Search results

  1. Sprite

    Cold War: Melting Point - back and currently hiring!

    SidewinderX? He's working alongside me to get this up and running again.
  2. Sprite

    Cold War: Melting Point - back and currently hiring!

    The highly anticipated mod Cold War: Melting Point has returned under new management and is currently recruiting developers for the mod. It's late October 1962, the height of the Cold War. Soviet ships carrying nuclear weapons have run a US blockade around the island of Cuba. The US...
  3. Sprite

    Offering Audio Services

    guitar artist lolz
  4. Sprite

    $$Programming JOB$$

    Lock it up?
  5. Sprite

    Forsaken Media

    Will you be crediting Plan Of Attack for the use of their HUD?
  6. Sprite

    TFC engineer code

    Pfft try learning C++. No-one is going to do the work for you.
  7. Sprite

    Nuclear Dawn: Stealth Media that should explain most of it, as well as the arrogant nature of the project administration.
  8. Sprite

    Jobs at Monkey Wrench Games

    So... what's your standalone game about?
  9. Sprite

    Editing Damage

    How many times!? You can't mod CS:S mate, Valve haven't and probably never will release the source code. However I'm pretty sure this can be achieved with a plug-in.
  10. Sprite

    Mounted gun.

    func_tank. Not sure if it works for multiplauer though.
  11. Sprite

    The Gate 2 looking for help

    No-one, I say I say no-one at all, wants to unrwap other people's models.
  12. Sprite

    a few weird errors

    If you just straight copy and paste code from tutorials then you can expect bugs.
  13. Sprite

    Can you change the size and font of text in hammer?

    If you are making a mod, search through the code, should be simple enough.
  14. Sprite

    I need help with my mod!

    What does the his dislike of the moderators have to do on whether he likes the site? Don't hate him it's only an opinion, although not exactly a constructive comment.
  15. Sprite

    Programmers Needed for Serious RPG Project

    Care to show us some media? Info on the mod? Anything?
  16. Sprite

    Need Coders

    If you've nearly completed everything perhaps you could show some media...
  17. Sprite

    All Modelers, Skinners, Coders COME IN -Popular Mod Needs Your Help-

    What sort've polycounts are your weapons?! They look damn high, especially this one:
  18. Sprite

    Saddest/most depressing songs ever

    Sufjan Stevens - John Wayne Gacy, Jr. Sufjan Stevens - Casmir Pulsaki Day Johnny Cash - Hurt (NIN Cover) Warning - listening to these tracks may result in suicidal behavior.
  19. Sprite

    STEAM validation error

    Open the map from 'create server'.
  20. Sprite

    Mappers who can make use of...

    I'm guessing it's a hell of a lot simple than it looks... wouldn't be surprised if Valve show us how before long.