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  1. OrphanBoy

    Half-Life 2 Beaten in 2:57:35 (Video link inside)

    Did anyone do New York Minute mode for the original Max Payne? (I wasn't a fan of NYM in MP2) I absolutely loved it! You just ran and ran and ran - if you absolutely *had* to shoot someone, you did so as quick as pos! I reckon it'd more than do-able for HL2... If I can finish Max Paybe 1 in...
  2. OrphanBoy

    Spawning NPCs in the skybox

    You can almost imagine the expression on the combine's face - he's turning round to you to say "WTF is that HUGE guy doing walking the streets?? Maybe we shouldn't fight each other, instead we should fight him!"
  3. OrphanBoy

    HL2 HDTV Shots

    I guess this is what it looks like to have HL2 running on one of those fancy widescreen TFTs :) I've got a widescreen laptop but my mobile gffx5200 can't push out 1280x854 for long :(
  4. OrphanBoy

    `suspended outside normal spacetime` - Raising the bar

    Quote of the week :) Thank god they didn't make Half-life 1.5: The In Between Years ;)
  5. OrphanBoy

    Name this picture!

    Err, is this one of those pics where you spawned the characters onto each other, or is this real scripted stuff?? Cool either way :) Valve didn't release an 18-certificate version of the game did they? ;)
  6. OrphanBoy


    AFAIK when Valve updated HL2 the other day via Steam, pre-recorded timedemos no longer work with the new exe. It says so in the blog section of :) edit: if you go to the blog page there's a link to newly recorded demos, but they aren't identical to the original ones apparently.
  7. OrphanBoy

    Is Source misjudging my cpu?

    When laptop (Pentium M 1.5 Ghz) is running on battery power and is in presentation/max battery mode the speed drops to either 600MHz, 300Mhz or even a tad lower... Check the power settings.
  8. OrphanBoy

    Dumb Steam question

    So it's still legit for me to play on my laptop (in lectures!) and on my real computer? To Valve it *would* like a bit dodgy, as my IP for my ADSL would obv be totally different to my uni wireless connection...
  9. OrphanBoy

    Dumb Steam question

    Before I start, I own a copy of HL2 and love it to bits. I'd like to be able to play the game on my laptop, so I've copied all the gcfs over to the copy of Steam on it, and everything runs cool :) I was wondering - what is to stop people downloading account information off warez sites and...
  10. OrphanBoy

    Secret entry on Half-Life's official website now!

    Was there ever like a final 'test'? I got bored of them a month ago, and haven't looked at them since. What was the point of them??
  11. OrphanBoy

    Last level too easy?

    I did like that thing when you put a bad guy into one of the energy beams and they got lifted up and disintegrated... :D A little bit more challenge would have been nice - I've not talking *hard* here, just allow the Combine to have more than a 2% chance at killing you! Somewhere in between...
  12. OrphanBoy

    Last level too easy?

    Anyone else think the last level (from getting the grav gun onwards) was far too easy? That gun was overkill (tho huge fun) and having those flying balls everywhere made it even worse! The combine never stood a chance! I think I died twice, and only cos I got nailed by that strider in the...
  13. OrphanBoy

    Whey key did you nearly break on your keyb playing it?

    I was *constantly* crouching in the game, so as not to get heard or seen by the Combine etc. Obv this went completely out the window when my lame-ass squad went running round :) Anyway, did anyone else come close to breaking their keys playing this? My ctrl key sure took a battering!
  14. OrphanBoy

    Wouldn't it be cool if we had VR computer gear by now so we could play HL2 in VR!!

    ELSA used to make stereo 3D glasses for their video cards; in fact I bought some off ebay! They're just LCD screens which flash on and off alternately - you also plug something in between your *CRT* and video card (which has to be nvidia, btw) and you get full-3D in pretty much all stuff...
  15. OrphanBoy

    Thank god for ch_creatairboat

    I didn't bother attack the helicopter (there's mounted guns later for that), but attacking the combine in that warehouse I did my usual save-shoot gun-kill a guy-save-i've been hit-reload save etc, over and over and over again! I can't help but do that SO much in games! It's f*cking annoying!
  16. OrphanBoy

    My impression of hl2 after completion

    I gotta agree with everything bar the graphics comments. I'm not so sure with the graphics front - sometimes it looked so spankingly good that I was stunned, but other times I wasn't half as impressed. For example, the whole thing in the canal was amazing (tho the loading times killed the...
  17. OrphanBoy

    "VALVe WARS" - short movie

    That's good :) Shame I can't really mail it to my (non-computing) friends as they ain't gonna understand sh*t!
  18. OrphanBoy


    That's a nay. I don't think steam has support for switch. Mastercard is a credit card btw, check and I'm sure you'll recognise the logo :)
  19. OrphanBoy

    HL2 and 512 or 1024 MB RAM ?

    To hell with the pagefile - what a waste of hard disk space! With 1.5Gb or RAM, who *needs* virtual memory?? I'm not gonna chew up 3 gig of space for a 1.5 gig hibernation file + 1.5 gig swap file! Mines at 200 megs btw just for the sake of it.
  20. OrphanBoy

    No post Count! (right now, anyway)

    I guess we could all keep count manually and our post counts in our sigs... :D