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  1. Curator

    What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

    I would like to see at least one of the following: -Portable Gauss gun -Portable strider anti-matter cannon -Egon gun -Elyx gun (fully automatic USP handgun) -Something akin to the handheld rail gun used in the arnold movie The Sixth Day -Alternate mode for the gravity gun, ability to...
  2. Curator

    Graphics still top of the line?

    There is a difference between being pessimistic and being plain idiotic. I know what the engine is capable of, I'm not being optimistic. HL2 uses the same method as UE3 for it's model and texture detail for instance. Source art is created extremely high and then reduced using normal maps that...
  3. Curator

    Graphics still top of the line?

    You obviously know nothing of what the Source engine is capable of. It may not be able to look quite as good as UE3 in it's current form but with a bit of upgrading, such as a more robust dynamic lighting system, it easily could. Thanks for showing your idiocy, it made me laugh.
  4. Curator

    Graphics still top of the line?

    As far as I'm concerned HL2's graphics are just as good as Doom 3, Stalker and FEAR if not better. The only engine that could quality as better is UE3, however Source is capable of similar graphics. Valve simply doesn't want the game to run at 20 fps on a 6800 or X800. I wouldn't be surprised...
  5. Curator

    Vaporization in HL2 looks retarded...

    I kind of liked the effect, but I think something like blowing apart in firey ashes and sparks that fade away would be better.
  6. Curator

    Best Game of E3 not Half-Life2?

    Sounds to me like Tim is a bit jealous of all the attention HL2 is getting. Same for console fans.
  7. Curator

    What wil be the hardest/most annoying enemy?

    Assassins, by far.
  8. Curator


    I believe it's the inside of the Citadel.
  9. Curator

    Your Opinion On The Changes To The Combine Flaregun?

    The i-rifle (incendary rifle) is not the same as a flare gun. The game does have a flare gun which is used to signal for help and nothing more. The i-rifle is a combat weapon. They're completely different. It can be turned on and off.
  10. Curator

    I love the G-Man.

    He's like the cancer man on the X-Files. Mysterious and into everything. High up on the power meter.
  11. Curator

    Your Opinion On The Changes To The Combine Flaregun?

    Yeah, it's similar to the Gauss gun in that it charges for a more powerful shot which vaporizes.
  12. Curator

    So, What New Story Items Have We Learned?

    From what I gather the story revolves around a group of humans working with aliens and using their technology to take over the world. The men in white are rebels which work with a different alien race in an attempt to save humanity. Of course that's just speculation.
  13. Curator

    Strider Video, City 17 Analysis

    The tower grows as it consumes the city. If you look at it in the videos you can see it moving.
  14. Curator

    Two New HL2 Videos At E3 2004

    There will be one demonstration at the ATI booth consisting of one or more new videos and another at the VU booth showing a completely different video/s. Valve will also be holding a demonstration to the press that shows the videos from both booths at the same time. I know this for fact.
  15. Curator

    Two New HL2 Videos At E3 2004

    Doom ]|[ has slightly better graphics while HL2 has a much more detailed storyline and far more interaction with the environment. This should be quite obvious by now.
  16. Curator

    Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

    You need one of these.
  17. Curator

    Video Card Evolution (split from Radeon 9800XT pics thread)

    3DFX Voodoo 3 3000 > 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 > Geforce 2 MX 400 > Radeon 9500 Pro I was forced to go the GF2 route since the 5500 no longer supported future games and hardware due to 3DFX's downfall.
  18. Curator

    Release Date Rage Article

    At worst it will be out around October 7th. Just keep your pants on everyone. Patience is a virtue.
  19. Curator

    GF 4 4600 vs ATI 9600 pro?

    Basically PCIE is capable of doing 10 GBps or 5 times faster than agp 8x. So yes, I would say it's faster.
  20. Curator

    Better than Alienware?

    Go to Definitely the best place to get anything computer related. You can build a better system then Bastion's for less.