2006 FIFA World Cup Football Tournament

Germany have been great this world cup..and it'd be a fitting touch to end Zidane's career with a World Cup..
Chill out brits, it's only a game. No need to call me c*nt, just because I don't cheer on the same team as you.

Well done, France, BTW.
I still don't see why everyone loves Brazil so much. They have a slow, cocky play style that drives me crazy. Defenders give them too much respect and room to work with and they wonder why they get circles run around them. France finally brought it to them fast and Brazil just couldn't keep up. It was very enjoyable to see a team that finally could figure out that taking it fast and hard right at Brazil was all that was needed. Straight domination. Henry and Zidane's brilliant performances didn't hurt either.
The Monkey said:
Chill out brits, it's only a game. No need to call me c*nt, just because I don't cheer on the same team as you.

Well done, France, BTW.
There was no need for the way you acted, no need at all..

@General Discussion: I like watching Brazil play simply because of how they link up play and generally can score a goal from nothing :p
ComradeBadger said:
There was no need for the way you acted, no need at all..
Who would've reacted if I had said "PORTUGAL IS OUT!!! :D :D" and then had made a few comments about how Ronaldo cried or whatever? In fact, I think that a lot of people would've joined in with me. But when I suddenly speak bad about England, people start telling me to **** off and tell me that I'm a ****. Does that seem reasonable to you?
ComradeBadger said:
Germany have been great this world cup..and it'd be a fitting touch to end Zidane's career with a World Cup..

Good luck Zidan :cool:
The Monkey said:
Who would've reacted if I had said "PORTUGAL IS OUT!!! :D :D" and then had made a few comments about how Ronaldo cried or whatever? In fact, I think that a lot of people would've joined in with me. But when I suddenly speak bad about England, people start telling me to **** off and tell me that I'm a ****. Does that seem reasonable to you?

Saying 'Portugal won :D :D' would be acceptable, it's just the way you were so happy that England had lost, as opposed to a team you were supporting had won.
ComradeBadger said:
Saying 'Portugal won :D :D' would be acceptable, it's just the way you were so happy that England had lost, as opposed to a team you were supporting had won.
My reaction would've been accepted had it been directed at any other team but England. I'm happy that England lost because I think they're overrated and that they play bad football. Or is it not allowed to be against the English team in this thread?
Agreed with Badger. It's just rubbing people's noses in it, it's not very sporting.

Also The Monkey, it could be interepreted as you having a go at the England fans here (as you seem to know already there are so many). Not much offence would have been taken at a "Trinidad and Tabago are out :D :D " because there's not that many fans that we know of. But what you did seemed like a direct taunt and snub. I think we're entitled to speak against that.

one said:
Where in the UK are you from?

errr...why? Originally from the North East of England, now in the South East.
kirovman said:
Agreed with Badger. It's just rubbing people's noses in it, it's not very sporting.

errr...why? Originally from the North East of England, now in the South East.
Because you're happy to see England go home. ;)
kirovman said:
Agreed with Badger. It's just rubbing people's noses in it, it's not very sporting.

Also The Monkey, it could be interepreted as you having a go at the England fans here (as you seem to know already there are so many). Not much offence would have been taken at a "Trinidad and Tabago are out :D :D " because there's not that many fans that we know of. But what you did seemed like a direct taunt. I think we're entitled to speak against that.
Well, I am sorry if I hurt people's feelings, I just think that Portugal deserved it. And not four hours ago Badger called the Portuguese players "Cheating little f*cks". Don't you think that's a little more offensive than my statement?
I'd like to see France and Germany in the final now - an enmity with a long tradition! :LOL:
The Monkey said:
Well, I am sorry if I hurt people's feelings, I just think that Portugal deserved it. And not four hours ago Badger called the Portuguese players "Cheating little f*cks". Don't you think that's a little more offensive than my statement?

Well I do think that England were responsible for their own demise, but also I do think that Ronaldo played dirty.
kirovman said:
Well I do think that England were responsible for their own demise, but also I do think that Ronaldo played dirty.
Very possible. Never liked the guy. The goalie played great, though.
The Monkey said:
Well, I am sorry if I hurt people's feelings, I just think that Portugal deserved it. And not four hours ago Badger called the Portuguese players "Cheating little f*cks". Don't you think that's a little more offensive than my statement?
That comment was brought on by their conduct throughout Euro 2004 and this world cup, I really have a great distaste for diving and foul play in general. They were diving all over the show.

I must say, who chose an Argentine ref for a cruicial England game? I wouldn't put an English ref in that position (reffing an important argentine game) - it's not fair on the teams OR the ref themselves.
France and Germany in the final, kirov take my bet would ya ;)
My bets on the semi-finals:

Italia/Germany - 2/1
Portugal/France - 2/0
ComradeBadger said:
That comment was brought on by their conduct throughout Euro 2004 and this world cup, I really have a great distaste for diving and foul play in general. They were diving all over the show.

I must say, who chose an Argentine ref for a cruicial England game? I wouldn't put an English ref in that position (reffing an important argentine game) - it's not fair on the teams OR the ref themselves.

While I saw some Portuguese diving, I really don't think it was worse than on a usual game. But maybe you're right.

Anyway, my predictions:

Italy 1-2 Germany
Portugal 0-0 France (at full time)
Portugal are about the dirtiest team in the cup.

Go Zidane, its class like him that makes the world cup.
PsychoFreak said:
France are terrible. Jesus, they are so bad.

Eat your words, please. Eat them.

ComradeBadger said:
Fuck Portugal. Just goes to show you can cheat your way to the semi-finals.

Bunch of twats. Ronaldo is a ****ing pussy who dives at any oppurtunity. Oh, and what happened when your defender brought our man down.. should have been a penalty.

Cheating little fucks.

Load of bollocks. Rooney shouldn't have been sent off, from any angle you can see it was accidental - wasn't till Ronaldo got all bitchy that anything happened.

Cheating. Little. Cunts

I'm glad :LOL:
Originally Posted by ComradeBadger
**** Portugal. Just goes to show you can cheat your way to the semi-finals.

Bunch of twats. Ronaldo is a ****ing pussy who dives at any oppurtunity. Oh, and what happened when your defender brought our man down.. should have been a penalty.

Cheating little ****s.

Load of bollocks. Rooney shouldn't have been sent off, from any angle you can see it was accidental - wasn't till Ronaldo got all bitchy that anything happened.

Cheating. Little. ****s

I respect most of what you say and in general I agree with your comments regarding Ronaldo.He is a pussy and it could be argued he is a cheat but the Rooney issue is where I have to differ.

Take a look at all the hype and all the trouble that was taken to actually get him there. I saw the UK press blow gold dust up his arse right from day one. And what did he actually do when he was on the pitch? As far as I saw, nothing, he didn’t score, he did nowt other than play up front by himself and get more and more annoyed .OK it could be argued that is was Sven’s fault but it does not alter the fact that he in no way contributed to England’s campaign in any meaningful way.

So what does he do during this game? The same and to top it all off he stomps on some guys balls and gets sent off. Brilliant! He is a goddamm highly paid professional footballer who is now seen a short tempered idiot.

Am I rubbing English noses in it? No I am simply stating it as it is, that being this guy, who carried the hopes of your entire nation, let you down, he failed. He let down the rest of the team and let down those that took all the time to get him there.

The Portuguese maybe cheats, they maybe divers but England had a multi million pound squad of highly talented footballers who on paper should have easily over come these guys.
Why didn’t they? Well, maybe if you guys figure that one out in time for Euro 2008 maybe things different.

By the way in the extra time England raised their game and actually looked as though they had some passion, it’s a shame they lost on penalties but hey, at least they got there.
I maintain the ball-stepping was an accident, and certainly not grounds for dismissal.

Rooney's been playing competantly this world cup, but has suffered from our side's reliance on long balls based around peter crouch.. Owen getting injured was a big problem, as the two of them feed off one another.

It's impossible to expect the England players to play how they do for their premiership clubs, as it has become obvious the England squad don't train enough together.

Also the British presses AWFUL assasination of Erikson has clearly been hanging over the team..

However these aren't excuses, when it came down to it, we blew it. BUT I do feel the result would have been very different had Portugal played fairly.

(Oh, and one of their defenders was the last man between one of our attackers and the goal.. I forget whether it was Joe Cole or not.. - which is a red-card offence.. did anything happen? Nope)
It's purely academic now and no doubt the press will have a field day with what has happened.

I never thought I would, but I really was cheering you guys on in extra time and it really annoyed me that Ronaldo scored the goal that put you out.

The ten that remained played their socks of, guys like Lennon, Neville and Hargreaves did all they could and I was genuinely annoyed that they didn't win.
When you look at the guys that weren’t on the pitch at the end, Beckham, Owen, Ronney and Cole, what was left put up as good a fight as could have been expected, when the chips were down you guys did ok.

Having seen France put out Brazil tonight also, I know who I will be cheering on when they face Portugal.
Wow, Badger. Can't take your country losing, eh?

England lost and that's that. Portugal happened to be better than england.

Everybody is happy, the end.
I just think what you posted was inappropriate. I didn't take delight in seeing the US get knocked out did I?
I actualy didn't care if US got knocked out.

Plus, my first post towards UK was just a joke. Get a sense of humor.
Combine Hybrid said:
I actualy didn't care if US got knocked out.

Plus, my first post towards UK was just a joke. Get a sense of humor.

Many people in Europe and across the globe take this tournament seriously and with a great deal of passion, taking the piss out of our passion is not too humorous.
Yes, semi-finals (2 matches), then the final, and 3rd place game sadly.

I've not spoken about the England game tonight, but i will say wasted opportunity...
I don't really blame anybody for England's going out. Like I said, yesterday's performance was about the only one I really think they could be proud of, result aside. The 1st half was a bit shakey, but once Rooney got sent off we actually got some passion in our game. I was well impressed with what Crouch did when he came on, as well as Lennon, Hargreaves, Gerrard,etc. Even Ashley Cole who I usually hate was coming up with the good stuff. Ferdinand and Neville were solid as hell. I think taking off Cole might have been a bad idea, but whatever.

Lampard and Terry blew hot and cold but Terry got in some excellent tackles and it was clear that everyone was trying a lot harder than they had done up to that point. In the end we were playing a man down in extra time in intense heat, and we looked easily as likely to score as Portugal (despite still sitting too deep when defending).

Penalties are just LUCK. Unlike Portugal we got all our penalties on target but we're going out. You can say the Portuguese keeper did well but other than picking a direction and jumping there's not much to it. He managed to force a retake on one penalty (BIG psychological advantage there) and even flukily had one shot roll into his hand and then fly up onto the crossbar. LUCK. And since England are notoriously UNlucky I thought it was retarded for people to have been saying they should play for penalties. But I'm not pissed off with England's players. I don't think they blew it - I think they put in their biggest effort of the WC and just got unlucky. If each of our missed penalties had strayed a few inches off the keeper's hands each time then maybe the team would be being hailed as heroes right now.

I'm pissed off at Portugal for their horrible sportsmanship but I don't think that had much to do with England's going out. I just think the shitty attitude of bastards like Figo and Ronaldo is contributing to what's killing football as a spectacle and a contact sport, and I'd much rather they didn't win ANYTHING.
Combine Hybrid said:
Plus, my first post towards UK was just a joke. Get a sense of humor.
We'll agree to grow a sense of humour if you agree to get out of this thread.
Laivasse said:
Penalties are just LUCK. Unlike Portugal we got all our penalties on target but we're going out. You can say the Portuguese keeper did well but other than picking a direction and jumping there's not much to it. He managed to force a retake on one penalty (BIG psychological advantage there) and even flukily had one shot roll into his hand and then fly up onto the crossbar. LUCK. And since England are notoriously UNlucky I thought it was retarded for people to have been saying they should play for penalties. But I'm not pissed off with England's players. I don't think they blew it - I think they put in their biggest effort of the WC and just got unlucky. If each of our missed penalties had strayed a few inches off the keeper's hands each time then maybe the team would be being hailed as heroes right now.

I'm pissed off at Portugal for their horrible sportsmanship but I don't think that had much to do with England's going out. I just think the shitty attitude of bastards like Figo and Ronaldo is contributing to what's killing football as a spectacle and a contact sport, and I'd much rather they didn't win ANYTHING.

We'll agree to grow a sense of humour if you agree to get out of this thread.

They're not just luck. IF you place it in the corner, most keepers can't stop it. Lampard and Gerrard didn't put their balls in the corner. Did you happen to notice that Ricardo dove the direction of EVERY shot on goal? Did Robinson do the same? nope. I sincerely doubt that was "just LUCK".

and England has played like shit this entire tournament except for maybe today. They were not just "unlucky". They didn't deserve to advance. And this is coming from someone who watched every WC game of theirs hoping to see some English brilliance.

and that supposed red-card offense was a clean tackle on Cole. all ball.

These two games today were the only ones I seemed to have picked right.
Adidajs said:
They're not just luck. IF you place it in the corner, most keepers can't stop it. Lampard and Gerrard didn't put their balls in the corner. Did you happen to notice that Ricardo dove the direction of EVERY shot on goal? Did Robinson do the same? nope. I sincerely doubt that was "just LUCK".
They are all about luck. Robinson goes entirely the wrong way and then the minutest difference in touch makes a Portuguese player hit the outside of the post instead of the inside = a miss for Portugal, whereas had he slammed it straight forwards with no thought at all it's a goal. You can try to place your penalties in the roof or the side of the net and then if you do score everyone's like "OMFG genius!" - without ever acknowledging that it's a microscopically fine line between scoring it off the underside of the crossbar and skying it into the crowd. England's penalties all played it safe - as such they avoided whacking it wide like 2 of the Portuguese guys, but they were easy enough for any goalie who was lucky enough to go the right way. I don't deny there is some technique involved sometimes in tricking the goalie or trying to read a player's feet - but luck is the deciding factor. After all there isn't a player alive who hasn't scuffed a ball like a total mong at some point, so the idea that you can define how much a team 'deserves' to go through based on 5 individual kicks is silly. Everyone knows penalties are basically a coin toss.
and England has played like shit this entire tournament except for maybe today. They were not just "unlucky". They didn't deserve to advance. And this is coming from someone who watched every WC game of theirs hoping to see some English brilliance.

and that supposed red-card offense was a clean tackle on Cole. all ball.
England played shit in every other game but progressed. In the one game they played with heart and grit they lost out. As someone said earlier in the thread, 'deserving' has nothing to do with it, since they didn't deserve such an easy ride previously but that's what they got, but they deserved to win against portugal but that isn't what they got. They haven't been spectacular but they've upped their game every time and not once really been outplayed, and they are unlucky to go out.

I agree about the Cole tackle though. Clean win of the ball.
BTW I'm glad France beat Brazil. Too much sickly glory-hunting hero worship goes on with the hype around Brazil.