http://pics.binary***/2168530yqz-1.jpg - near the St Peter's Burg nuclear power plant(you can see the chimneys).
The latest research by "accelerated learning" outfit The Training Camp may be very silly, but at least it doesn't accuse piratical punters from downloading movies illegally from the Internet.
Nope, the Training Camp has uncovered some much more exciting facts regarding the musical preferences...
Heh. I have speach recognition problems. When someone talks to me when I don't expect it, I get the first sentence only after 3 seconds. Dependless of the language.
As for, nofx, just try to shout. You'll get used to it and probably like it.:E
Mistook my friend's cordless mouse with my cell phone and went home with it. I realized what I did only after trying to call somebody.:E Imagine a guy on the street who is trying to call useing cordless mouse.
Also, burned my eyelashes while looking and getting closer to a stove. I looked...
Too bad for you. Online is the only way I play games.
How can you play single player anyway? The AI is so predictable and everything is scripted. Single player is same as masturbation.
I always thought the point of those threads is not to link us to archives of funny photos, but to show us the funniest photos.
These will all make you laugh your ass off:
President Bush is proud to introduce an ambitious new phase in the fight to preserve all that is decent in America. Conceived and championed by the revered Republican think tank Americans for Purity, "Operation Infinite Purity" is dedicated to the complete eradication of masturbation from...
Midget pr0n definitely!~!!! Midget p0ron uses cooler technology - prosthetic limbs(some midgets have them)!
Seriously, I haven't seen much of doom's graphics exept for the "plastic" renders. Can't say.