Search results

  1. Killing2Live

    Excellent Photo series (female model - NN)

    Sorry but does anyone really think that she is actually hott/pretty/cute...whatever?
  2. Killing2Live

    Evil America strikes again...

    hahah go america
  3. Killing2Live

    Saddam caught with his kecks down

    what are kecks?
  4. Killing2Live

    Deus Ex: Source... Possibly.

    screw copyright laws
  5. Killing2Live

    Excellent Photo series (female model - NN)

    I did not like most of those pitcures, I guess I am not into photography.
  6. Killing2Live

    The next "dust" map

    That actually looks pretty good, but im not setting my expectations very high so I dont get dissappointed.
  7. Killing2Live

    Student suspended for talking to his mother in Iraq

    Yeah this is bs, in my high school, even if it is in the middle of class, if you tell the teacher it is your parents then they will let you take the call outside. Come on, I would got suspended a hundred times to get to talk to my mom in Iraq because you never know, it might be the last time...
  8. Killing2Live

    Wheres the good players ?

    They've all got tired of raping people at HL2DM and went back to CS:S or just stopped playing.
  9. Killing2Live

    Pain in the arse

    If you are running windows XP SP2 and if thats not just a pop up then just go into Windows Security Center and either turn click "I'll monitor a firewall program by myself" or something like that.
  10. Killing2Live

    Transfer Files without Internet Connection?

    Burn all the stuff to a couple dvds :)
  11. Killing2Live

    New G-card Need advice

    I just saw a Radeon 9800 Pro 256-bit 128mb on for only $127.00. Super deal if your not too into gaming and just want good performance with a low price. Heres the 9800 Pro-
  12. Killing2Live

    most addictng foods?

    Special Brownies
  13. Killing2Live

    Explorer or FireFox ?

    Is this even a needed question? Firefox all the way!
  14. Killing2Live

    The Crystal Method

    yeah i heard that song A LONG time ago, but yeah its pretty cool. Have you ever seen the video for it? Its pretty funny if you get a chance.
  15. Killing2Live

    Steam Client Update

    CS:S is now freezing after this update :(
  16. Killing2Live


    It keeps the hit boxes on the models.
  17. Killing2Live

    got a nasty virus

    yeah, doesnt sound like a virus. That used to happen to me a lot too and I absolutely hated it so I would just let my computer restarting and eventually it would be smart and come out of it.
  18. Killing2Live

    Computer Recommendations

    What graphics card comes with it? And picking what graphics card depends on how "intense" you wanna go. But if your just the average gamer, Id go for the 6600 GT.
  19. Killing2Live


    The web accelerator is actually very good, designed for broadband and really speeds up web pages. Although I can't find it anywhere in google features or even searching for it doesnt come up with it. Maybe it is very beta and they are trying to keep it secret :eek:
  20. Killing2Live

    System of a Down

    Yeah lol, i try not to think about the lyrics.