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  1. Citrus

    Hair Styles! Im really into them...How about you?

    20days: Have it spiked an inch 10days: Grows too long, flatten it a little then.. CUT/REPEAT
  2. Citrus

    Page Pool Memory Issue

    How much ram do you have and what graphics card? Try sticking everything on low.. it doesnt ruin the game, but it may help.
  3. Citrus

    My friend is a WoW whore.

    Is This Your Friend? :|
  4. Citrus

    What should be in The Orange Box 2?

    I wouldnt buy half-life 2 for a 3rd time just so I could give it to someone. They better release new stuff next time.
  5. Citrus

    Littlebigplanet coming septermber

    Errr.. thats starcraft not littlebigplanet :|
  6. Citrus

    GeForce 9800 GX2 Exclusive Pics & Specs

    The only reason im excited about this news is because of the price drop in the 8800GT. Couldnt give a s* about this brick :/
  7. Citrus

    System Requirements?

    2Gb seems quite alot to me. I suppose there is alot going on at the same time though.
  8. Citrus

    What roles do you play in games or in guilds

    1. Male 2. FPS=Stealth, MMO=Stealth/Sniper I seem to insist on not getting hurt in games. I have no idea why.
  9. Citrus

    New rig

    If I were you, i'd get a bigger hard-drive than 250gb. In 1 year i've completely filled my 160gb up, and if I hadn't extremely limited the amount of video I use for editing, I could of needed up to 500gb by now. It really depends on what you want the computer for, obviously you've already...
  10. Citrus

    New video, pics, AND magazine!

    Yeh I read the pages on L4D the other night - interesting stuff. Cant wait for this game!
  11. Citrus

    Team Fortress 2 Updated

    haha, no more trivia :P
  12. Citrus

    LOTR Online

    Well the only reason I played LOTR Online was because all the other games had 3gb downloads off the internet and this one was from a Pczone disc. I like it, but then I haven't tried anything else (apart from EVE, which is completely different).
  13. Citrus

    LOTR Online

    I've just started playing the 7-day trial and it's a pretty neat game. Does anyone else here play it?
  14. Citrus


    So I should just go with the cheapest 512 then. I guess i'll have to wait a few months.
  15. Citrus

    Rockstar comes to Steam

    GTA is horrible to play on a 17"+ screen. So zoomed in.
  16. Citrus


    I have a 1024x768 monitor I think. Should I still go with the 512? And my main question is: Which make of the 8800?
  17. Citrus


    I hate CTF maps. The actual game mode itself is fine, but I think they ruin the maps when they make them identical to eachother (which they have to for balance).
  18. Citrus

    Image Dump III

    Those last 2 had me laughing for atleast a minute. THANKYOU
  19. Citrus

    Thinking about buying STALKER. Will it run on my PC?

    You will run it fine. I can get it to run on an old ATI X1300 ;)
  20. Citrus


    Well i'm completely stuck on which model to get. So many different companies are releasing different versions. One is ?117, the other is ?223. Is there...