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  1. D

    GDC 07 Programmer's Challenge

    At least in C++ (I don't know about other languages, but I would imagine it is the same in others), ++ and -- adds and subtracts one from the value respectively. If A==5 and I type "A++", A becomes 6. That is why C++ is called what it is, it is adding one to the language C.
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    Ritual still plans to SiN

    I actually liked SiN too. :/ It wasn't anything special, but it wasn't horrible either.
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    Beginning Ubuntu

    What kind of errors are you getting? Your problem may be that you don't have build-essential (It allows you to compile stuff). In the terminal type sudo apt-get install build-essential Additionally, when they talk about getting "root" that means the administrator. In Ubuntu, the root...
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    Windows Vista just got leaked lolrofllmao !

    From my understanding, it's because there are not many good 64 bit drivers yet. I would expect that to change as vista is released, but your mileage may vary.
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    Vista is gold

    98 support was suspended earlier this year, but it's been supported a lot longer than many OS's.
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    network help for you wizzez

    It probably has nothing to do with it being a Mac. Check the router settings to ensure that there is not a MAC Address (despite the name, MAC addresses are used in all network devices) filter on the router that only allows certain addresses to connect. I imagine something like that is your...
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    Help with excel (how to put infinity as a value)

    What class is this? It sounds to me like you are going to want to use limits to figure out the answer. I don't know how to do that in Excel or if it even can.
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    Linux, Windows XP and me...

    You do realize that you can get Ubuntu with KDE right?
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    AMD to buy ATI

    I also doubt ATI's shareholders would turn the merger down, considering ATI's share price rose on news that they would be trying to merge.
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    What laptop to get for college?

    Depending on your will-power, I would bring your desktop with you. Typing long lab reports kinda sucks on a laptop, but laptops are nice when inputing data into Excel for various projects you get assigned. That Dell will allow you to play CSS and HL2, but it likely will not be all that great...
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    laptop versus macbook, your opinions n advice

    What makes macs better laptops than PC laptops? Not trying to troll, I'm honestly curious.
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    Instalilng the Windows Vista Beta 2, dual boot and partition questions

    I was not able to use the Vista installer to create a new partition unless I formatted the drive. Using QTParted with Knoppix allowed me to shink the size of my existing partition so I could install on a new one.* *If you are going to do this, back up your data that is on the drive you intend...
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    That was pretty funny. :)
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    GEARS OF WAR site is live

    What codec does the trailer use? I only get sound.
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    Try running Spybot S&D in safe mode.
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    7800GTX Temperature

    It would be best to run with 2 blowing in (in the front) and two blowing out (in the back). This will replace the air within the case fastest, meaning better cooling.
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    Weird anyone else think about this?

    It is because Valve did not use the Shader Model 3 way of doing it like most developers.
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    Weird anyone else think about this?

    From my understanding, it is a tech thing with Nvidia cards. ATI's newest generation can supposedly run both at the same time due to the methodology used.