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  1. M

    Half life offline

  2. M

    Oh BOy I sure wish I had seen the hydra

    For christsakes man....its a blue is so cool about that? IMO it would of been pointless to put that in the game. I think it was there just to show the ragdoll physics. You people need to get over this.
  3. M

    Just a note from an unbiased bystander.

    but halo2 has there own soft drink cups!!!!!!11!!wow!!!11
  4. M

    Quake 3.5

    Wait a damn Im a ra3 player for several years someone tell me this is true.
  5. M

    NEW Version of Physgun released! v0.3 by JB55

    When i run the hl2.exe shortcut on my desktop....the game loads up and in the console window it says "cant load maps" or somthing like that. I goto load game or saved games it dosent show any of my save points..infact i cant even start a new game. Please help me thanx. Looks fun.
  6. M


    Good work dude...**** them haters. Aint seen one of them with there own shit for us to see.
  7. M

    HL2 HDTV Shots

    I wish I had a long enough S video cable to reach my HDTV in the living room...Its a 65inch widescreen so i cant move it to my room. Although my dad goes out of town alot so maybe I can and should lmao.
  8. M

    Slightly disapointed

    Umm did you play it when it was released? or did you base your opinion on playing years after its release? HL1 was a breakthrough for all was wonderful.
  9. M

    Would you consider this piracy?

    wow all these posts say dont do it but when you look at the results more people voted
  10. M

    Why does the gman not smile?

    looks like alex is giving him a, well you know....
  11. M

    More "G-Man" sightings.

    uh yeah seen all those before...thanx for the memories! :smoking:
  12. M

    So now that we have HL2DM, what about...

    yeah there were always people on the lith servers at 4am....never anyone playing gxmod..pussies!
  13. M


    Haha that was almost john madden like....gj.
  14. M

    NO MP PPL COMPLAIN, we get MP, ppl still complain..

    Nope still works for me...bahaha
  15. M

    Sink Dodging DM

  16. M

    Why shouldnt we complain?

    Well it works for me just fine...I just got done playing on a very smooth server for about 3 hours with a 35 about fun....still shaking. HAHAHA!!!!
  17. M

    HL2DM Custom Map: DM_Datacore

    Hmm already? shit i dunno...dose it work for you Metal?
  18. M

    If you cant get HL2DM to work

    guess its working its now validating steam 34%....what dose that mean lol?
  19. M

    "easy" way to get sentry guns to stand?

    ive been stuck on this level for intence!!! game ever!
  20. M

    HL2 MP Servers UP-NO JOKE

    hey scorp is that server up?