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  1. Dile

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    Why don't you just e-mail Valve? I guess they would answer all your questions.
  2. Dile

    Half-Life 2 Vids: My Opinions

    It's a design decision, not a technical limitation ;)
  3. Dile

    Half-Life 2 Vids: My Opinions

    That's because he didn't want the combine soldier to die, and he wanted the headcrab to jump off the body.
  4. Dile

    What game holds graphical supremacy?

    Quite an unfriendly poll to me... How can we determine which is nicer if they aren't even complete games! Come on people, get real!
  5. Dile

    Half-Life 2 Vids: My Opinions

    Don't say that! That is from Half-Life 1! ;)
  6. Dile

    'Beta' amnesty

    Yes, because I'm a "dirty rotten thief", "morally and legally wrong", a "warez monkey", "wrong, stubborn, ignorant" It was good for me to know what HL2 will be like. And it will be the best game ever!
  7. Dile

    HL2.Net Rick Ellis Interview

    No need for Hotmail, here's a good smtp client: Just install, set up, and use Outlook Express.
  8. Dile

    HL2.Net Rick Ellis Interview

    What's up, mrBadger?
  9. Dile

    What DirectX Does Your Card Support?

    I have a Gef2 MX, so dx7. Note everyone: All GeForce MX cards are Dx7. This means you, GeForce 4 MX owner!
  10. Dile

    Who wants to ask Rick Ellis a question?

    Another one: How can a mod use Steam and the players' steam ID to save player characteristics usually seen in MMORPGs? What about the engine?
  11. Dile

    Who wants to ask Rick Ellis a question?

    Is it possible somehow to attach a view model to a world model? Like attaching "the hand" to a stationary weapon. Haven't read the whole thread, please ban me if it has already been asked. j/k
  12. Dile

    Took a trip to Valve, heres the story

    Wow, good job, Algor! It's really nice to have some positive news this time around.
  13. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    Can you tell me why do you think you were you correct? I'll explain the situation: 1. An e-mail from Rick Ellis says that "The SDK will be released soon" This info is been confirmed by e-mails that are also posted in the Valve info thread. 2. The Hype machine starts. Emails are sent to...
  14. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    Apology is not the exact thing I want. An answer is more like it.
  15. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    And BTW the e-mails in the Valve info thread are not posted on, they are posted on's forums, which is a big difference. And e-mails that have been proved as fakes have all been deleted.
  16. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    This information has been confirmed a hundred times, including the one that Gamespot recieved, still you handle it like a lie.
  17. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    It seems like they've deleted Munro's first post...
  18. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks

    Of course he closed the thread. He did a bad thing when lying to people in the news post, and now he wants everybody not to care. He knows that he made a mistake, and he wants to get away with it. It's also worth to note that he ignored all my comments that actually counted, like that...
  19. Dile

    Gamespot Confirms SDK is due in next few weeks
  20. Dile

    Tiscali hosting screens from leak, WTF?

    Heh. That site is czech, and so is the link :laugh: