Gameplay first, graphics come later. Some stuff is still from HL2, but there's already a signifigant amount made in-house so to say. All is done to speed up release, would you want to wait one more year so that all traces of HL2 could be erased? I think not.
Alternative place to live?: Yes, girlfriends house (in the country side, warmed with firewood, massive amounts of forest around + sea is 5 min away by foot) OR our summer cottage on OUR island. Wood, sea and fish.
Guess I'm all right !
I'm gonna try and go pro 2008, after my military service.
Here's some of my latest ones... sorry guys for most of the pics being offline, I lost my hosting D: but they are all on deviantart anyway. Link.
Here are some from this summer/autumn:
You don't actually have to brake, just touch the pedal to flash the lights. Most give up then already. If they don't, start breaking for real and slowing down. Don't let them pass you though.