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  1. StabMasterArson

    Steam on Mac Coming May 12th

  2. StabMasterArson

    Valve Brings Steam and Source to the Mac

    Kinda covers ground we already know, but for those folks who still have questions about the Mac compatibility...
  3. StabMasterArson

    Valve Teases a Mac Release of Steam

    I don't suspect that most mac owners bought the computer just to play games. The fact that they will be able to just creates another reason to buy one for those folks who are in the market for a new computer. It also just creates a new level of added value for those people who already have a Mac.
  4. StabMasterArson

    Day 4: The Spy Update...yes really!

    Oh - and did y'all notice the tag line at the bottom of the catalog page? "MANN CO - We sell products and get in fights". heheheh...
  5. StabMasterArson

    Day 4: The Spy Update...yes really!

    Well played valve,well played. The nice thing about 2 class updates in one is it lessens the spamming effect of having servers full of all scouts or medics or heavies, like previous updates.
  6. StabMasterArson

    Third Scout Unlock: Force-A-Nature

    not that this will be news to anyone - but it looks like they closed the poll and the force-a-nature won with 42% of the vote
  7. StabMasterArson

    Second Scout Unlockable - Bonk Energy Drink & Achievements

    it'd be nice if the drink gave you the ability to triple jump, along with running faster
  8. StabMasterArson

    Scout Update Website Live - Release on Tuesday 24th

    yeah - i was assuming that from the pics as well. it'll be interesting to see how this pans out in a game. anybody up for a home-run derby? :E
  9. StabMasterArson

    Scout Update Website Live - Release on Tuesday 24th

    I was kinda wondering these same things. Along with - will the baseball be an alternate fire, or will you ONLY be able to launch baseballs with the bat? I'm assuming/hoping you'll still be able to run up and whack someone with the bat, but it wasn't entirely clear from the description...
  10. StabMasterArson

    Scout Update Website Live - Release on Tuesday 24th

    could be a lot of fun dinging a sniper across the map on 2fort to make him a sitting duck for a moment. also - i wonder what kind of rate of fire will it have? are we gonna have people complaining about being spammed by baseballs?
  11. StabMasterArson

    The Team Fortress 2 Universe

    guess I'm late to the party on this thread, but for anyone still curious about whether or not Valve made those blu and red websites... a quick whois lookup shows those domains are owned by the person who runs that's all i have to offer. enjoy.
  12. StabMasterArson

    Big Steam Update Released

    pardon my ignorance, but what's Blotter?
  13. StabMasterArson

    Meet The Sandvich!

    That was pretty hilarious. "My blood... he punched out all of my blood!"
  14. StabMasterArson

    New Payload - Badwater Basin

    Looks like fun... vertical gameplay was one of my favorite elements back when I played a lot of half-life dm.
  15. StabMasterArson

    Pyro Update has arrived!

    Watching a medic get juggled in the air by a pyro while getting torched was pretty amusing.
  16. StabMasterArson

    Pyro Update has arrived!

    Since it'll be a few days before I get a chance to play - does the air compressor thing require charging or some sort of ammo? and how quickly does it fire?
  17. StabMasterArson

    Pyro Update Details

    Exactly what I was hoping for. Hoping they "fix" it in a future patch may just be misplaced optimism, but Valve does listen to the community, so perhaps there's a chance.
  18. StabMasterArson

    Pyro Update Details

    Bummer - oh well. Thought it might make for some interesting strategy. Thanks for the link/confirmation/denial/whatever.
  19. StabMasterArson

    Pyro Update Details

    What are the odds of using the compression blast as a way to jump higher, a la nade or rocket jumps?
  20. StabMasterArson

    How do I recognize official maps from fannies?

    d00d - don't give away the ladder/vent secret... the only people who knew that before was every single goddamn person who ever played hldm....