2 more states ban gay marriage

Neutrino said:
first article: suggests it's something in the brain. kinda supports my proposal eh?
second article: not evidence or anything. it's not reliable as the study itself states.
third article: nothing to do with it.

don't just blast links there .. I can blast ten links if I want. (didn't you blast these same links in another thread?) I can save 20 links in my favorites.
Let's join Neutrino in his fight to help Pedofiles marry their cousins!

It's really fun to generalize people's arguments isn't it? I expected a half intelligent reply to my post but it seems you people are incapable of grasping the bigger picture so I'll paint it for you ok?

Your right to marry a 15 year old girl who has proven herself to be mature is no different than the right of gay people to marry. If you tell the guy who wants to marry the 15 year old that he can't because he's sick or "perverted" then why not do the same for the gay couple? They're both couples, and I'm talking about consenting individuals on both parties, how is one wrong and the other right?

Psychology is a field based on a lot of assumption and little fact, nobody ever said 18 is the age at which everyone reaches maturity, in fact, I recall being taught the exact opposite, that everyone reached maturity at their own rate.

It's prefectly obvious to me that you haven't reached yours... keep reaching for it!
CptStern said:
"Voters in Georgia and Kentucky approved constitutional amendments Tuesday to ban same-sex marriage, with similar results expected in most of the nine other states considering such measures"

even though it's just state constitutional amendment it's a step in the wrong direction:

"Conservatives say they will continue to press for a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, on the premise that even toughly worded bans in state constitutions could be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court "

never thought I'd see the day when they legalize descrimination


I know what you mean about legalized descrimination. It makes me sick. The thing you didn't say is that descrimination has been legalized for quite some time now, and I can't stand it. I am so offended that they separate mens' and womens' restrooms. It makes me want to scream. And now, with the gay marraige thing, they're doing it again. AHHHHHH!!!!111one
W00t, I live in montana and they banned gay marriage. looks that is the trend as opposed to gay marriage being legalized.
The anti-gay marriage people in this thread and the just plain gay-haters are only just proving more of my 150$ theory.

There is absolutely no reason to hate or ban gays and their practices outside of either:

A) Factually baseless personal prejudices
B) Particular religious beliefs

Neither of which are legitimate reasons to reform the secular constitution to include discrimination. Neither of them.

This marks the day where intelligence lost to hate and prejudice simply because it's more popular to discriminate needlessly and harmfully. Where, once again, church and state are being mixed to the detriment of us all.

I am officially ashamed to be allied to America today.
And I hope that there will soon be a day where my shame for you can end.
hasan said:
first article: suggests it's something in the brain. kinda supports my proposal eh?

Supports your proposal? Hardly.

Larkin's team also found that the hypothalamic region had a rich supply of the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into oestrogen. It is in this form that the hormone interacts with the brain. This may help support one theory that sexual orientation, in part at least, may be related to the hormones present during fetal development, says Balthazart.

But Larkin suggests there may also be the influence of genes at work, at least in predisposing the animals to homosexuality. This is because selective breeding seems to have been responsible for the high proportion of gay sheep compared with other animals.

Either way, hormone levels dural fetal development or genes, it shows they were born that way.

hasan said:
second article: not evidence or anything. it's not reliable as the study itself states.

“But it’s worth noting that the data on the sexuality of family members may be unreliable, so more studies are likely to be needed to confirm these findings,” she says.

Interesting how "may be unreliable" turns into "it's not reliable." It doesn't invalidate the study, but certainly more research is needed.

hasan said:
third article: nothing to do with it.

Oh, but it has everything to do with it. Do you dislike asexuals as much as you dislike homosexuals? It brings up many interesting questions. Also, it reinforces the idea that certain people naturally have different sexualities.

hasan said:
don't just blast links there .. I can blast ten links if I want. (didn't you blast these same links in another thread?) I can save 20 links in my favorites.

Links from anti gay sites don't count. And how am I suppose to present evidence without posting links? I can't do these studies myself.

Rico said:
Let's join Neutrino in his fight to help Pedofiles marry their cousins!

It's really fun to generalize people's arguments isn't it? I expected a half intelligent reply to my post but it seems you people are incapable of grasping the bigger picture so I'll paint it for you ok?

Well, let's look at what you said. You said that I was wrong because I agreed with the minority and that the majority opinion was the right one. So I concluded you think the majority is always right. In the past the majority supported slavery and oppression of women. Since your argument was that the majority is right, I used exageration to show you that you were wrong and that the majority has not always been right by any means. Get it now?

Rico said:
Your right to marry a 15 year old girl who has proven herself to be mature is no different than the right of gay people to marry. If you tell the guy who wants to marry the 15 year old that he can't because he's sick or "perverted" then why not do the same for the gay couple? They're both couples, and I'm talking about consenting individuals on both parties, how is one wrong and the other right?

As I said, in general children are not mature. Of course some mature faster than others, but you have to draw a line somewhere in order to protect them. There are valid reasons why children are not considered adults. But for the law to be effective in protecting them all we must consider a certain age to be adulthood. Otherwise you put some children at risk. So no, a 15 year old girl is not a consenting adult. But two 18 year olds are.

Rico said:
Psychology is a field based on a lot of assumption and little fact,

Have you taken many psychology courses? I imagine a few psychologists might have some disagreement with you on that little statement.

Rico said:
nobody ever said 18 is the age at which everyone reaches maturity, in fact, I recall being taught the exact opposite, that everyone reached maturity at their own rate.

See my argument above. We have to set a specific age in order to protect all children. So yes, it is true that some 17 year olds are mature enough to marry, but many are not. To protect those one who are not, we must also bar the mature ones from marriage as well. So again, marriage between legally consenting adults and marriage between an adult and a minor have nothing in common.

Rico said:
It's prefectly obvious to me that you haven't reached yours... keep reaching for it!

If supporting freedom and equality for all and arguing to uphold the constitution are signs of immaturity, I guess I'm immature. How terrible.

Here's something to think about for all of you against gays. No matter how much you dislike them or hate them or disaprove of them, I gurantee they will be accepted eventually and given equal rights. You can't stop it. We've been fighting discrimination and promoting greater freedom in this country for over two hundred years. Common sense and rational thought won out for blacks, for women, and just about every other minority. Gays are no different. Certainly the opposition will be strong and people fight it, but history repeats itself and support for gays will win out in the end. It's just a matter of time.

To quote a US congressmen: "You are on the wrong side of history.'
The people have spoken. Its sad their isnt a more cooperative push for civil unions. Even *current* Prez Bush supports them.
That's a nice set of groundless facts. What you people fail to realize is that your claims are as absurd as your opposition, if you were really as right as you claim you are and there were no grey areas to be filled then gay marriage wouldn't be an issue at all.

All I read when I see you people post is "I'm right because I'm right!" "I want to be the next MLK because being a liberator is the cool thing this year!" "I follow the trend my fellow teenager friends follow, I'm cool and misunderstood like them too!" "It's cool to be gay, what's wrong with you people, why aren't you gay!?".

It seems to me like there's a lot more discrimination being thrown at the opposition, calling them "homophobes" and other names than there is about actual gay marriage.

America makes me sick to my stomach sometimes, your views are completely skewed by your innate racism. No, not the "bad" kind of racism, the one at the very roots of your society where it's apparently bad to call a black man black and terrible to open a door for a lady. You'd see things in a completely different light if you lived in a country where the races are so intertwined there is no difference. I can proudly say I have a little bit of every race in me, and back home nobody would make a big deal if you called someone black amickably (it was sometimes even a nickname).

Your eyes are still closed because you think in terms of who's racist or who's not. You think of black people, women, and other minorities as "different" and treat it as an "issue" that needs to be solved. That's racism, believing you're not equal, and guess what, by preaching against it you're actually making it stick.

Why don't you start seeing your peers as true equals instead of trying to convince yourself that they are? An asshole is an asshole no matter what it's color or sex, a guy who acts affeminate just because he's gay is just as annoying as that one guy who follows you around and pretends to be part of your group even when he's not wanted.

Different strokes for different folk, your blind hate for all those who oppose your views show how narrowminded you really are and it shows that youu really don't believe in what you're preaching: equality and freedom of speech and action.
No Neutrino, the point you fail to grasp is that you're contradicting the VERY ESSENCE of your argument, the fact that everyone's rights should be protected. When you set limitations to "protect" certain individuals you're taking away the rights of some of the minorities so that the majority is happy. Do you FINALLY understand my point or do I need to keep making it clearer?

If there is ONE, ONE couple made up of a 30 year old man or woman, and a 15 year old or 17 year old or whatever underage individual, who's mature enough to engage in such a relationship then when you take away their right to be together you are violating the very foundations of true freedom.

Do you not agree with this? I'm preaching the same thing as you, just on the opposing viewpoint. You're arguing that some minorities are getting trampled by the majorities, I'm arguing the same thing for a different case, which you seem to hold as "wrong" or "perverted".

This is how some people feel about gay marriage, perhaps now you'll gain some insight as to why people oppose it and learn to respect their views.
I think I'll let rico speak for me from now on, since he's better at getting his point across than I am.
Rico said:
That's a nice set of groundless facts. What you people fail to realize is that your claims are as absurd as your opposition, if you were really as right as you claim you are and there were no grey areas to be filled then gay marriage wouldn't be an issue at all.

My claims are absurd? I'm advocating freedom of religion, equality for the people, support of the constitution, and the continuation of the historical precident of giving minorities more rights. That's absurd to you? There are gray areas because gay marriage is an issue? How? Do you think there are gray areas about slavery? Because that was an issue once too.

Rico said:
All I read when I see you people post is "I'm right because I'm right!" "I want to be the next MLK because being a liberator is the cool thing this year!" "I follow the trend my fellow teenager friends follow, I'm cool and misunderstood like them too!" "It's cool to be gay, what's wrong with you people, why aren't you gay!?".

Yes, when running out of arguments it's always a good idea to accuse the opposition of just following trends. The little facts that I like freedom and have gay family members has nothing to do with it right?

I say "I'm right because I'm right"? Where did I say that? If you want to read what I've said go here:


(Have to read them in order.)

Rico said:
It seems to me like there's a lot more discrimination being thrown at the opposition, calling them "homophobes" and other names than there is about actual gay marriage.

I haven't called anyone a homophobe.

Rico said:
America makes me sick to my stomach sometimes, your views are completely skewed by your innate racism. No, not the "bad" kind of racism, the one at the very roots of your society where it's apparently bad to call a black man black and terrible to open a door for a lady. You'd see things in a completely different light if you lived in a country where the races are so intertwined there is no difference. I can proudly say I have a little bit of every race in me, and back home nobody would make a big deal if you called someone black amickably (it was sometimes even a nickname).

I've called black people black and I open doors for women. Do you have a point? I see racism and being against gays as the same thing. Can you not see what a position that puts me in? If people starting saying "Down with blacks," "Being black is an illness," and "Being black is wrong" how would you respond? To me those comments when made about gays are no different so of course I'm going to react angrily sometimes. Even if you disagree can you not understand that?

Rico said:
Your eyes are still closed because you think in terms of who's racist or who's not. You think of black people, women, and other minorities as "different" and treat it as an "issue" that needs to be solved. That's racism, believing you're not equal, and guess what, by preaching against it you're actually making it stick.

I don't think minorities are differnt. Everyone is human and that's all that matters to me. Thus the reason I fight for homosexuals just as I would fight for other minorities.

Preaching against racism causes racism? Well, it might draw focus to the issue that in a perfect world would not be a good thing. However, this isn't a perfect world so that focus is worth it when fighting against the people who are racist.

Rico said:
Why don't you start seeing your peers as true equals instead of trying to convince yourself that they are? An asshole is an asshole no matter what it's color or sex, a guy who acts affeminate just because he's gay is just as annoying as that one guy who follows you around and pretends to be part of your group even when he's not wanted.

I can't believe your lecturing me on equality when your the one who's against gays. Sorry but I'm for equality for everyone, not just some people.

Rico said:
Different strokes for different folk, your blind hate for all those who oppose your views show how narrowminded you really are and it shows that youu really don't believe in what you're preaching: equality and freedom of speech and action.

Since I don't hate those who oppose my views your statement is pretty meaningless for me. In fact I'd fight for the right of those people to express those views. But that doesn't mean I won't argue with them.

Also, I respect that people have different opinions. But when those opinions create laws that infringe on the freedoms of other people then I must argue against it.
Neutrino, I also have gay family members. Two as a matter of fact. There both good people. One of them, even though he is attracted to men, doesn't engage in gay sex because he believes that it is wrong. I don't know what the other one is up to these days.
how many times do I have to say this?
Gays are not a minority as in a religous or racial minority, don't categorize it that way becuase it's NOT that way.
the gay issue belongs to the drugs category.

yes gayness does harm others, it harms the whole society.
Who said I was against gays? You just called me a homophobe without realizing it.

I'm against them taking what was originally a religious institution and turning it into a civil rights issue. I appreciate them as individuals just fine, don't attempt to make me out as some sort of evil figure as you seem to enjoy doing because I'm not.

So tell me, are you against underage marriages or not? People's rights are being violated and I'm sure there are quite a few gay people who got "convinced" that it was the right thing for them, even though they were unsure of themselves. Where's their protection?

If you valued equality and freedom you'd have no problem with people speaking their mind as they did in this thread, instead, you turned to hostility and showed your true colors.

This thread wasn othing more than a shameless attempt to undermine the people who oppose gay marriage, nothing more than an extension of racial bigotry. Good job spreading your freedom and good will to all!

I'm out of this thread, some of the people on both sides sicken me, in the future if you decide to start inflammatory threads such as this at least have some willingness to concede points instead of ignoring them and burning your straw man while you pat yourselves on the back.

It's funny that most of the racism that survives in the U.S is what I like to call "reverse" racism, the minorities and the public in general accusing someone ofb eing racist for speaking their mind and beliefs.

Anyways, have fun with your little teenage cruzade, I'll just stand back and let the people vote on the issue, seems to have worked for other minorities, why not gay marriage if they get enough support?

If the people want it then let them vote for it, save your words and act instead of preaching to yourselves because you're not fooling anyone, nobody thinks moreh ighly of you because you paint yourself as a supporter of the weak, it's when you take action that you earn that respect.
Rico, you make absolutely no ****ing sense. Hasan, you're a penis. Call me racist or whatever, like someone said, assholes is assholes.
So this is what we can expect more of. More intolerance and a return of ignorant prejudices? Thanks GW, you're doing a great job of uniting the country. We are so screwed.
Rico said:
That's a nice set of groundless facts. What you people fail to realize is that your claims are as absurd as your opposition, if you were really as right as you claim you are and there were no grey areas to be filled then gay marriage wouldn't be an issue at all.

All I read when I see you people post is "I'm right because I'm right!" "I want to be the next MLK because being a liberator is the cool thing this year!" "I follow the trend my fellow teenager friends follow, I'm cool and misunderstood like them too!" "It's cool to be gay, what's wrong with you people, why aren't you gay!?".

It seems to me like there's a lot more discrimination being thrown at the opposition, calling them "homophobes" and other names than there is about actual gay marriage.

America makes me sick to my stomach sometimes, your views are completely skewed by your innate racism. No, not the "bad" kind of racism, the one at the very roots of your society where it's apparently bad to call a black man black and terrible to open a door for a lady. You'd see things in a completely different light if you lived in a country where the races are so intertwined there is no difference. I can proudly say I have a little bit of every race in me, and back home nobody would make a big deal if you called someone black amickably (it was sometimes even a nickname).

Your eyes are still closed because you think in terms of who's racist or who's not. You think of black people, women, and other minorities as "different" and treat it as an "issue" that needs to be solved. That's racism, believing you're not equal, and guess what, by preaching against it you're actually making it stick.

Why don't you start seeing your peers as true equals instead of trying to convince yourself that they are? An asshole is an asshole no matter what it's color or sex, a guy who acts affeminate just because he's gay is just as annoying as that one guy who follows you around and pretends to be part of your group even when he's not wanted.

Different strokes for different folk, your blind hate for all those who oppose your views show how narrowminded you really are and it shows that youu really don't believe in what you're preaching: equality and freedom of speech and action.


Damn man, if I had some way of doing it, I'd buy you a cold one for that.

I guess this will have to do:
What the heck are you even talking about? You're all over the place from gay marriage to racism to pedophilia to my supposed immaturity. :laugh:

Rico said:
Who said I was against gays? You just called me a homophobe without realizing it.

Being against gays is the same thing as being a homophobe? You might think that but I don't. Certainly I think many people are homophobic, but I realize many have religious reasons as well. So no, I never said you were a homophobe at all. As for you being against gays, in my eyes if you are against gay marriage or support the amendmant ban you are indeed against gays. Just my view.

Rico said:
I'm against them taking what was originally a religious institution and turning it into a civil rights issue. I appreciate them as individuals just fine, don't attempt to make me out as some sort of evil figure as you seem to enjoy doing because I'm not.

What are you even talking about? When did I try to make you out as an evil figure? Yes, marriage is often a religious institution, but legal marriage is not as I've said. Even religious marriage isn't nearly so simple as there are many religions, some who support gays and some who do not. I want all of those religions to be able to freely practice their beliefs, not just one of them.

Rico said:
So tell me, are you against underage marriages or not? People's rights are being violated and I'm sure there are quite a few gay people who got "convinced" that it was the right thing for them, even though they were unsure of themselves. Where's their protection?

Are you still stuck on this? Yes, of course I'm against underage marriages. Like I said, it has nothing to do with the issue. As hard as some people try pedophila and homosexuality are two completely different subjects and have nothing in common. You're really grasping at straws with that argument.

People are getting "convinced" that they are gay? What the heck? You've pretty much lost me here. Or are you one of those people that thinks there's some gay conpiracy? I don't even know what your trying to say.

Rico said:
If you valued equality and freedom you'd have no problem with people speaking their mind as they did in this thread, instead, you turned to hostility and showed your true colors.

Since when is disagreeing with someone mean I have a problem with freedom of speech? Again you've lost me here. Am I not allowed to disagree with you for some reason?

I turned to hostility? Where? Let's see, did I call people unintelligent and immature? Nope. Oh wait, that was you.

Rico said:
This thread wasn othing more than a shameless attempt to undermine the people who oppose gay marriage, nothing more than an extension of racial bigotry. Good job spreading your freedom and good will to all!

I love how you attempt to twist it around and accuse gay supporters of racism. That's rich. Nice try, but you can't avoid the issue that easily.

Rico said:
I'm out of this thread, some of the people on both sides sicken me, in the future if you decide to start inflammatory threads such as this at least have some willingness to concede points instead of ignoring them and burning your straw man while you pat yourselves on the back.

Ah making a thread supporting gay marriage is now being infammatory? That's quite the leap in logic.

I should show willingness to concede points? What points? Where was a single valid point raised against gay marriage?

That it's disgusting? Sorry, but just saying it's disgusting doesn't mean it should be illegal.

That it's against religion? Again sorry, but that's not valid as there is more than one religion and it also goes against the first amendment.

What other points were raised exactly? I responded to every one of your points and showed you how I thought they were wrong. All you could ever do is respond by accusing me of racism. If you think you had valid points why not actually try to explain it rather than resorting to silly personal attacks?

Rico said:
It's funny that most of the racism that survives in the U.S is what I like to call "reverse" racism, the minorities and the public in general accusing someone ofb eing racist for speaking their mind and beliefs.

So let me get this straight. If someone says to me that whites are superior to blacks and I call them a racist I'm being racist? Is anyone understanding this? Because I'm sure not.

Rico said:
Anyways, have fun with your little teenage cruzade, I'll just stand back and let the people vote on the issue, seems to have worked for other minorities, why not gay marriage if they get enough support?

Let's see, so far you've called me unintelligent, immature, a teenager, and a racist. Tell me, do you actually have any arguments or are insults the best you can do? You can call me anything you care to, but it doesn't change the facts and it certanly doesn't help your argument.

Yes, one day people will most likely vote for gay marriage, but until that day comes I'm not going to stop arguing for it. The black civil rights movement didn't happen all by itself and niether will this.

Rico said:
If the people want it then let them vote for it, save your words and act instead of preaching to yourselves because you're not fooling anyone, nobody thinks moreh ighly of you because you paint yourself as a supporter of the weak, it's when you take action that you earn that respect.

Supporter of the weak? When did homosexuals become "the weak"?

I love how you accuse me and others of denying you your freedom of speech and then turn around and say we shouldn't discuss it. Nice work there. :thumbs:

hasan said:
how many times do I have to say this?
Gays are not a minority as in a religous or racial minority, don't categorize it that way becuase it's NOT that way.

Yes, it is. You can deny it all you want, but it's true. Gays consistantly make up around 5 to 10 percent of the population. They are indeed a minortiy just like any other.

hasan said:
the gay issue belongs to the drugs category.

Again, no matter how bad you want that to be true doesn't make it so. There is no evidence to even suggest such a comparison. It's ridiculous.

hasan said:
yes gayness does harm others, it harms the whole society.

No, it doesn't. Again, you have no evidence whatsoever.

I'm consistantly amazed at people who are willing to condemn an entire group of people with no evidence. Do you realize just how much you sound like a white supremist? The similarities are scary.
I'm going to let you all in on a little nugget of wisdom.


Who cares if two blokes/women get married? How does it affect your life in any way? You still get up in the monring, you still have your friends and your loved ones.

Some people say gay marriage is a corruption of a pure religious cerimony or whatever - but that's bull. When I get married, I'm not going to care if two guys had the same cerimony, it will be personal to me and my lover - IT DOES NOT FRIGGIN MATTER.

Although they do spread disease. The rectum isn't designed for the abuse a homosexual male's recieves. The vagina is designed to withstand bacteria etc, it has an acidic environment and thick walls.

But still, IT DOES NOT FRIGGIN MATTER. If gays have HIV/AIDS, how does that affect you? You're only at risk if someone ass-rapes you in the street, and then that really is wrong. But we're not talking about that.

As for children being raised by homosexuals. Well, as long as there is no normal man/women alternative I think it's OK. It's better than being in an orphanage with nobody that really cares for you.

There's probably more, but really once again:


Reading this thread makes me congratulate you: America, you will have Bush and you deserve him.

Btw: Homosexuality can or can not be an illness. In most cases the apparatus and hormone production is switched. I have no english website for it and I don't think it would change your views if I translated it...so GO! fundamentals, it's all gonna be alright for you, don't listen to liberals like I am one...America will lead the way, supremacy power. Which also includes: so all european countries are bad, right? Because most of our countries have gay marriage...
Foxtrot said:
Gay marriage is different, some people think it is morally wrong and others think it is uneccesary and will be abused.
Doesn't stop them from being closed-minded f*ckwits. Some people would argue that it is morally wrong to be a Muslim.
America, you will have Bush and you deserve him.

We do, because most of us, voted for him. However, its the same number on the opposite side.

Let me say this: Good work world pissing us of on 9/11! Now, were nationalistic, and have four more years to ponder World Domination!

...this is'int looking too good for you.
On 9/11 we pissed on you? I lost only two friends in those towers that might not be enough but what does that have to do with anything? Also how did we piss on you? Btw: World Domination is like so out of style...been done before...
some peoples close mindedness knows no bounds, people don't choose their sexuality any more than they choose their hair colour

grow up people (you know who you are) and open your minds

the one good thing to look forward to is that one day this issue won't even be an issue, may that day come quickly!!!

On 9/11 we pissed on you? I lost only two friends in those towers that might not be enough but what does that have to do with anything? Also how did we piss on you? Btw: World Domination is like so out of style...been done before...

OMG, I did'nt throw Yogurt at the bear! OMG HAX!!1elven

Scroll up please, and read what I said.

Also, lets examine your mentality for this one:

Btw: World Domination is like so out of style...been done before

Reenactment by Metaphor: "is liek; I can write stuff to piss him off0rz. liek, if I say, teh teehee, World Domination is liek, so out of, liek style, and liek liek its been done before, he'll be all: OMFGZ TEH US OH NOES!!"

Read this. World Domination is always new, because its actually, never been fully accomplished.
You are so full of yourself, it's really starting to amuse me. One thing before I go to work again: I'm sorry, I misread your post because of your typo. Still no one pissed you off, we all tried to help.

And could you write proper English? I'm trying to although it's not my mother-tongue so give me a break here. I did not understand your metaphor.

14-year olds on the net playing the strong man always amuses me as I said.
You are so full of yourself, it's really starting to amuse me. One thing before I go to work again: I'm sorry, I misread your post because of your typo. Still no one pissed you off, we all tried to help.

How amusing am I? Your not exactly kicking out of your chair--and I cant exactly say im embarrased by you saying this. After all, im not there to hear you laughing.

Tid for Tad?

And could you write proper English? I'm trying to although it's not my mother-tongue so give me a break here. I did not understand your metaphor.

Hey, if you understand me, its English! :D

14-year olds on the net playing the strong man always amuses me as I said.

I'll bet Jello on Ice amuses you even more. Since were talking about, "funny things", lets talk about your behavior. Its quiet passive-aggressive, and I honestly wish you could come out and say: "I dont like you."

Ohwell... :( When will that happen? Like, never.
Well, I don't like you. That being said I wonder why I care. And I even wonder why I came back although I got an article on PES4 to write. Guess this is more entertaining than soccer on a console :)
CptStern said:
yes but in the meantime people's rights get trampled ..I think this will further legitamize some people's view that homosexuals are not entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals

I have to say after much thought, I agree with CptStern. Allthough I dont agree with homsexuality based on who I am and what I believe, I do agree with equal rights to "HUMANS" reguardless of the choices between two "CONSENTING" adults. I still have reservations in the area of gay people raising children. This has nothing to do with the rights of gay people as it does with the childs rights. Time will tell how well these circumstances really stand up.

As far as discrimination goes especialy from a religous point of view. I enjoy my right to free religion to much to begin coercing others to follow what I believe is right. I think a lot of it comes down to, if the church starts putting its foot down in the secular world it only leaves the door open for the secualr world to put its foot down in the church, and this I would not like.

Fundementaly we are talking about human rights and ALL should have level grounds of equality.
The definition of marriage is 'The legal union of a MAN and WOMAN as husband and wife'.

Do you see anything regarding the legal union of two men or two women? I didn't think so.

The fact is, many people believe same-sex marriages immoral. But God forbid that ever happen!
Foxtrot said:
Gay marriage is different, some people think it is morally wrong and others think it is uneccesary and will be abused.

Morally wrong? Like some people thought it was morally wrong to have interracial marriages?

Abused? Oh you mean like straight marriages, where more than 50% ends in a divorce. You can hardly abuse it more than that.
CptStern said:
"as of this day forth no muslim shall be able to get married in any sense of the word ...because they are muslim"

how would you feel hasan if that was made into law?

That's rediculous.

Marriage is defined in Genesis, and Muslims accept that as truth.

Marriage is and always has been defined as between a man and a woman. It's just that people are so hopelessly stupid that they have to put it into written law now.

It's obvious from the election, by overwhelming margin's every state that ammended thier definition of marriage, did so by overwhelming amounts.
I like cheese on toast. It makes me happy.

Toasted sandwhich makers are good too, although they often end up in the cupboard forgotten about.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
No, well...erm...yes, no! I am positively against forgotten sandwich makers.
I will agree that cheese on toast kicks ass.
RogueShadow said:
That's rediculous.

Marriage is defined in Genesis, and Muslims accept that as truth.

since when is marriage exclusive to christianity?

I'm married ..but it wasnt in the front of the eyes of god I had a non-denominational ceremony ..does that mean I'm not married?

RogueShadow said:
Marriage is and always has been defined as between a man and a woman. It's just that people are so hopelessly stupid that they have to put it into written law now.

people are hopelessly stupid because they support a law that is discriminatory. Read Yakuza's reply to one of my posts

RogueShadow said:
It's obvious from the election, by overwhelming margin's every state that ammended thier definition of marriage, did so by overwhelming amounts.

need I remind you on how many states fought to keep segregation?

Yakuza: I couldnt have said it better myself, thanks :) This issue is one of human rights
I dont think gay marriage should get the go-ahead, and Im gay.

Some sort of official union is needed.