Are there any Armaments that aren't in HL2, that You think should be added?


Black Ghost

Yeah, like the title says, are there any weapons that aren't included in HL2 that you think should be added to the game. I think the Famas,
FN-P90, FN-F2000, and possibly a railgun. These are a couple of the weapons I would like to see in HL2. Oh has anyone seen the movie called "Eraser" with Arnorld Schwarzenegger anyway the crazy assassin like people had a grenade like weapon, and when it exploded it would launch nails everywhere in the surrounding area and if you were hit, well you get the picture. Now those are all the weapons I want to see added for HL2. Also for pictures of the FN-P90, FN-F2000, and Famas go to google oh and type in their names like I have them or you'll get mixed results. So what weapons do you think should be added to the HL2 roster of weapons. Also I would like to see the H&K MSG90
Sniper Rifle.
Gotta have a nailgun so we can nail the zombies to the floor and play with em :)
I would like to see the FA-MAS too, but also an AK-47 or M3A1... but no stupid Sci-Fi weapons.
Well as long as they give us some serious hardware such as drivable tanks and whatnot then im happy. Do we know the final list of weapons yet?
yeah a nail grenade was in Eraser, thats what I was talking about.
or at least someone should have d-eagle, like Alyx,
so when she really gets pissed off....

Edit: note to self, learn to spell.
the newest raging bull taurus that has 5 bullets to replace the other 6 shot magnum from Hl1.... and lets not try to make this into another CS think of original guns not in ALL games.
Originally posted by mrBadger
... but no stupid Sci-Fi weapons.

Well we already have the pheremone spores and the grav gun and if HL1 is anything to go by we'll have quite a few more, personally I don't mind the fictional weapons.

halflife 2 needs sci-fi weapons, but nothing retarted.
Most weapons in this thread are original, take for example the Famas and FN-P90 they were only seen in the MGS2: demo(Famas, Gameshark)
and Solidus Snake wields the FN-P90 in MGS2 but its not useable. Also FN-F2000 has only been a few games and upcoming ones.
Originally posted by subs
the newest raging bull taurus that has 5 bullets to replace the other 6 shot magnum from Hl1.... and lets not try to make this into another CS think of original guns not in ALL games.

CS weapons is Softairguns, spray a mag in someones chest, and they are still standing...

R6 3 > CS

The Gauss gun is like a railgun...
and dual things is always cool, like dual pistols
I've never seen the Guass Gun in HL1, because I couldn't even get half way through the game
I hope thes mines with the lightbeam have comeback. i like to put these things out and see some fool run in them. Always fun to do.

oh, and as a personal favorite since unreal 2, a flamethrower.
fn p90 and famas are both in CS, thank you.
I want a grenade, that opens up and it has multiple mini holes in it, and in those holes beams of light come out so if the light beams touch you, you go boom!!!
I would like to see the FA-MAS too, but also an AK-47 or M3A1... but no stupid Sci-Fi weapons.
No sci-fi weapons? Its a sci-fi game... the gravity gun and manipulator are sci-fi weapons. The whole game is sci-fi. Although I think the type weapons should avoid becoming ridiculous [e.g. THE BFG, Plasma Gun]
A rail gun already exists, although not hand held, it would be a very feesable sci-fi weapon.
hey subs I've never played Counter-Strike. So I wouldn't know, but its good to know something new
stop going for the bland unoriginal cs weapons, OH OH DESERT EAGLE! AK47! !!! please......
A rail-gun is not a sci-fi weapon you tards its a real weapon, we tried devloping them before (and suceeded to an extent) but they are too bulky to actually be wielded by a person comparative to their firepower so you don't really see much of them, you can look up some rail-gun test fires online, most of the more powerful ones I've seen have been about half the size of a firetruck. The rail-gun on quake 3 is fake cause railguns are almost completely silent and nor do the projectiles glow.
edit- heres some test fire videos/base instructions on how they are created,

here for gauss guns

edit- image
Since none of us has played the game, we don't really know what would fit/be balanced.

I'm sure Valve will do an excellent job with HL2 weapons and modders will add other weapons to their own mods as suitable. In other words (answering topic title) : No.
I believe that some of the Navy's plans for the future involve rail guns to replace their current cannon. Just a cool little FYI.
Originally posted by Aethaecyn
A rail-gun is not a sci-fi weapon you tards its a real weapon, we tried devloping them before (and suceeded to an extent) but they are too bulky to actually be wielded by a person comparative to their firepower so you don't really see much of them, you can look up some rail-gun test fires online, most of the more powerful ones I've seen have been about half the size of a firetruck. The rail-gun on quake 3 is fake cause railguns are almost completely silent and nor do the projectiles glow.
edit- heres some test fire videos/base instructions on how they are created,

here for gauss guns

Looks like this guy has:

To much money and free time... :dork:
if you want emphasis on real life weapons go play condition zero or some other cs mod. This game is not a realistic gun simulator but an action game with a couple real life weapons + a couple fictional ones. Turning half life2 single player into cs will probably be the worst thing to do.

Personally i enjoy strange weapons that do cool things, fictional or otherwise.

snarks, tau cannon, laser guided rocket launcher, egon gun, hornet gun, barnacle, shock roach gun, spore gun, all these were to my recollection very strange but very useful guns that had very interesting uses.

I only hope that in this version of halflife they don't make it where you are constantly lugging around severed alien arms in your inventory, i always found that too damn weird
I want a gun that can amplify sound and reputure your enemies brain and make their head explode, or you can use it on the enviroment to like drop pieces ceiling onto enemies or make what they're standing on crack and they fall to their death or a floor below yours. Man, I come up with some innovative ideas.
Black ghost has got a great idea here :)
i personnaly would like a colt whatdoyoucallit revolver
a very heavy revolver that causes the enemy to fly backwards,fall down on impact. Like a shot in the leg and the leg shoots backwards and the body hits the floor frontal

Another great idea would be!
a flying\walking remote cotnrol mini cam so you can see the enviroment
Which would be hard cause the weappon model should be realtime
Maybe a option for a tank?
Yep, you can come up with ideas that you've seen in movies / TV shows, you sure are imaginative! Have fun implementing that stuff into a game. Oh, and those guns make absolutely no sense in HL2, you're just naming stuff that you wish you could use in real life, but since you can't, they might as well throw them into any and all games.
I'd love a boomstick, actually. Just for the Evil Dead quotes ;)
I'd want an Sig-552 Commando, a SW99, FN 249(SAW) and a MSG90-A1 seeing as there is no confirmed Sniper Rifle yet.
I want this big bastard energy gun that, in primary fire, ruptures people internally and sends them crumpling to the floor.
In secondary fire it'd create a bubble in which time stood stock still for a certain amount of time. If you've ever played one of the Unreal games (or Splinter Cell), think the playersonly command. But also quite like one of Delphi's spells from Giants. Whilst time's still in this bubble you're free to roam around loosing off pistols in front of your enemies, moving calmly out of their lines of fire, or beating them to a pulp. As soon as real-time kicked back in, the effects of your actions would make themselves hugely apparent. Bodies suddenly dying, etc. Also, whilst you were in the bubble, if anyone shot you they wouldn't hit you as the bullet would pause its course as soon as it entered the bubble.

Playersonly was just about the most fun cheat that has ever been ever. I've been hoping for something like this for a while... Does it show?
Yes im with tredoslop. Sig 552, M249, H&K G36C. They have something similar to the FN herstal F2000. Its the H&K M29. An M203 wouldnt hurt, but its seen too much else where.
I would like a Barret 82 A5 .50cal (sniper, i don't remember the excact name.Tredoslop, help me here) A stationary GMG to rein havoc(sp?) here it is. A SL9SD sniper rifle. A Pancor Jackhammer. And a couple of sci-fi weapons, just need to figure'em out first..........I would also like a H&K Saluting Gun M635 just for the heck of it
Originally posted by Tull91
I would like a Barret 82 A5 .50cal (sniper, i don't remember the excact name.Tredoslop, help me here) A stationary GMG to rein havoc(sp?) here it is. A SL9SD sniper rifle. A Pancor Jackhammer. And a couple of sci-fi weapons, just need to figure'em out first..........I would also like a H&K Saluting Gun M635 just for the heck of it
Barret M82?
Would this be it:***/sniper/sn02-e.htm :cheers:
Yeah, that's it! Thanks. I had completely forgot the name...Are you really 12 years old?
Why have 5 different assault rifles that all basically do the same thing? o_O

I want a damn shrink ray, like Duke Nukem used to have. Best. FPS gun. ever.
I don't mind sci-fi weapons as long as there is not too much of them and they do something cool/original. For example the Strider-style space deforming weapon would be great as it would skew your perspective everytime you fire it - and make you recoil 20 feet :)

Also I want a briefcase nuke. :cheese:
Originally posted by DOOManiac
Why have 5 different assault rifles that all basically do the same thing? o_O

I want a damn shrink ray, like Duke Nukem used to have. Best. FPS gun. ever.
their is a shrink ray in a mod for original half-life so its going to be possible for hl2 I'm assuming, it was some mod that had 50 some-odd guns kinda reminscent of rocket crowbar, i believe it was called weapons factory, (not the lame wannabe tfc one) but it allowed you to shrink things (people npcs) and step on them, was fun.