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  1. X

    I have not been able to play for months...

    I deleted the clientregistry.blob and re-updated. Did not fix the problem. I guess I'll have to do a reinstall. I really don't want to dl hl2dm again. I would move the GCF files, but those might contain the problem. After I do this, if the problem is still there I'll make an mp3 or something to...
  2. X

    I have not been able to play for months...

    I did too, I'm just talking about all the updates.
  3. X

    I have not been able to play for months...

    I would hate to have to come to this since Im on 56k. But, I guess this might be what I have to do. How much will I have to re download? HL2:dm and everything? I should mention that I have tried just about everything sound related. New drivers, acceleration level, disable on board sound...
  4. X

    I have not been able to play for months...

    Once upon a time I beat HL2. I had a slight stutter, but the game ran good and I finished it. Then there was a patch, the patch that added a new cvar. The sound patch. Ever since then my sound has been staticky and crackly. I have tried disabling the new cvar both in the console and in my...
  5. X

    New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

    Ha ha ha ha cl_smooth Welcome to the beginning of the first stuttering thread. And I'm getting pretty mad here. I beat the game with minimal stuttering, but with the new patches my sound is terrible. Crunchy, staticky, distorted...and yes stuttering. I basically have given up, as...
  6. X

    New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

    And I'm sick of this game turning my hard drive to swiss cheese. I have a new hard drive with only steam on it. Every day the drive is at like 60% fragmented after playing hl2. It's stupid. All the files show up as frequently modified in speed disk. And I have some tiny fragments sitting in the...
  7. X

    Now my audio crackles constantly...not stuttering

    The newest patch screwed up my audio badly. I had the game running acceptably before, only minor stutters. Now, no matter what I do, I get horrible crackling, even on 2 speaker sound. I have defragged countless times, lowered sound acceleration levels, changed detail levels, tried every...
  8. X

    New audio stuttering thread [keep stuttering discussion in here]

    Ok, I've had stuttering since the beginning, and dealt with it. I used all the autoexec commands and got the game to a playable state. This latest patch has left me with terrible crackling popping screeching sound. I have defragged about 5 times, tried different autoexec commands...tried no...
  9. X

    Audio Problems with HL2

    You seriously think you have singlehandedly solved this problem?
  10. X

    fps madness...

    There is a tunnel near the end of the game, before a huge warehouse that you have to work your way up through. The tunnel has water in it, though it's kind of hard to see since reflections aren't obvious here. I get like 5fps here. It makes no sense. The rest of the game runs smooth as glass...
  11. X

    Audio Problems with HL2

    Should I use driver cleaner when updating my audio drivers? I haven't been because I was afraid it would get rid of all my eax/mixer software etc...when all I'm doing is updating drivers.
  12. X

    Audio Problems with HL2

    mod_forcedata 1 snd_async_spew_blocking 1 More info on these? I'm tired of throwing any old thing into my auto exec file.
  13. X

    To anyone past/at the driving/crane part (fps)...

    Hmm...might be the shadow detail? I want to keep vsync looks terrible off. I have fooled around with it and some scenes have the same fps with and without vsync...except that with it off the tearing is nasty. My fps here is seriously low, 20- with no enemies and much worse in a...
  14. X

    Audio Problems with HL2

    Does anyone else get continuous stutters when resetting video modes? I get the 'usual' stuttering in game, but every time I change resolution or something I get looping/stuttering audio during the switch.
  15. X

    To anyone past/at the driving/crane part (fps)...

    I'm having some pretty bad frame rates at the area where you need to lift the buggy with the crane. I understand that this is a very large open area with lots of objects etc...but I wonder if my performance is a little too low. I have a p4 3ghz, a gig of ram, and a 9800pro. I'm running all...
  16. X

    A possible fix!

    The game is going to look terrible running this way.
  17. X

    Fix for "disk not found" problem

    I think it is stupid that we even have to have the disc in to play. With Steam there is no point. My guess is that the publisher demanded it.
  18. X

    ATTENTION: People with choppy framerates with high-end cards

    Where do I put the autoexec.cfg? In the same folder with the other config file...or higher up?
  19. X

    ATTENTION: People with choppy framerates with high-end cards

    Audigy 2 theory seems correct. I have a p4 3ghz 1gig of ram and a 9800 pro. I get the little stutteres all the time too. And they do coincide with sound crackles pops, the loading of new sounds really sucks. My framerate is also a tad lower than I hoped for, but tweaking and drivers...