6 Month ?

If you are so very angry, then take proactive action.

Write a letter - that's right, a LETTER NOT an email or a petition - those especially don't do a damned thing - to VUG expressing your dismay at the turn of events and letting them know that any attempts to delay the release of Half Life 2 will cause you to not support ALL aspects of Vivendi Universal's products: movies, tv shows, music, etc.

Be respectful but firm in the tone of your letter and don't come of as some L337 moron. If you do approach it seriously, you will make much more of an impact.

Honestly, I think anything is a waste of effort. Nothing is going to effect this debacle except valve and vivendi.
AJ Rimmer said:
He... He... Hihi... hihihihi...hahaha! Haha! HAAHAA! ARGH!!! YEEEEHAAHAHAHAAAAW! Ahahahaha... Mwuahahaha......

:flame: :flame: :flame: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :flame: :flame:

redrum redrum redrum redrum redrum!!!
I pray for the souls of VUG's sake that this doesn't happen...

LOL. If it ain't in our hands by Novemeber at the VERY latest...
Concept said:
There is no October 8th date for Steam. The Steam version will only be launching at the same time as the retail version.

Two relevant snippets from the article everyone needs to take note of:

There is no magical October there's-supposed-to-be-something-happening-on-the-8th day anymore.

My worst fears have been confirmed... It's last year all over again!
Yoda1979 said:
Its valve's product. They didnt need VU. They chose them.

thats true but it's too late. according to the binding contract between VU and VALVE in the gamespot article if it's real. now that VU have the official wording, they have up to 6 months to release the game and so if they delay it for 6 months for the hell of it there is nothing valve or the courts can do anything about it :( which sux
Alright - guys VUG hasn't actually delayed ANYTHING yet. Geeze, if late October rolls around and we hear nothing, then we can get as angry as we want.

Just because they have the right do do something doesnt' mean they WILL do it. Especially when the thing might lead to a public relations nightmare.

This talk about bombing, etc. is absolutely uncalledfor.
McP485 said:

Just call it "beta" and we'll test it out for you.


- McP

haha Wouldn't that be awesome? Valve should release the first 1/3 of the single-player game and the multi-player with a few maps as a beta so everyone can play the first part if VUG sits on it for months.
Dr. Freeman said:
err... im sorry.. i didn't know that was a funny considering the article :|
I'm just trying to lighten the mood in here... Personally I don't believe that VUG will delay the game more than necessary :|
It's the uncertainty which is killing most people.

The game's near enough finished, so much so magazines have been sent code deemed near enough 'reviewable' status.

With the soon-to-be-released reviews, the pre-loads, and the ongoing attention with these legal disputes people are going to grow more frustrated being left in the dark.

The world's most anticipated videogame keeps facing setbacks. That's the simple truth of the matter.

I agree that I'd like to think people would be patient enough to wait until late October before letting frustration take over, but again, I think due to the game's absolutely immense high-profile focus... People are getting tired and cynical right now, which is exactly what Valve or Half-Life don't need at this minute.

Put it like this... A cinematic equivalent would be Return of the King being all wrapped up and shown to film critics to talk about all over the media, but New Line holding the film indefinately for public consumption.

People eager, and certainly diehard fans, would go slightly bonkers at such a scenario.

And this is what we could be on the verge of seeing with Half-Life 2 here. All the lights being turned out again, a la September 30th 2003, if Vivendi decides to play hard ball. :(
Alright - guys VUG hasn't actually delayed ANYTHING yet....

True, but it's very worriesome. This little piece of news explains the six months inbetween CS:CZ going gold and being released on store shelves. Vivendi really did just sit on it for six months. I don't know WHY they would do this, but they bloody well likely could do it with Half-Life 2 also.

The Half-Life 2 story has now become more infamous than Daikatana.

Please oh please don't delay this till next March.

..edited to fix quote
I don't believe so either - there's too much of a public relations issue with the community as a whole to do so.

Do they honestly think that any delay will generate MORE sales of the retail copies?
well.. indeed
hey if that happens we can all quite happily simply purchase directly from steam.

and if thats the case, a store bought copy is not as important to me.
This might be a dumb question, but can't valve like (you know, to help us cope) release a demo if vivendi chooses to sit on it?

Actually, this is more wishfull thinking.
Mr. Redundant said:
well.. indeed
hey if that happens we can all quite happily simply purchase directly from steam.

and if thats the case, a store bought copy is not as important to me.

The wait will still be the same though. And only the fans who've closely followed Half-Life 2 will be enraged enough to do so.

They'll probably only take up a fraction of the game's total audience.

Ultimately, Vivendi have Valve by the balls, unless Valve releases on Steam before they say so (which could be 2005), and risks getting sued.

It's a bleak situation from Gamespot's words.
I don't believe so either - there's too much of a public relations issue with the community as a whole to do so.

Do they honestly think that any delay will generate MORE sales of the retail copies?

I'm sure that the hardcore gaming community makes up like .1% of the future hl2 sales. Most of the sales for hl2 will come from normal average joes who are walking through walmart and see it. If they delay, sales may be slower at first, but eventually, i bet they'd make about the same amount of money regardless of whether they release it now, or in 6 months.
yesterday i was so hyped by the funny php thread.... now.... there's no grimace which expresses my feeling
Don't forget the other potential parties in this issue:

EB Games

These guys would not be pleased with any delay - especially the two retailers - who factored Half Life 2 sales into their quarterly projections. Not being able to make those projections will affect them negatively and they would not at all be pleased by that.
I wonder how many people here would be blaming Valve for any future delays if this story about the VUG and Valve never got out.

Its something to think about.
Mr. Redundant said:
well.. indeed
hey if that happens we can all quite happily simply purchase directly from steam.

and if thats the case, a store bought copy is not as important to me.

if that happens...........a technology called P2P will help :p
Only friggin hl2 will this sh#t happen :angry:

But I doubt they will delay it that much,
and they most definitly wont delay past the christmas season,thats just asking to lose money..
just think how pissed off ATI would be if it was delayed for 6 months! all those cards they sold as part of the original deal would be grosly outdated!
caido_souls said:
just think how pissed off ATI would be if it was delayed for 6 months! all those cards they sold as part of the original deal would be grosly outdated!

Yup all of our video cards will be way outdated too..
It'll be great to read reviews for a game I can't play for five months. I agree that Vivendi would be stupid not to get it out for the holidays, but who knows how acrimonious this is.

All you wanting to buy retail, buy Steam. VUG is an evil, outdated, megacorp that screws developers. Don't put any money into their hands if you can possibly help it.
Those reviews will DEFINITELY put a lot of pressure on VUG. That might be a good trump card of Valve's.

Can you imagine if you can't play the GotY of 2004 until 2005?

Seriously - it'll be out this year.
Democritus said:
It'll be great to read reviews for a game I can't play for five months. I agree that Vivendi would be stupid not to get it out for the holidays, but who knows how acrimonious this is.

All you wanting to buy retail, buy Steam. VUG is an evil, outdated, megacorp that screws developers. Don't put any money into their hands if you can possibly help it.

im not downloadin 3 gigs on a 300kb/s connection :S to long
All I can say is, that I hope (if VUG delays) that Valve pumps out a quick cheap game to fulfill the contract and drop VUG like a used condom.
maybe this is why all this stuff is coming out now... valve KNOWS that the game is ready. So they submit copies of the rc for reviews, boost hype, help release the book....and force vivendi to release soon, or risk losing hype, and therefore sales...i mean..i would not play the game if i knew the story. it's finding out the rest of the story that keeps me interested, like with any other type of sequel, be it game or otherwise.
Yombi said:
im not downloadin 3 gigs on a 300kb/s connection :S to long
Oh no, approximately an hour and forty minutes.

I spent 6 hours downloading on my dial-up connection when we only had one phone-line before.

Thankfully I have highspeed now.
Yoda1979 said:
This is BS if it doesnt come out in October I am not buying it. Also I am going to tell all my friends to boycott VU Games. I hope that division of VU goes under.

If I learn that VU is witholding the game at all Im simply not paying money for it; nor any product which I know is published under VU ever again.
Theres also alot of future problems it could cause for vivendi if they were made to look like they would delay somthing out of legal spite, developers (esspeacialy new ones) would decide to steer clear of them with so many other publishers out there, Thats not to say valve arnt pressuring vivendi with publicity, but i think both companies would rather they conceeded and pushed the thing out as quickly as possible.. even if just to save face.
I'm not really going to make any comment about this because its obviously quite acomplicated issue and tbh i doubt Gamespot have given anything like the full story (whether intentionally to make a better story, or just because they dont know) there has to be more to it than they are saying.

I always was planning to buy from Steam in the first place because i think its just such a briliant idea, and the possibility for smaller developers to follow Valves lead in self distributing theyre games could be the breath of fresh air that PC gaming so badly needs.

If it does turn out that Vivendi have been the cause of the majority of problems for HL2, then i will defiantely try to convince people that would otherwise buy in a store to buy online instead.
The Mullinator said:
Oh no, approximately an hour and forty minutes.

I spent 6 hours downloading on my dial-up connection when we only had one phone-line before.

Thankfully I have highspeed now.

dude...300kb/s is 30KB/s there is a difference...it took me about 1 day (not straight hours since other people use the puter) to download 1 gig. Max i normally get on steam is 200kb/s (20KB/s)

edit: it would take about 12 hours to download @ 20KB/s (if it stays @ that speed)
Yombi said:
dude...300kb/s is 30KB/s there is a difference...it took me about 1 day (not straight hours since other people use the puter) to download 1 gig. Max i normally get on steam is 200kb/s (20KB/s)
Alright but thing is you don't have to download it all at once remember?

Thats what these pre-loads have been for.
The Mullinator said:
Alright but thing is you don't have to download it all at once remember?

Thats what these pre-loads have been for.

I dont get the computer alot (curse the family!) so would take a long ass time :S