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  1. Dr Issac Kleiner

    How bad of an idea is it to mix and match...

    Up to 8 gigs. c2d goes up to 16. Not really worried about the size, just the fact that they are from different places... :| EDIT: Just checked the manual, says 4 gigs for 32 bit, 8 gigs for 64...
  2. Dr Issac Kleiner

    How bad of an idea is it to mix and match...

    Actually 32bit oses use 2.5 gigs ram, and then use 1 gig in it's cache, so only 512 megs wouldn't be used. The only downside is is that 1 gig gets used in cache so all it basically helps with is loading times and speed and all that. And yes, it would be pennies. A year and a half used 667...
  3. Dr Issac Kleiner

    G-Man: the True antagonist

    This was my theory, sort of. My theory was that the Gman works with the combine, and uses Gordon as a test to see what the humans are capable of ;)
  4. Dr Issac Kleiner

    How bad of an idea is it to mix and match...

    1 pair of 2 gigs of OCZ 667 ddr 2 ram, and 1 pair of 2 gigs Gskill 800 ddr2 ram? Let me explain... It's for a pentium d system... Considering the price of ram I want REAL ram, not gskill... I'm gonna add 4 gigs of corsair to my c2d system, and I need to do something with my gskill...
  5. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Notice the difference

    Who honestly cares? So what if somebody was redecorating in the heat of battle. We should all give the purple star to our fallen heros Our fallen heores who decide to hold cats up or redecorate buildings while everyone is dying... :rolling::rolling::rolling:
  6. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Lets say the citadel never blew up. Someone hijaked an old nuke and...

    Once again I'm said an old nuke... even for our times... Which means a nuke from WW2, which would only take out part of a city. And like I've gone over before, radiation causes mutation, the only question is, what would it do to something already mutated? The thing is, mutation to that form...
  7. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Lets say the citadel never blew up. Someone hijaked an old nuke and...

    1. They were using nukes 30 times less powerful then the ones we have today. 2. Radiation is never a good thing, and it can mutate, although the side affect of mutation is always death. 3. This is a game about headcrabs and zombies, so lets bend the rules a tad, eh? The fact is though...
  8. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Lets say the citadel never blew up. Someone hijaked an old nuke and...

    Don't just give something they would become, give a reason. This is meant to be half fun, half serious. I'd like to know what people think would happen if mutated creatures mutated again.
  9. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Lets say the citadel never blew up. Someone hijaked an old nuke and...

    Decided to blow up ravenholm. A city full of mutated creatures, about to mutate again. What do they become this time? Ravenholm is obviously the best place to pick, kill humans and you get slowly dying mutated humans. Mutate mutated creatures, and what the hell do you get then? Do they...
  10. Dr Issac Kleiner

    I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

    Guess I could just get drunk. When you get drunk you do alot of stupid stuff, like think that a poison headcrab is a cute little kitten... (No, I actually read that online, when someone first met a poison headcrab, they thought it was a cute little kitten :laugh:)
  11. Dr Issac Kleiner

    a new HL2 mod you won't want to miss

    Oh, I Only saw the screenshots... I'm sorry :( Alot of games that look bad play good though...
  12. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Black Box Cancelled

    Let me get this straight... You prefer a cd instead of digital distribution when your gonna put that cd online and use the digital distribution... :rolling: Have you had a good talk about your priorities lately to yourself? :upstare: If your gonna buy it just to put it online, you...
  13. Dr Issac Kleiner

    The humans have the advantage if they can stop the portal. But not the way some think

    Hell, they have their memory removed when they become combine. Why would they need to have their memory removed if they were completely willing? Alyx even said she hoped the Stlakers don't remember who they were. So what happens if the humans help the human combine and the rest of the...
  14. Dr Issac Kleiner

    I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

    It's scary in a certain way, but it's not really scary. Half Life 2 has an excellent story, but it's not really scary at all, except for me and the poison headcrabs, since I'm scared of spiders. True scares are scares that make you think. Scares that makes you think a million things. Scary...
  15. Dr Issac Kleiner

    I don't want to play Ravenholm. Scary.

    Simple explanation. I'm arachnophobic. The things I'm scared of is the damned poison headcrabs, and I've gotten to the point where they are everywhere, IE the mindshaft? The regular headcrabs are kinda funny looking. Their screams are funny. Actually their kinda cool looking. And I'm...
  16. Dr Issac Kleiner

    The humans have the advantage if they can stop the portal. But not the way some think

    Right. Until a combine soldier figures out how to get in touch with them. Or the combine figures out how to get back. Xen wasn't exactly safe either was it? The vortigaunts thought that Xen would protect them from the combine, in the end, did it? No matter what happens, some way, the...
  17. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Gaming LCD

    I have two dell 2407's, on two pcs: One being a: Pentium d [email protected] ;( 2 gigs 667 ram x1900xt512 Another being a: [email protected] 2 gigs 800 ram 8800 gts 640 Obviously the core 2 duo runs alot faster, but the pentium d runs just fine. At high resolutions, the gpu and cpu starts kicking in, if you...
  18. Dr Issac Kleiner

    Video Settings wont apply!!!

    Gonna get all that hardware, and no high resolutions? Don't need AA at 1680x1050 (well, maybe...) or 1920x1200...
  19. Dr Issac Kleiner

    im confused...

    HL 2 HL 2: We need better names. (Episode 1) HL 2: Forever (Episode 2) HL 2: It'll come out in 2012 (Episode 3) Only kidding :p
  20. Dr Issac Kleiner

    who has any interesting theroys?

    Gman=gordon from the future because of the G? Okay, lets be stupid! Gman=Father gegori in disguise because of the G!