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  1. J

    'Will HL2 run on my comp' TESTER PRGRM

    5 clicks beyond recomended.. hehe. =P
  2. J

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    Ooo, you really hurt my feeling there. Im just so ******* tired of ppl who make them selfs look more than they really are. Which he did, dont even try to deny it. Its a great thing to try to make a map, as a hobby, really, most of us have tried that. But if it is so, plz just say so...
  3. J

    Freeman's mod (was: Source Engine no limits???)

    Does anyone but me think that FreemanHL2 is full of shit? I mean, you brag like a 10 year old about something you can't even prove. And as always... In the end it turns out to be, hold your breath .... A MAP! ... :rolling: Sometimes you hear a person speak, and you think "Hmm...
  4. J

    Psy gun and squad commands still in hl2!!

    I read somewhere about a thermalgranade typo thingie as a secondary fire for manipulator, could be it.
  5. J

    Remember that thing on

    Hmmm, it would be nice if everyone who are signed in on a NDA, spilled thier guts out once HL2 is out, I have a feeling that there is much going on behind the curtains. =)
  6. J

    Remember that thing on

    You are right about the pullitzer, but come on its just a game site... relax and dont take it so damn seriously!
  7. J

    Half life cancellation Go, read! Change your life!
  8. J

    Remember that thing on

    "Would it be right if an admin banned you without reason?" - Well it is called "right" is it not? They have that rigth, even if it is wrong. However they cant stop me from flaming them on MY website. "I may not agree with you sir, but I will die for your right to express opinion"...
  9. J

    Half life cancellation

    pointless thread.
  10. J

    Remember that thing on

    First of all he was the admin, so he had that right. (Sure you cant post EVERYTHING on THIS forum, but there are forums on the net where the admins are not as "conservative" as here.) Secondly the rules he broke and any grudge between him and gamespy is his business.
  11. J

    Remember that thing on

    I dont think so. He was right, and the way he acted does not give us the right to judge him. We all have our "specialities" Fragmaster was annoyed, angry and so on. So he acted it out. So what? This is not US(!), on the internet you do actually have a right to free speech. :dozey: So, IF you...
  12. J

    Translation Of PCF HL2 Review

    Nice! Good job!
  13. J

    PCG scans... no link, but read...

    They are out. Just look on the net. You wont have to look far. I hope THIS kind of post is allowed. Darn if servers were in sweden....
  14. J

    PC Gamer Exclusive Half-Life 2 Review

    Question to Icarus... For how long is the NDA valid?
  15. J

    Nice interview with the writer of the strategy guide Good read.
  16. J

    Planethalflife: The countdown is on! HUH??

    More HL2 preload - Would not need a counter. TF2 gold - not really. DNF - its more likely to find Elvis and all the other dudes, on desert island. So Hl2 must be gold. That is the most logical deduction. My opinion. Oh well, at least 2 weeks til it hits the stores, so really nothing to...
  17. J

    So it's a hoax, let's get over it and WORK ON THE SECOND TEST!!

    In russian, nova prospect means, more or less "new avenue" or main street of some sort. Common name in old soviet cities. Given that and the fact someone mentioned Odessa before, an east "Europe" city (Ukraine), by the black sea, it would not surprize me it city 17 is Odessa. However there does...
  18. J

    sHm0zY's Valve Tour & Play test!

    So true, its all dark ! So u rearely can enjoy the lightning effects. HL2 is much more vivid, my style no questions asked. :bounce:
  19. J

    Alyx- Hot or Not?

    Stop playing computer games so damn much guys and get laid. And get a girl friend.
  20. J

    Have you seen this video???

    I found it on supnova, is it new or old???