Can you post a pic? Look carefully for a branch on the big branchand use that as a ramp. There are quite a few branches over the water in water hazard and thats how you get over most of them if i remember.
When you get your shotgun and the fast zombies attack i managed to kill one then i couldn't dind the other when i did it appeared from below it startled me and i fell from the roof, it jjumped down too and killed itself :rolleyes:
I skipped everything in this tread after i saw the link. Has anybody noticed the background on the tv is the same to the background in Breens speeches? Notice the combine symbol.
If you already have i just embarresed myself :|
For the citadel to fall on City 17 wouldn't an explosion have to come from the bottom not the top?Also i just came up with a wild idea of DOG saving Alyx at the last second from the explosion.