Anyone else feel sick?


Oct 10, 2003
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For me it seems that unfortunately HL2 is one of those games that gives me motion sickness while playing the computer, anyone else get that feeling?
I swear to god I feel sick man. Maybe because I woke at 3 a.m. with an empty stomach to play.. but I doubt I'll feel better after breakfast. The side effects remain :(
I'm getting some of that.

Maybe it's because I'm tired. The gun sway and dark corridors aren't helping.
i get motion sickness with the game. Only other game that did that to me was postal 2. its not serious though. My stomach drops, but i dont puke or anything
Or at school :( I never have motion sickness because of playing games. I did't even thought that was possible.
i feel REALLY sick too.. i just quit the game before puking... :( it's the second game that make me this.. the first one was Soldier of Fortune 1
bl4h said:
i get motion sickness with the game. Only other game that did that to me was postal 2. its not serious though. My stomach drops, but i dont puke or anything

Postal 2 didn't give me motion sickness...
Its making me feel sick, an hours play and i have to stop for 30 mins. It used to happen on duke nukem 'cause of the gun "sway" but in duke you could turn it off.

Do you think there is a way to turn it off on hl2?
Got it too, I was thinking why.

Good to know I'm not alone.
The thing that gets me most is the dark corridors and stuff... mad claustrofobia there.
"Yes daddy, I feel sick! Now go buy me HL2 and bring it back to me so I don't have to go to school!"


What to do..what to do...

I COULD stay home...and..walk a couple kms to get HL2, but I don't want to do that.

I COULD call my dad at work, ask him to get it for me at lunch. That would require to play the "I've worked hard in school all term, how about a HL2 day?" card..
Stop playing 5 inches from the monitor and you won't get motion sickness.
Wow I thought it was just me. I feel all gloomy in my stomach
Only other game thats made me feel like this is Jedi Knight and the original half life got me for a little.
I haven't played yet. The game loads but the monitor says it's still updating. I'm not going to try my luck 'till the update has finished. The menu looks awesome and if it does change, like the guy in another thread said, then that's a nice touch. :thumbs: VALVe
yup I get it sometimes and it is documented and known as '3D Motion Sickness' I used to get with the original Doom game, the things that trigger it are small spaces like tunnels where walls zoom past you at speed, or when the screen bobs when you move.

Best advice is to take a break after every hour or so, look out the window and focus on distant objects. :)

Your not alone, a lot of people get it.
I never had this problem until I played Call Of Duty...
GTA: Vice City causes that, too.
Take a break from the game. I get dizzy sometimes too. Relax, and get some fresh air. :)
bobbydigital said:
Take a break from the game. I get dizzy sometimes too. Relax, and get some fresh air. :)

You have to otherwise I will be needing a new keyboard and moniter. Sadly though it just happened when im at a really good bit.:(
I'm very susceptible to motion sickness, in cars, on boats, on planes. But the game does not give me any of what you guys are experiencing, thankfully. =)
diluted said:
Never had a game make me feel sick before.

Me neither. I think it's only the fact that I woke up early to play the game :cheers:

My cell alarm was at 2h50 AM (3h00 AM is the HL2 release) and it didn't work. I woke up by myself at 5h00 AM :afro:
I am actually sick. Bacterial infection like strep throat. No class for me today. :p

I haven't played a game or done anything (rollercoasters, boats, driving, flying, skydiving, etc) that has made me sick and I doubt HL2 will (unlocking now).
I don't usually get motion sickness but this game most def made me feel like i was gonnna throw up. i had to run to the toilet after around an hour of play. Last game that made me feel like that was Duke Nukem. That wasnt as bad though. This is game in the world and it makes me sick bleh :| :|
Sick too

Yep, I was having sweats and almost hurled after two hours of play last night, and could only play for one hour tonight. I haven't had this problem since Descent. A guy I work with is having the exact same problem.
Peleus said:
For me it seems that unfortunately HL2 is one of those games that gives me motion sickness while playing the computer, anyone else get that feeling?

This was a problem they experienced durring testing, one of the testers physicly got sick when testing the jet ski, which later became the air boat to combat the issue. But yes, the game does get a little hair raising especially on the air boat...I managed to do an end over end flip in it which was quite interesting...I've also made it do completely wild flips in every direction which is very disorienting.
I think I know what's making you guys feel sick. Believe it or not, the game's default FOV (field of vision) is 75 degrees! I know this one guy who gets really sick with any FOV lower than 100, in any game.

To change it, you can try sv_cheats 1 and fov 90 (default for most shooters). There is also a default_fov cvar; going to experiment with this now.
Got motion sick from Halo 2 on the premiere, too little sleep too much action.

@footsteps: let uns know about what the fov changes, k?