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  1. M

    YeY, hackers..

    Yea, but many of the times people were using non-player models, there was no death animation and when they were killed, so was the server. Bye bye - now where can we play? This morning there were only 100 operation HL2dm servers, the rest had been brought down by the exploit and its...
  2. M

    YeY, hackers..

    I have another hacker who crashes my server 6 times in the last two weeks. He only joins for about 10 seconds then sends my my SCRDS.exe cpu to 97% then jets out of the server. The Name is "Kid Speeding" his IP address is on the Asia Pacific Network according to since my server...
  3. M

    Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

    By any chance is this girl's name " Alyx"? ;)
  4. M

    ATi new drivers (ATI Catalyst 5.2)

    If it is the same CLI.exe error that I got. you need to install .NET FRamework 1.1 from I did that and it cleared up the error. I found the fix on another forum.
  5. M

    Spawn Kills

    In Unreal Tournament DM , there is a default time about 4 seconds,I think where you are immune to fire. If you shoot a weapon, you lose the immunity. In the original HL1 DM, it could be set by a variable( cant remember which). For years, it was a DM ettiquite thing not to kill the freshly...
  6. M

    Stun stick and Slam in next version of HL2DM

    I'm hoping that it is a device like the tripmine in HL1DM. I miss it dearly. I used to set up some serious booby traps with it, particularly on doors and stairs. The trick was to hide the body of the mine behind an object and usually someone won't notice the beam when they are running and. B...
  7. M

    Small Server Admin vs /obnoxious/abusive players

    My server is has windows 2003 server on it, This was a 6-month trial edition I got in a book (I'm an MS Certifed Systems Engineer). I figured, used junk box, free server, why not? But I get some pretty unappreciative players. I have only essential services running on my PC, not even...
  8. M

    Small Server Admin vs /obnoxious/abusive players

    Wow, ran a HL2DM (Team) server as a community-resource thing with an old box. The PC is a beatup old 966 W/ 512MB RAM. I put a Trial Win 2003 server on it and installed Steam Dedicated Server on it. Downloaded maps, went thru some trial and error on setting stuff up. But it has been running...
  9. M

    Creating Dedicated servers Tutorials

    Got my server running half-way decent. Can usually host 8-10 off my cable modem. Thanks for the Tutorial
  10. M

    Creating Dedicated servers Tutorials

    Pro[ph]et, Many thanks for your tutorial although I confess that I have not tried to to implement all of your suggestions yet. Just running Tower on my beat up 933/512 server, Thunderdome2-B.
  11. M


    LOL, Since I have seen this post, I think I see a lot more DMing folks crouching.
  12. M

    Dealing with cd-key thieves

    My Guess, perhaps there is a CD-Key generator program like there are for other games to illegally use a CD-Key until discovered and shut off. Such a generator program may have come up with your number without the packaging on your HL2 box ever having been opened.
  13. M


    There was a similar problem with the original HL1DM early on, the head hit box was too small or deliberately made too small by the modeller. I think that this was fixed in late 2000 with a patch. Some of the models were outright cheats, like the 6 inch high "Wall" Model. He,he after much...
  14. M

    Exploding Pyrimid

    Just a humorous tidbit. In early 1999 while playing HL1DM in lan parties. We found that you could crash the server by detonating 24 tripmines at once. Basically it locked up the game. This was fixed by early 2000. I wonder how many exploding barrels with other objects around it as shrapnel...
  15. M

    What are the 5 best HL2DM maps?

    DM_Badtaste - a remake of one of my old favs DM_Gasworks_B4- a remake of one of my old favs DM_Rebar Would like to see remakes of the old Morgoth and Scary1&2 HL1DM maps- the flow of those maps rocked!
  16. M

    Guy With Speedhack

    Was his player name "HSU"? I ran into this clown doing the same thing on a server over the weekend. After warnings from 3 people,that if Valve got his account # his Steam account would be invalidated, he left the server. He was running on 5X sprint non-stop. The only one that could kill him...
  17. M

    1001 signs that you've played too much Half Life

    398) You keep daydreaming of throwing bug baits into the boss's office!
  18. M

    HL1DM maps you would like to see ported to HL2DM

    i think i saw a map called crossfire4 but it was always full
  19. M


    try getting a program to test your RAM. You may have some bad registers. Your swap file may be too small or ran out of drive space. Also, a tip, I had repartitioned my hard drive and reinstalled Windows XP pro, but made a partition (2X the size of my RAM) just for my swap file that way it...
  20. M

    HL1DM maps you would like to see ported to HL2DM

    Post some of your favorite HL1DM maps that you would like to see ported to HL2DM and prettied up a little. Hopefully those will mapping experience can see this and get to work My Favs: Gasworks Rats Ratsfasttrain Morgoth Borgtech Scary1 SGSD (shotgun square dance) Post your...