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  1. Keeson

    Oh my ...

    They are not fake!!! If you think that you are uninformed. I've been reading "the Inquirer" and before that "the Register" for years. They are correct on alot of the stuff they write about. The Radeon X800pro and X800 XT won't ship till the end of the month, who is to say there won't be a CS2...
  2. Keeson

    Oh my ...

    If this happens it would be so sad... ;( ;( ;( CS2??? How long will people be clutching their coupons waiting for that? Hard to believe Valve could sink lower... The only way Valve can redeem themselves in my eyes is if HL2 truly rocks, it better be a tour de force on both the single...
  3. Keeson

    hl2 @ alpha stage...

    Ummmm.... why is everyone talking about "alphas" Gabe said it is "pre-alpha", which means HL2 isn't even at the alpha stage yet... Please note Gabe did not say Alpha but rather Pre-Alpha!!!!!!!!!!!! The Doom3 leak was termed an "alpha" by many and 18 months later there is no...
  4. Keeson

    40 MILLION dollars...

    What I want to know is how much of the 40 million was squandered and wasted???!!! I hope we see 40 million worth of work on display in the game... That amount implies that HL2 spared no expense to "knock our socks off". Personally, I think Lombardi/Gabe figures that for "marketing"...
  5. Keeson

    hl2 @ alpha stage...

    I don't recall him saying it was finished... he did say earlier that they were playtesting half of it... Here is what he did say on September 30th, 2003 on Alcatraz Island as the ATI XT launch: Gabe Newell: I hate release dates because no matter how hard we try, we screw them up. We held...
  6. Keeson

    hl2 multiplayer

    I think it will be team based with a class structure and specific objectives and I expect more than just capture the flag. The maps should have a variety of interesting scenarios and themes. If Valve wants it to really rock they better not just try to recycle single player levels but rather...
  7. Keeson

    hl2 @ alpha stage...

    Reading through the posts I have a hard time understanding why people can't take the term "pre-alpha" at face value... I mean why suggest the "translation" must be wrong or that Gabe doesn't understand the term despite running a game company for 8 years!!! Pre-alpha is just that...
  8. Keeson

    The entire game is playable - Gabe

    :dork: I don't think I missed the point actually... Birdwell describes a "pipeline" process, so this "area" as you describe it can enter the pipeline at one end and come out the other end as a finished/complete/final release/gold level. Now anywhere along the pipeline a bottleneck can occur...
  9. Keeson

    The entire game is playable - Gabe

    Well I don't really get any respect here... :laugh: as usual... Anyway to sum up: June 13th 2003 - Birdwell :farmer: - Game is half playable April 25th 2004 - Newell :cool: - Game is fully playable So it took them 10 months work to get the other half playable. Now what I...
  10. Keeson

    The entire game is playable - Gabe

    I posted some stuff a week ago in the Rumours and Speculation area, which no one really paid any attention to, it seems relevant to this thread so I will recount some of what I said: Let me start out by pointing to an article published back on June 13th, 2003: :burp: Sharky Extreme: Ken...
  11. Keeson

    That's kinda pricey...

    I would buy it for $143 U.S. if it was "Behind the Scenes" by Fragmaster :eek: :eek:
  12. Keeson

    Is Doug Lambardi a bad person?

    As far as I can tell the "level headed" people at this site are about 85% pro Valve and totally ignore all of their BS and think they are a lovely group and pat them on the back every chance they get... Personally I think there are alot of good people at Valve, but I think Fragmaster is right...
  13. Keeson

    Is Doug Lambardi a bad person?

    :thumbs: Ok this is a great post!!! (but there were some others in this thread that made good points) It sums up the "reasons" for making up the phony Sept 30th date and the phony "holidays 2003" release date. It is simply all about the money Valve got from ATI. It's nothing personal but the...
  14. Keeson

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    I always like Fragmaster as he was a straight shooter who told it like it was. He was however a bit sinical. Here is a good example of his personality as demonstrated by this flash cartoon: Fragmaster Flash Cartoon :D I hope he finds a job he enjoys...
  15. Keeson

    Erm Bad news inside. I think.

    Well, reading over the responses one thing is clear: The denial is very thick!!! :| I've read every interview Valve has done since E3 2003 and the year 2005 just calls out to me over and over.....
  16. Keeson

    Tip from the Economist (magazine)

    Gabe said the bink videos were coming out tommorrow back in June or July, but it took like a month before we got one... :O Gabe said Condition Zero has gone gold back in November, but it took almost six months for it to hit retail... :O I fully expect Valve to pull out all the stops to...
  17. Keeson

    Tip from the Economist (magazine)

    Wow that's shocking news if it is true... Halflife2 released in 2004!!! I wouldn't be able to post here for a week, that's how long it would take to recover from the shock... hmmmm... must find some soft pillows to prepare for this unlikely event, when I faint I want to fall on something...
  18. Keeson

    Team Fortress 2 Lives

    The funny thing about that screenshot (which I remember seeing Loooooong ago) is that its running in software mode :laugh: ... and yes that is the original HL engine with no opengl hardware acceleration
  19. Keeson

    ATi Vouchers

    from HardOCP: ATI Pulls HL2 Coupons: Jason Hayes emailed us with information that ATI boxed video cards are showing up with no Half Life 2 coupons any more. We have confirmed with ATI that the 9600 series cards will no longer carry the "freebie." The game will be now be limited to the...
  20. Keeson

    ATi Vouchers

    As far as I know ATI has discontinued the voucher program. You'll need to find old boxes if you want a HL2 coupon...