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  1. agentbob00

    Audiosurf Best-Selling Game In February

    haha, stardog, all that means is you need better music and i hope you play with a mouse(notch up your sensitivity too). Try out "innerpartysystem - don't stop" on medium w/ mouse
  2. agentbob00

    Pre-Purchase The Orange Box, Play Team Fortress 2 Next Week

    Well yeah they really want you to buy the orange box but I had read somewhere about giving away the games you already own to friends.
  3. agentbob00

    Counter-Strike: Source Market - Weapon Pricing

    Quoted for ridiculous amount of truth, seriously congrats, everybody and their grandmother seems to be a "pro" :cheers: Also, I think this stock market on guns idea is friggin' awesome, will mix up the game a bit, and yes without killing the game....
  4. agentbob00

    Counter-Strike: Source Update

    haha, now we just need some question and exclamation marks with "huh!?" lol
  5. agentbob00

    Day Of Defeat Source Update - Click The Image

    haha, this is ****ing i said before, considering you click the links to find out whats going on anyway, a small comic linked to an article is a cool change, course im sure it will wear off at some point but as sui said there was barely any new's posts until he started his awesome...
  6. agentbob00

    Day Of Defeat Source Update - Click The Image

    it's just for fun, quick bitchin' why should they rehash when you can just click the link anyway? because that's exactly what i'll be doing
  7. agentbob00

    Caliber Updates - Click The Image

    wonderfully awesome and funny retarted geek shit, keep it up sui it's like getting my comic and news fix in one go :bounce:
  8. agentbob00

    Source SDK Update

    SDK update just released with tons of bug fixes!
  9. agentbob00

    Valve Stuns Gamers - EA Conference

    I would glady pay $80 although it wont be that high, you get Episode 2, TF2, and Portals. But its not going to be 19.95 anyway. I was wondering how they were going to work in selling episodes on 360 and ps3. Now they can sell for $50/60 easy.
  10. agentbob00

    Valve Stuns Gamers - EA Conference

    Damn right, I was wondering what unannounced multiplayer would come with ep2 but TF2!!! I mean it was wishful thinking at best but wow, that's awesome new's
  11. agentbob00

    Dark Messiah Media Update

    I think it's looking great, the model's definetly look much better than oblivion but besides that they look very much alike. This should be a fun game, and about the limitations of the source engine as in how wide open it can be...that's only a limitation of the current version as it is made to...
  12. agentbob00

    Unannounced Sci-Fi Shooter: First Screens

    Looks great and very original :) hope to see more from these guys'
  13. agentbob00

    Fortress Forever: An Update

    If a friend of mine was nice enough to let me play around on the maps and such i dont think i'd be whoring it on public forums...
  14. agentbob00

    Half-Life 2: Episode One Released!

    The stack of goodies will be consistent updating and implementation of new engine features and used to there full potential in every new episode!
  15. agentbob00

    Atari & Valve Partner Up

    Keep your credit card info when you buy and never give it back, charge at will! :devil:
  16. agentbob00

    Atari & Valve Partner Up

    I'm sure more and better will be added if it becomes a successful venture on Atari's part.
  17. agentbob00

    Nuclear Dawn update

    Dont' go saying that, with all these mods going pay because they got some backing and getting sold on steam, i'll have to pay for every mod thats looks any good what-so-ever. It will just end up destroying the mod community! ...arrrg, no pay! :sniper:
  18. agentbob00

    Half-Life: Deathmatch Source

    Uh how about this update from JUNE 2005! lol, "In the coming weeks we'll also be releasing a Source revived version of Half-Life 1: Deathmatch. People who already own Half-Life 1: Source will receive this as a free download."...
  19. agentbob00

    Emergence is a Go!

    Glad to see it go gold, I also pre-ordered it and I can only see these episodes getting better as they go along. :)
  20. agentbob00

    SiN Episode 1: Emergence in Stores May 9

    Very cool, SiN Episodes: Emergence * SiN 1 SiN 1 Multiplayer All for 17.95 Pre-ordered!!!!