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  1. P

    Political Flame Wars

    I think John Kerry is looking good. He's got my vote, no question (and if he doesn't win the primaries, i'll vote for who ever is against Bush).
  2. P

    Battle of the cereal characters

    Naw, man. Sugar Bear would tear the Trix rabbit and Cap'N Crunch up. It's like, not only is he a bear, a creature that is strong and can rip you limb from limb, but he knows how to fight too.
  3. P

    HL2 still on for 30th September

    This news doesn't come as any suprise. Gabe said Sept 30. and never confirmed or denied anything else.
  4. P

    Battle of the cereal characters

    I'm suprised nobody here has mentioned Sugar Bear. He was always kicking the crap out of people who tried to take his cereal.
  5. P

    What weapons do you think we will see?.

    Here's a good site for the PPSh-41: http://world.guns***/smg/smg02-e.htm Also on the side bar there's a link for the Thompson (this site features better pics of both weapons, so thier differences will become more obvious.
  6. P

    What weapons do you think we will see?.

    Sorry, they're completely different weapons. The Thompson Model 1928 (the tommy gun) uses .45 caliber ammunition. The PPSh-41 uses a different caliber. Also the Thompson is an American designed by J.J. Thompson (i think that's his name). The PPSh-41 is a Russian design that borrows heavily from...
  7. P

    What weapons do you think we will see?.

    i know this sounds wierd, but it would be cool if you were able to get an old gun from some where, like a PPSh-41 (this being eastern europe, after all). Also, a flame thrower might be cool. :D
  8. P

    What kind of vehicles would you like to see?

    What if they had some kind of power exo armor thing. Like an exoskeletal addition to the HEV. It's the Battle HEV!
  9. P

    What do you like the MOST about HL2 ?

    I like all of them equally.
  10. P

    Fun with Grenades

    It would be cool if you could rip the engine out of the one of those cars and use that with the manipulator. Them suckers are heavy! Also i'd like to be able to push over a book case onto an enemy, or maybe a refrigerator. LOL that would be funny.
  11. P

    Do you think Gman is a future Freeman ?

    Maybe he got contacts... you know the kinds that make it look like you have different color eyes. That and maybe he dyed his hair a different color.
  12. P

    What kind of vehicles would you like to see?

    his name's Galactus. :-/
  13. P

    What kind of vehicles would you like to see?

    LOL, they WOULD have that in there, wouldn't they? It would go nicely with the fact they have cutting edge firearms. Maybe the technical could have an OCSW mounted on the back of a 2003 Ford 150.
  14. P

    What kind of vehicles would you like to see?

    We've had a "what weapons would you like to see?" now it's time for what kind of vehicles? I personally would like to see a technical of some kind. it would be cool to fight off alien gunships from the back of a pick-up truck.
  15. P

    Sept. 30 date starting to seem farfetched

    I personally believe game when he says "Sept. 30th". Why? Because that's actually something definitive, as opposed four or five years ago when he would have said "When it's great" about TF 2. Since he hasn't confirmed or denied a delay, but HAS confirmed a release date, it's logical to assume...
  16. P

    Is it just me or is....

    I probably won't purchase Halo based on principle. They really screwed over the PC crowd by releasing Halo for X-Box and then not releasing it for PC almost two years later. That's absurd! I doubt Bungie will be seeing a dime of my gaming dollar.
  17. P

    Is it just me or is....

    I think this leads us up to the question though, if it doesn't come out, then what? I'm thinking of spending my hard earned money on something else. The Secret Weapons Ex-pack for BF 42 maybe. :O There are a lot of good games coming out that aren't Halflife 2.
  18. P

    Is it just me or is....

    Valve the Area 51 of computer games? It occured to me, having thought about it, that Sept 30 might actually be the date for Half Life 2. Reason being is that they've been working on it for five years, and for all we know it could have already been delayed repeatedly. And Gabe's keeping mum on...
  19. P

    Sept. 30 date starting to seem farfetched

    There there, cueball. Real men don't cry.
  20. P

    Sept. 30 date starting to seem farfetched

    *pulls out a gun* See you in hell! *shoots the messenger* I'd hate to admit it, but you might be right. :-/