Search results

  1. L

    Alternate Models - Women

    It would be interesting to see women in the game and sterotypical charactures (sp?) will make the game comical. No pun intended.
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    A Shocking Yet Upsetting Suprise...

    I think that TF2 will be the Unreal version of HL2, just with even more over the top graphics and a lighter side of FPS multiplayer games.... the rocket jump proves that.
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    HL-2 on Linux Mandrake

    mmm... how about this:,1558,1628432,00.asp or just try this Google search
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    Ugliest dog ever dies :(

    that is one scary looking dog.... no matter what size.
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    No Hiring of White Men Allowed!?

    they did that in NO after the hurricane hit, granted it was due to the fact that there were not enough black people to hire. I remember Nagin going on a rant about not letting his city be over run by Mexicans. as for the orginal post... reverse racisim is found everywhere, but the fact that...
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    Pat Robertson warns town of god's wrath

    this is a type of person who will start a Christain terrorist group.. not by recruiting people to kill non believers, but his words will start someone (think Waco) to prepare to attack non believers like the extremest Muslims... Some day the sh1t will hit the fan... and when it does I bet...
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    Girl Commits Suicide - Parents Blame Message Board

    yeah it sucks, but that's life. parents cannot control their kids actions a 100% of the time. And I bet those parents were the micromanager type, who needed to know every little detail about what their kids are doing, who, what, when, where, etc...
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    Hilarious gif.

    nice, but I could see some people getting their panties in a bunch over it..
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    23 reasons the Xbox 360 is the second coming of the Dreamcast

    anyone having trouble getting to the site?
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    HL2 - Can it handle X2s?

    try doing any of the patching (which once Steam finds out that there is a patch you cannot play until they are installed) over dialup... yeah... I had to take my computer to work and update it there.... I'm over it, don't like it, but I use Offline mode now... Anyways, as with removing you...
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    Every OS has it's flaws.

    if every time a flaw came out for Linux/Unix people thought it was the end of all things for the OS they'ed had gone the way of the dodo a long time ago.
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    From Black Mesa to City 17?

    I made it to Xen and then couldn't get down/through those flying POS that kept shooting at me.... I have it installed, I should start playing it again..... wonder if I kept my backuped games......
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    JOTV mod requiering more members

    exactly. I thought it was a good post... I know english speakers who can't post that well.... as for your call for help... I'm useless to you for any of those positions...
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    Hilarious - My friend installing a vid card

    at least he didn't make it fit!
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    Games you want remade?

    mmm.... nibbles... scorched earth/tanks police quest - none of the SWAT stuff... and a bit newer... but STARCRAFT!!!!!
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    Nvidia Drivers.....

    I removed them via the control pannel, but somehow I think they might have not fully uninstalled. If no one knows of any major issues with the drivers, I'll just redo my machine and start with a fresh slate.... It's been over 6 months since the last time anyways! :laugh:
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    Nvidia Drivers.....

    1st off, I want to say hi to everyone.... and sorry if I'm breaking the rule, just give me an e-slap (I can take it) and point me in the right direction. :) To make a long story short, I have recently aquired an Nvidia 6800 video card, which is posisbly the highest end video card that I have...