Search results

  1. synth

    I need the assistance of the community

    My team will be looking this thread over. I love your names - please keep posting them! :cheers: We'll let you know when we've narrowed it down or chosen one.
  2. synth

    easter egg ???

    Wow -- 10,000 thread views on a trivial detail?
  3. synth

    I need the assistance of the community

    I am helping create a medieval mod for Half-Life 2. For days, the team (including several notable community members) and I have been brainstorming ideas for a name. However, we haven't thought of any really catchy ones. This is where you come in - help us think of a good name for a multiplayer...
  4. synth

    What if HL2 SUCK pretty badly?

    locked, quit bickering.
  5. synth Custom Map Night

    I'll try this out, ought to be fun.
  6. synth

    All members should read this public annoucement.

    make constructive posts, guys.
  7. synth


    LittleCooper, you've already been banned under a different account. Stay out.
  8. synth

    Most sexy person

    I was obligated to add the option of our favorite cuddly game dev! :D
  9. synth

    First head

    Looks great, but you keep turning the light way down.
  10. synth

    Gabe Newell interview by PCFormat

    Thanks to A.I. on our forums who translated this interesting interview with Gabe Newell. Gabe covers interesting questions such as company security and how they deal with popularity. This is one of their questions:[br] Read the entire article here.
  11. synth


    LOL, yeah those were the old good times :)
  12. synth

    I may have found the actuall Easter Egg in the E32004 demo-

    Yes. ...and that's not an easter egg.
  13. synth

    Player Names in Color

    I think color names add a bit of fun, but you can go overboard with it. I'd like to see it as a feature though.
  14. synth

    Half Life 2 Gold In August!

    already been posted. locked.
  15. synth

    I'm leaving too: for a few months

    Let's all stay on topic and congratulate Apos for giving up HL2 for real life politics - who runs the country is more important than a game, so I really respect you, Apos, for doing this :)
  16. synth

    Book on Carmack and Romero

    I read it. I loved it. Great book, I recommend it to anyone interested in reading about games.
  17. synth

    The Acronym Game

    Knights Need Only Crazy Kangaroos MORPH
  18. synth

    ID rushing D00M 3 so it would hit shelves b4 hl2?

    From the way things are going, the company that takes the longest to finish it wins :/
  19. synth

    Interesting newspost on HL2's status.

    yeah, September 30 of LAST YEAR :O that'd be insulting to release it a year after the original date