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  1. Javert

    Guild Wars 2

    Looks awesome! I'm playing it right now, and its announcement last year was partially why I bought it.
  2. Javert

    Mafia 2: Beautiful demo footage

    As long as the cops don't chase you for speeding again like in Mafia I, I'll be happy. Oh, and no racing level either. Hated that.
  3. Javert

    Help me Obi Wan Kenobi...

    Have you tried WebMD? That's all I can find.
  4. Javert

    Calling All Student Mod Leaders/Teams

    That actually sounds pretty cool on its own. It'd be up to the mod members to network with the biz people.
  5. Javert

    Video Games Live!

    I watched them in LA during E3. It was lots of fun, and yes they do change their song line-up per location. In LA, they premiered some Diablo III music and had the crazy Japanese guy playing Mario music on YouTube!
  6. Javert

    Independence Day 2009

    From Twitter: RT @lisarahmat: On Independence Day, give thanks to Will Smith.
  7. Javert

    Billy Mays dead at 50

    Quoted from facebook, so don't shoot the messenger. Funny/sad quote of the day: "They say celebs die in threes. Leave it to Billy Mays to throw in one extra, COMPLETELY FREE!"
  8. Javert

    Transformers 2: the Revenge Rotten Tomato score: 20%

    My friend went to go see it this afternoon (I didn't want to go.) I'll let you guys know how he thought of it.
  9. Javert

    Going on vacation need help

    Non-crumbly snacks and water. Magazines, ipod/dvd player, and even cards.
  10. Javert


    They aren't making CoD pay-to-play, was rumor.
  11. Javert is a big part of our lives.

    Huh? Wha? *waves.
  12. Javert

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - TimeLine Trailers

    On the main game page, each class has 4 short vids or their various abilities and weapons. Must watch!
  13. Javert

    Next Legend of Zelda artwork revealed

    Of course, it's not gonna come out for another 4-5 years, in which it will then win every video game award plus an Oscar.
  14. Javert

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - TimeLine Trailers

    It's funny on the gametrailers comments section how people are defending the cinematic by noting that you don't do any of the stuff in the WoW cinematics either.
  15. Javert

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - TimeLine Trailers

    New E3 trailer You will shed a tear at the awesomeness of this.
  16. Javert

    Natural Selection 2 engine preview

    I was always more a fan of Combat.
  17. Javert

    Jesse Venture on Hannity

    Quote box for the win.
  18. Javert

    CoD: World at War Weekend Deal

    Has anyone criticizing the developers actually developed a publishable game during the holiday season before?
  19. Javert

    The reason why you should own PS3

    Altair had gloves in Assassin's Creed. How the hell does Indiana Jones-lite get to go all monkey climbing in that clip. Other than that, it looks real nice. It's good to see PS3 power being used well by developers and artists.