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  1. 82ross

    CS: S wall hack

    Ive also heard of people doing it in the latest version. Mainly people on the steam forums.
  2. 82ross

    fao: Seasoned Key-binders

    Them CS 1.6 2 CSS conversion binds arent mine. I just used them a few days ago when i decided to use radio binds again. The clear and wait commands work fine for me, so i never changed them.
  3. 82ross

    fao: Seasoned Key-binders

    // CS1.6 to CS:S radio Commands Compatibility Aliases alias w "wait;" alias w2 "w;w;" alias s10 "slot10;" alias clear_menu "s10;w2;s10;w2;s10;w;s10;s10;w;s10;" alias coverme "radio1;menuselect 1;clear_menu;" alias takepoint "radio1;menuselect 2;clear_menu;" alias holdpos...
  4. 82ross

    Counter Strike old map

    I forgot all about rotterdam, that was a pretty good, well made map. Even if they arent "remade" i hope they recompile all of those for the source engine.
  5. 82ross

    Look what I found.

    Theres FA to explore in these maps. :( I do like noclipping to the 3dskybox though and spraying all over it. Go back to the map and theres giant sprays all over the place. Or drop my guns and see giant weapons. Im pretty sure in HL2 you could spawn a buggy in it and see a giant buggy sitting on...
  6. 82ross

    CS:S Mapping programs?

    Im pretty sure you could use the old hammer to make basic geometry then import it into the new hammer edition when its released. But you cant make/compile source maps as of yet.
  7. 82ross

    Counter Strike old map

    cs_foption was great aswell. cs_docks already made one comeback maybe it can try again in source :) I miss the old days :P
  8. 82ross

    nice hitboxes!!

    Depends which way they are moving.
  9. 82ross

    Funniest homevideos & piccies

    Negative values are also aloud! sv_gravity -800 before office and everything sticks to the ceiling!
  10. 82ross

    nice hitboxes!!

    sv_cheats 1 sv_showhitboxes 1 thirdperson 1 Type sv_showhitboxes it says in the console that it uses a lot of bandwidth so should only be used on a listen server!
  11. 82ross

    Counter-Strike: Shiny

    ^ What he said! Give us some screenshots.
  12. 82ross

    CS:S Cracked?

    Yes it has. Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 for one.
  13. 82ross

    bots available in final?

    Does that mean they will act like 10 year olds in publics but mature in privates? Cheat and deny it! Go afk for 10 minutes at a time and then claim lag was the only reason they died. :D
  14. 82ross

    Banned from CS = Banned from CS:S??

    Swap your account with a friend who doesnt want any online mp.
  15. 82ross

    bots available in final?

    Theres a few botfiles in the css gcf. BotChatter.db BotProfile.db So who knows.
  16. 82ross

    Which map?

    If only they would put the steel doors back in!
  17. 82ross

    "Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam"

    Just buy HL2 on a different/new account.
  18. 82ross

    steam prices are great for us brits

    I think you should give me one :) In this situation the taxman can go **** himself.
  19. 82ross

    "Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam"

    To laugh at what other people paid money for?
  20. 82ross

    Cs source search for servers available

    Whatever they done i keep losing my fkin fav's. And CSS is always the selected filter when i start steam. Funny seens as though i dont have the beta.