (god I ****ing hate Tali), and both the charm/intimidate options were grayed out (even though I have up to the last block filled in renegade and a couple in paragon) so I had to pick a side. Sided with Legion of course! Does that mean Tali is no longer loyal, though? ****, that'll ruin my clean sweep! Stupid whore!

check your squad screen
if she doesn't have an orange circle under her, then no you lost it.
I only lost a single man as well

Mordin Solus was the casualty, with Miranda as leader of both teams, Tali in the vents, Samara as the biotic shield generator, and Grunt as the escort. Also, after being unsatisfied with my first ending, I went back and restarted the mission, and after taking some suggestions got everyone out alive. Strangely, Jack worked very well as the escort. Also, there ARE different combinations of squad mates that work just as well.
Just finished! Not too bad! I'll have to post my impressions in the rate thread sometime soon. :p

Anyway, my end!

I lost two men... a couple of my favorites too. ;( Legion died after hacking the door, and Grunt died as the head of the diversion team in the second part. It kinda irks me that the people you pick are the ones in danger of dying... I pick them because they're my homies that I know will get the job done god damn it!

I had Jack in my team the whole time so at least she didn't die (she was my "romance" partner, haha). The romance bit was barely even there this time... even less than the first one. It was still better, though, since Jack's actually a cool character.

I used Samara as the fireteam leader in the first part, then as the shielder for the second part, and THEN she was on my team for the final battle (since Grunt was dead). MVP award right there... hope she's a party member in #3 for sure.

Mordin got to play a small role as a squad member in part two since he's kinda cool, but everyone else (Miranda, Zaeed, Garrus, Jacob, Tali, Thane) might as well have not been there at all... I was hoping they'd all die defending the door. Especially Tali. And Thane... the creepy little frog man with an annoying voice.

I don't think I'll be replaying my ending to tweak it or anything since that just seems cheesy to me... I'll just work with what I've got! All I gotta say is Wrex had better sort out his shit and get back on my crew for the next one. Him + Samara + Jack + Mordin = dream team. If I'm lucky, we'll pick up another Legion since they're all the same anyway. :p
So it's no spoiler that there is a possible ending where Shepard can DIE (It was said in some interview)

Has anyone actually willingly chosen this ending?
I feel that Mordin is the star of the show. I smiled when he talked about

Captain Kirahee. And then he went onto mock his "hold the line" speeches. Mordin is so awesome
I don't think it matters who you choose for the end mission, as long as you choose the specialized characters. I think it matters more whether or not you have upgraded your ship and have loyalty from your characters. My whole team as well as myself survived the ending
I had full loyalty and all ship upgrades, but I still lost two people. I sent Legion to go through the vents because I figured that one was gonna bite it, and hey - he's a ****in robot. I chose Samara to be squad leader in both instances because of her experience, but in hindsight Garrus would've been the ideal candidate. Anyway, she died on the second bout. I managed to save the entire crew.

It would be great if someone could figure out the exact rule list that determines who lives and who dies. From what I've read online it seems like there might be a random element to it.

Also, I was disappointed that I never got a good chance to sacrifice Zaeed :p

And has anyone the shepherd death ending? I can't even imagine how it's possible...
I only lost a single man as well

Mordin Solus was the casualty, with Miranda as leader of both teams, Tali in the vents, Samara as the biotic shield generator, and Grunt as the escort. Also, after being unsatisfied with my first ending, I went back and restarted the mission, and after taking some suggestions got everyone out alive. Strangely, Jack worked very well as the escort. Also, there ARE different combinations of squad mates that work just as well.

How did you manage to not lose the model scientist salarian?
I'm think I'm closing in on the end, having just finished my last loyalty mission... I am nervous about one thing, though.

Tali was throwing a bitch-fit after Legion's loyalty mission (god I ****ing hate Tali), and both the charm/intimidate options were grayed out (even though I have up to the last block filled in renegade and a couple in paragon) so I had to pick a side. Sided with Legion of course! Does that mean Tali is no longer loyal, though? ****, that'll ruin my clean sweep! Stupid whore!

What? I managed to charm both Tali and Legion to work together, I'm surprised your options were greyed out
How did you manage to not lose the model scientist salarian?

Well, if memory serves the job allocation went as follows Legion: vents, Miranda: 1st team lead, Garrus, 2nd team lead, Samarra: biotic shield, Jack: escort, and Mordin/Jacob for the final boss. I looked this up mind you. My first time Mordin was the only one that died, for some odd reason I can't figure out, so I went back and re-played the mission to get everyone out alive.
Damn this ****ing Liara romance.
Im guessing if you pick up another crew member, it happens right before the suicide mission. Well, not Shephard just looks lovingly at that damn photo. I was on my way with Miranda. The photo was even turned down. But when Miranda was arguing with Jack, I, just like Letters, had both choices grayed out so I needed to pick a side. I thought Jack was right. What was done to her was wrong. And so I lost Mirandas loyalty and now she's all pissed off. I can't speak to her to make it right, becouse both those options are still gray, even though Im full Paragon with half a renegade meter. I wish I could have left Liara with that bomb...