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  1. Interitus

    Compile problems :-(

    They need to be prop_dynamic or prop_physics. And your map is leaking
  2. Interitus

    Water Problem

    I've got a secret area accessible under water thru a pipe, and then you come up out of the water into the area. But for some reason, when underneath, its showing the skybox, and then when passing thru the top of the water you can see outside of my map, like you've got noclip on. Here is...
  3. Interitus

    Post your best Sprays

    I dont see added benefit to using a vmt, unless you're gonna have it animated. or can you add funky shaders? I'm trying to make an animated one of this right now:
  4. Interitus

    Animated Sprays

    I'm trying to make one, and I'm sorta following two different tutorials on this... the hl_2world one, and the on When I run the batch command(... being the full location of course): vtex -mkdir -shader sprite G:\...\Spray.txt it tells me: Problem figuring out...
  5. Interitus

    What is required for a DM map?

    What is needed for a proper DM map? What entitites? what brushes? Taking a look at the DM_lockdown map, there are a LOT of hint brushes, various nodraws, and all sorts of other stuff in there. Being a n00b to half-life engine mapping, what does it all mean? what does it do and where do I...
  6. Interitus

    Help with HL2 SP entities

    I'm having the same problem. EDIT: Ok, I found out how to switch. When you're in the Source SDK menu in Steam, theres a "Current Game" drop-down menu. Choose the game you want to map for. Is there a way to change inside hammer? or do we gotta close it and reload each time?
  7. Interitus

    wth is CreateHairball?

    all it did for me was crash my computer
  8. Interitus

    wth is CreateHairball? I was wondering the same thing....
  9. Interitus

    SDK model viewer tool

    I'm having the same problem. The account I'm in is a computer administrator account... so I should have full access...
  10. Interitus

    Viewing HL2 models in the model viewer

    I try running HLMV, but it wont run at all. Double-clicking thru steam or windows explorer yields nothing... It doesnt do anything at all... Any ideas?
  11. Interitus

    The Console

    Ok, I was playing around in the console, running some cheats (yes, I had finished the game), fooling around killing the combine soldiers before I was supposed to be able to. I wanted to create an antlion, but I didnt know the code to create it, so I started typing in "create" What came up was...
  12. Interitus

    Halo 2 is in stock

    They'll be riots if they change the Nov9 release date. Can you imagine how many people booked that day off?
  13. Interitus

    Some small Collectors Edition Info

    woah woah woah... you mean collectors edition doesnt come out on Nov 16?
  14. Interitus

    How is it not gold?

    At this point, are they really going to be changing enough to be affecting reviews of it?
  15. Interitus

    ATI Voucher = Steam's Bronze Package

    Ok, so I found the spot to get the retail copy, but it is probably only the standard edition. I dont see anything where I can upgrade to the collectors edition. Nor do I see a contact email to see if its possible to upgrade. I think I may just try and sell off my voucher, as it'll be a heck of...
  16. Interitus

    ATI Voucher = Steam's Bronze Package

    What if I want a Retail package? I want to get the retail Collectors Edition.
  17. Interitus

    Convert Quake3 maps to DOOM3 looking

    Why would you want to do this? The maps are going to look exactly the same, with work needed to properly align some of the textures. The only difference is the lighting. And as multiplayer, you're down to 4 players, rather than 16 player games (32 player?) I see no benefit to doing this...
  18. Interitus

    Doom 3 Trailer Music

    You mean the Intro music? Its done by that Chris Vienna guy... If you open up pak003 (with winrar or something similar), browse to: sound/musicical/ You'll find the full theme song in .ogg format. I've got it as track 1 on one of my latest mix cds. Nothing like cruising down the road...
  19. Interitus

    Doom 3 SDK + Patch+ Vehicle Code to be released soon

    Sweet... cant wait for the sdk. I'd actually like to see someone remake the Doom1 and Doom2 levels. Update 'em a little, but for the most part keep 'em the same.
  20. Interitus

    Official "I have Doom 3" thread.

    I got gipped! I had to wait a day later than the americans to buy my copy :( But I got my copy on the 4th, the release date for canada :) This game rocks.