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  1. Foxtrot88

    Valve Week at -- Day Two

    Yes looking good -Damn, havent posted here for a year, nice to be back :cheers:
  2. Foxtrot88

    DOD:S entering beta soon, release 'not too far away'

    Her is a suprise for you, this is Source
  3. Foxtrot88

    Gabe nominated in Wired "Rave Awards"

    yey for him!
  4. Foxtrot88

    Does Gabe Get Mad?

  5. Foxtrot88

    I drew Gordon Freeman

    damnit, how do i get the URL to the picture?
  6. Foxtrot88

    Holy crap! Cool thing in Ravenholm

    Yes i know I could lock the door, but as you see under the boxes, I was trying to burn them when they came. So I didnt expect them to come down on my head from the roof Anywhay, it just proves what a good game HL2 really is :E That is offending! :p
  7. Foxtrot88

    Holy crap! Cool thing in Ravenholm

    Was suppose to blow them up.. EDIT: fixed the 2nd link
  8. Foxtrot88

    Holy crap! Cool thing in Ravenholm

    yeah, i know, must have done something wrong ;(
  9. Foxtrot88

    Holy crap! Cool thing in Ravenholm

    Was playing in ravenholm right after you get the shotgun and is about to push the elevator button. Then two fast zombies comes in the door, so I though "why not block the door?" and took the gas barrels(tanks,cans?) and the boxes on top of that again so that when they came I would blow them up...
  10. Foxtrot88

    I am building a headcrab!!!

    haha, thats what you get for acting childish
  11. Foxtrot88

    lol @ germany

    Med europa så tenkte jeg på Tyskland, Frankrike, UK osv Europa-Skandinavia liksom... :p
  12. Foxtrot88

    lol @ germany

    USA, Europa, Austrailia, they all suck :P Here in Norway we are so rich no one gives a damn. We actually had a minister who cried when she saw GTA3 because of the violence. Though she was from Krf, a Christian party. Oh well, no one gives a shit what they mean, they cant ban it if...
  13. Foxtrot88

    Favourite scene in HL2 (most likely spoilers)

    the BEST part was:
  14. Foxtrot88

    Where to buy hardware

    I am looking for the Hightech Excalibur Radeon X800 XT IceQ PE And its impossible! If they even have HIS, its the only the PRO. Though they will have some at a norwegian page, but that would cost me 810$ :O yes, Norway is a expencive country (bastards!) Does anyone have a clue? THanks
  15. Foxtrot88

    Where to buy hardware

    Since the US dollar is so low made me think about buying from a US hardware shop. But since there is so much crap out there... Can anyone recommend a good page? Thanks (Sorry if its the wrong forum)
  16. Foxtrot88

    New DOD:S pic (REAL)

    It is fake Dont remember the name but thats just skins for DoD1.3 IT IS FAKE
  17. Foxtrot88

    DOG (spoilers)

    I got it! DOG and Lamarr on new adventures! hahaha, that would be great :cheese:
  18. Foxtrot88

    Anyone find Ruby?

    This one is Norway only, but there will be taken out 1 winner from each country(wich ones i dunno) EDIT: I know she is in the strider Bink, but where is that part in HL2? so annoying that each chapter is so long, wich forces me to play so damn long through boring parts
  19. Foxtrot88

    Anyone find Ruby?

    There is a contest were im suppose to find a picture of her somewhere and send it in.. but its really hard to find her
  20. Foxtrot88

    I don't think will see Half-Life 3 for along time...

    DOnt have link, but Valve themselves said it