I've had no problems with my set up. Apart from one bsod nightmare that a proper win xp disk fixed np.
I've always had amd. I dont like intel because of those bloody adverts.
Doo de du duu.
I had NTL. They sucked IMO. I had cable tv, broadband and the phone. But they put you on a £100 limit each month for the first year. £25 bb, £25 tv and £10 phone. This leaves you with £40 for phonecalls each month. When you go over, they cut the phone (fair enough) tv and bb. (?!?) The tv...
I done everything google came up with. I plugged the hd into another pc to see if it would chdsk it for me. Nope. Wont boot off the cd I have. Someone on another forum suggested switching it to slave to recover some data, but he seemed to think the hd was on its way out.
Seems strange as it...
So I get home from the pub after turning my pc off 3 hrs earlier and its dead.
Unmountable volume. BSOD. Plugged it into anothe pc, same thing. Wont boot of xp cd. Cant chkdsk /f from 98 cd.
Got another hd im putting 2000 on.
Can I run HL2 on Linux? Might be happier doing that than...
aaargh that horrid graffiti font.
Im a graffiti artist. I run a graf website with thousands of photos on. I can supply you with loads of graf images and a new logo. Sorry, I hate that font so much you wouldnt believe.
bo0da.infallible aht GMAIL dot com
The higher your post count the more shit you chat on teh intarweb while you should be either:
a. Playing the game.
b. Working.
I should be working. But it's snowing and there is no one else in the studio. Heh.
Do your moaning at the steam forum, that seems to be what it is there for. This place seems so calm and peaceful in comparison. Apart from the dreaded drugs threads of course.